Gymnocodium? bacillum, Vachard, Krainer & Lucas, 2015

Vachard, D, Krainer, K & Lucas, SG, 2015, Late Early Permian (late Leonardian; Kungurian) algae, microproblematica, and smaller foraminifers from the Yeso Group and San Andres Formation (New Mexico; USA), Palaeontologia Electronica (English ed.) 3 (8), pp. 1-77 : 18-20

publication ID 10.26879/433

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scientific name

Gymnocodium? bacillum

sp. nov.

Gymnocodium? bacillum n. sp.

Figures 10.11 View FIGURE 10. 1-3 , 14.5, 14.8, 14.9 View FIGURE 14. 1-4, 10 , 19.3, 19.7, 19.8, 19.10-19.16 View FIGURE 19. 1-2, 4-6, 9 , 20.16 View FIGURE 20. 1-4 D6410A47-1864-4B04-BD65-1367AFF88A0F

v. 1997 Gymnocodium bellerophontis (Rothpletz) ; Vachard et al., figs. 12.2-9.

v. 2013b Gymnocodium sp. 2 ; Vachard, Krainer and Lucas, p. 348 (no illustration).

v. 2013 b Dasycladacean algae; Lucas, Krainer and Voigt, fig. 8D.

Etymology. Latin bacillus, small stick.

Holotype. NMMNH P-67513; Figure 10.11 View FIGURE 10. 1-3 ; sample SAR 8 About SAR a-4.

Material. 42 sections.

Locus Typicus. NMMNH locality 8894; San Andres Formation, reference section near Rhodes Canyon in the San Andres Mountains (New Mexico).

Stratum Typicum. Late? Kungurian (latest Leonardian).

Diagnosis. A Gymnocodium ? characterised by small, stick-shaped segments, relatively well-preserved medullar zone, and moderately wide deltoid terminations.

Description. The thallus is small (L = 1.75-3.00 mm, w = 0.50-0.90 mm), segmented, and our material is composed of individualized stick-shaped segments. They are tapering to subcylindrical. Numerous tangled, thin medullar tubes are often preserved. Oblique cortical simple siphons with terminal deltoids (= utricles) (p = 0.01-0.02 mm). Conceptacles not observed.

Remarks. In our material, some specimens of this species are relatively similar to Gymnocodium ? johnsonii n. sp. (e.g., compare the Figures 19.7 and 19.9 View FIGURE 19. 1-2, 4-6, 9 ), but differ by their smaller deltoids, other are relatively similar to true Gymnocodium ( Figure 19.8-19.11 View FIGURE 19. 1-2, 4-6, 9 ) but more tapering. On the other hand, G.? bacillum n. sp. differs from a true Gymnocodium like G. bellerophontis by its smaller dimensions and well-preserved medullar zones, and from Siamporidium minum (sic; probably minimum) Endo, 1969 by a less lanceolate test, well preserved medullar zone, and less ramified cortical siphons.

Occurrence. Artinskian/Kungurian of Guatemala. Kungurian of New Mexico (Yeso Group, Los Vallos Formation, Torres Member: samples MG 10-11, MG(2) 12-2; San Andres Formation: samples SAR 2-5, SAR 7-8, SAR 8-8, SAR(2) 8-9, SAR 8-14, SAR(2) 8-20, SAR 8a-3, SAR 8a-4, SAR 8a-15, SAR 8a-16, SAR 8a-23, SAR 8a-26, SAR 13-6).

Undetermined Chlorophyta

Figures 10.7, 10.8 View FIGURE 10. 1-3 , 11.5 View FIGURE 11. 1-4, 6-7 , 13.2, 13.9 View FIGURE 13. 1, 4-5, 8, 10 , 16.3-16.5 View FIGURE 16. 1-2, 6, 8 , 17.1-17.4, 17.7 View FIGURE 17. 1-4, 7 , 20.18 View FIGURE 20. 1-4

v. 2013 b Undetermined mastoporean? dasyclads; Vachard, Krainer and Lucas, p. 348 (no illustration).

Description. The fragments measure: L = 0.50- 1.43 mm; w = (0.09)- 0.17-0.38 mm; they display the classical aspect of large, spherical, broken epimastoporacean thalli. The shapes of the laterals are variable in sections ( Figure 16.3-16.4 View FIGURE 16. 1-2, 6, 8 ). The siphons or laterals are ovoid and measure 0.03- 0.04 mm in diameter and up to 0.20 mm long. The L2 are cup-shaped (proximal diameter = 0.03-0.04 mm; distal diameter = 0.05-0.10 mm).

Material. 37 specimens; illustrated are NMMNH P 67514 , 67515 About NMMNH , 67516 About NMMNH .

Remarks. Some sections are relatively similar to those of Wagonella Mamet and Préat, 1992 from the Middle Devonian of Belgium (compare Figure 13.9 View FIGURE 13. 1, 4-5, 8, 10 with the holotype of Wagonella). They differ from Wagonella by the shape of the laterals (cylindrical and not acrophore); and on the other hand, that might correspond to a peculiar and extreme taphonomic transformation of Boueina ? crassiundia ( Figures 10.8 View FIGURE 10. 1-3 , 11.5 View FIGURE 11. 1-4, 6-7 , 16.4 View FIGURE 16. 1-2, 6, 8 ).

Occurrence. Early? and middle? Kungurian of New Mexico (Yeso Group, Los Vallos Formation, Torres Member: samples MG(2) 10-11a, MG 10- 19, MG 10-27, MG(2) 12-1, MG 12-2, MG 12-3, MG 12-3a; San Andres Formation, McLeod Hills (lower part): samples MLY 5-2, MLY 5-2a, MLY(2) 5-18, MLY(2) 5a-6a, MLY(2) 6-9, MLY(2) 6-9a, MLY(2) 6-10, MLY 6-20, MLY(2) 6-24, MLY(2) 6- 26).


New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science

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