Ceroputo pilosellae Šulc

Han, Sarah I., 2011, A study of the scale insect genera Puto Signoret (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Putoidae) and Ceroputo Šulc (Pseudococcidae) with a comparison to Phenacoccus Cockerell (Pseudococcidae), Zootaxa 2802, pp. 1-22 : 16-17

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Ceroputo pilosellae Šulc


Ceroputo pilosellae Šulc View in CoL

Ceroputo pilosellae Šulc, 1898: 2 View in CoL .

Ceroputo elvirae castneri Schumacher, 1917: 429 View in CoL . Nomen nudum; discovered by Lindinger, 1935: 131. Phenacoccus tomlini Green, 1930: 320 View in CoL . Synonymy by Marotta and Tranfaglia, 1993: 188. Phenacoccus asteri Takahashi, 1932: 43 View in CoL . Syn. nov.

Erium tomlini View in CoL ; Lindinger, 1935: 122. Change of combination.

Phenacoccus ferrisi Kiritshenko, 1936: 140 View in CoL . Synonymy by Danzig, 1999: 89. Phenacoccus euphorbiaefolius Bodenheimer, 1943: 17 View in CoL . Synonymy by Ben-Dov and Kaydan, 2008: 285. Phenacoccus poterii Bodenheimer, 1943: 32 View in CoL . Synonymy by Ben-Dov and Kaydan, 2008: 285. Ceroputo ferrisi ; Borchsenius, 1949: 287. Change of combination.

Ceroputo pannosus Borchsenius, 1949: 288 View in CoL . Synonymy by Tereznikova, 1975b: 32. Ceroputo clematidis Matesova, 1957: 165 . Synonymy by Danzig, 1999: 89. Leococcus erigeroneus Kanda, 1959: 240 . Synonymy by Tang, 1992: 388, 391. Puto pilosellae View in CoL ; Tereznikova, 1975a: 243. Change of combination.

Puto erigeroneus View in CoL ; Kawai, 1980: 96. Change of combination.

Puto clematidis View in CoL ; Kozár and Walter, 1985: 72. Change of combination.

Puto euphorbiaefolius View in CoL ; Kozár and Walter, 1985: 72. Change of combination. Puto ferrisi View in CoL ; Kozár and Walter, 1985: 72. Change of combination.

Puto poterii View in CoL ; Kozár and Walter, 1985: 72. Change of combination.

Puto asteri View in CoL ; Tang, 1992: 405. Change of combination.

Phenacoccus asteri View in CoL ; Ben-Dov, 1994: 309. Revived combination.

Puto jarudensis Tang, 1992: 600 View in CoL . Syn. nov.

We examined 13 adult females identified as C. pilosellae View in CoL that were collected in “ Czechoslovakia,” France, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. We also have examined a slide with an adult female intercepted at New York from England on Gentiana andrewsii View in CoL collected May 12, 1936, by Lennox but, because this species has never been collected in the UK, the locality data are suspect. In this species, the eyes are about the same height as the length of first antennal segment. We have examined specimens with 8- and 9-segmented antennae. The intersegmental sensilla are variable and often obscure and difficult to see. It appears that they are variably present between segments III– IV, IV–V and VI–VII. One specimen appears to have sensilla between the above mentioned segments as well as V– VI and VIII–IX. The legs are shorter than those in Puto View in CoL and possess fewer setae; campaniform sensilla on the trochanters always number two on each surface; the claws are thick and short and lack basal spurs, and the digitules are clubbed. Tubular ducts are present on the frons. Trilocular pores on the venter are smaller than those on the dorsum, and pores in the cerarii are only slightly larger than those on the rest of the dorsum.

First-instar nymphs collected in Hungary (Budapest, Sashegy, 18.x.1996, in caricetum habitat by B. Kiss) and examined by Ferenc Kozár, and embryos collected in Turkey (Hakkari-Beyköy, on Euphorbia sequeriana (Euphorbiaceae) , 1832 m) and examined by M. Bora Kaydan, all possess 6 antennal segments. We agree with Hardy et al. (2008) that this species should be retained in the genus Ceroputo in the family Pseudococcidae View in CoL . This species has a wide distribution in the Palaearctic Region ( Ben-Dov & Kaydan, 2008).

Kanda (1959) described Leococcus erigeroneus , collected from Erigeron canadensis (Asteraceae) View in CoL in Japan, as the type species of his genus Leococcus . Kawai (1980) transferred the species to Puto View in CoL , thus treating Leococcus as a junior synonym of Puto View in CoL . Danzig (1980) suggested that L. erigeroneus was probably a synonym of P. pilosellae View in CoL but did not formally list it as such. Tang (1992) appears to have been the first to formally cite L. erigeroneus as a junior synonym of C. pilosellae View in CoL . We have studied the description and illustration given by Kanda (1959) and we conclude that the species is identical to C. pilosellae View in CoL .

Takahashi (1932) described Phenacoccus asteri View in CoL for specimens collected on Aster lauruleanus (Asteraceae) in Taiwan. It was transferred to Puto View in CoL by Tang (1992), but the original combination was revived by Ben-Dov (1994).

We have examined the original illustration and description of this species and regard the species name to be identical to C. pilosellae View in CoL , with which we here synonymise it.

We have not studied specimens of Puto jarudensis Tang View in CoL described from China on Kalimeris integrifolia (Asteraceae) View in CoL . The description and illustration given by Tang (1992), however, leaves little doubt that the species is identical to C. pilosellae View in CoL . Tang (1992) points out that P. jarudensis View in CoL has two sizes of tubular ducts, with larger ones mainly in the ventral median areas of the head and thorax, and smaller ones on the ventral abdomen. Although existing descriptions of C. pilosellae View in CoL ( Danzig, 1980; Kosztarab & Kozár, 1988; Marotta & Tranfaglia, 1993) do not provide details of the size of the ventral ducts, the specimens of C. pilosellae View in CoL from Europe that we have examined have larger tubular ducts on the head and thorax than those on the abdomen, in agreement with Tang’s description of P. jarudensis View in CoL .
















Ceroputo pilosellae Šulc

Han, Sarah I. 2011

Phenacoccus ferrisi

Ben-Dov 2008: 285
Ben-Dov 2008: 285
Danzig 1999: 89
Borchsenius 1949: 287
Bodenheimer 1943: 17
Bodenheimer 1943: 32

Phenacoccus asteri

Ben-Dov 1994: 309

Puto asteri

Tang 1992: 405

Puto jarudensis

Tang 1992: 600

Puto clematidis

Kozar 1985: 72

Puto euphorbiaefolius

Kozar 1985: 72
Kozar 1985: 72

Puto poterii

Kozar 1985: 72

Puto erigeroneus

Kawai 1980: 96

Ceroputo pannosus

Danzig 1999: 89
Tang 1992: 388
Tereznikova 1975: 32
Tereznikova 1975: 243
Kanda 1959: 240
Matesova 1957: 165
Borchsenius 1949: 288

Erium tomlini

Lindinger 1935: 122

Ceroputo elvirae castneri

Marotta 1993: 188
Lindinger 1935: 131
Takahashi 1932: 43
Green 1930: 320
Schumacher 1917: 429

Ceroputo pilosellae Šulc, 1898 : 2

Sulc 1898: 2
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