Dziriblatta (Sculptoblatta) nigriventris Chopard, 1936b, 2019

Bohn, Horst, 2019, Revision of the genus Dziriblatta Chopard, 1936 (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Ectobiinae) from North Africa, Spain, and the Macaronesian islands. I. The nine subgenera of the genus, Zootaxa 4610 (1), pp. 1-73 : 21-22

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Dziriblatta (Sculptoblatta) nigriventris Chopard, 1936b

comb. nov.

Dziriblatta (Sculptoblatta) nigriventris Chopard, 1936b View in CoL , comb. nov.

Figs. 9 View Fig A–P, 10A–J, 29.

Dziriblatta nigriventris Chopard, 1936b: 156 View in CoL .

Lobolampra nigriventris: Chopard 1943: 33 .

Phyllodromica (Lobolampra) nigriventris: Morales Agacino 1948: 345 View in CoL ; Princis 1971: 1115.

Diagnosis. In the male sex distinguished from Sculptoblatta prisca and other species by the different structure of T7; female distinguishable from S. prisca by the shape of the dorsal basivalvular sclerites, but hardly distinguishable from other species of the subgenus.

Material studied.

Type material. Morocco . Type, 1♀, Tizi n’bou Zabel, 2300 m, 13.VI.1928, Mission F. Le Cerf (completely on two slides: Bo 233) (Ma 180). ( MNHN) .

Additional material. Morocco. Moyen Atlas , Jbel bou Iblane, NW above Timezraï (Tighza—Tamjilt), 1800 m, leg. B. & H.Bohn : 13♂, 20♀, 20.V.1989 (slides: 1♂, Ma 79/1; 1♀, Ma 79/6) ; 5♂, 19♀, 1♀ ex L, 20.IV.1998 (slide: 1♂, Ma 79a/1) ; 13♂, 10♀, Moyen Atlas , Jbel bou Iblane, W above Tamjilt, 2000 m, 20.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Ma 80a/1–3; ♀, Ma 80a/4,5) ; 4♂, 15♀, 1O, Moyen Atlas , Jbel bou Iblane , Tizi-bou-Zabel, 2200–2300, 26.V.1997, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Ma 180/1,2,5,16; ♀, Ma 180/3,4,6,7) ; 1♂, 11♀, Moyen Atlas , Jbel bou Iblane, ski lift station at NW slope, 2000–2100 m, 27.V.1997, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: 1♂, Ma 181/1; 1♀, Ma 181/2) ; 4♂, 6♀, Moyen Atlas , Jbel bou Iblane, NE slope of Mousa ou Salah , Tizi-el-Alam, 2100 m, 27.V.1997 (slides: ♂, Ma 183/1; ♀, Ma 183/2) ; 7♂, 10♀, 3L, Moyen Atlas , S slope of Jbel Tazzeka (SW Taza), 1600–1800 m, 28.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 185/1–3) ; 15♂, 4♀, Moyen Atlas, W slope of Jbel Tsiouant , (4 km SW Almis-des-Marmoucha), 1650 m, 19.IV.1998, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Ma 245/1–3) ; 5♂, Moyen Atlas , Jbel Gaberaal , near Tirnest (NW Outat-Oulad-El-Haj), 1800—2000 m, 30.III.2000, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Ma 288/1–3,5,6) . (C. Bohn, ZSM).

Description. Size. Length of pronotum in male 1.73–2.14 (1.98 mean) mm, in female 1.76–2.24 (mean 2.08) mm.

Male structures. For the description of T7 and its gland see under characters of the subgenus ( Figs. 9D View Fig , 10 View Fig A– C). Glandular pores present on T2–10, sparse on T2,3, numerous and dense on the remaining tergites ( Figs. 10A, B, E View Fig ).

Female structures. For the description of the genital sclerites see under characters of the subgenus ( Figs. 9O, P View Fig ).

Colouration. Similar in both sexes; ground colour yellowish, thoracal nota with variously sized and shaped dark spots, often fused to larger elongated markings, on the pronotum to a kind of a lyrate pattern, on meso- and metanotum to irregularly shaped longitudinal stripes; abdomen relatively dark, tergites anteriorly of the transversal ridge usually completely dark, dark area extending at up to seven positions into the posterior field as more or less broadly triangular patches, remaining surface with similar spots as on the thoracal nota; sternites mostly dark, with yellowish lateral margins ( Figs. 9 View Fig A–I, L–N).

Distribution. Northern end of the Middle Atlas mountain chain: Jbel Bou Iblane and surroundings (Fig. 29).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
















Dziriblatta (Sculptoblatta) nigriventris Chopard, 1936b

Bohn, Horst 2019

Phyllodromica (Lobolampra) nigriventris: Morales Agacino 1948: 345

Princis, K. 1971: 1115
Morales Agacino, E. 1948: 345

Lobolampra nigriventris:

Chopard, L. 1943: 33

Dziriblatta nigriventris

Chopard, L. 1936: 156
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