Escaphiella viquezi, Platnick & Dupérré, 2009

Platnick, Norman I. & Dupérré, Nadine, 2009, The American Goblin Spiders Of The New Genus Escaphiella (Araneae, Oonopidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 (328), pp. 1-151 : 70-79

publication ID 10.1206/679.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Escaphiella viquezi

sp. nov.

Escaphiella viquezi View in CoL , new species Figures 407–424 View Figs View Figs ; map 7

TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype taken at an elevation of 350 m in riparian forest at the approach to the bridge over the Río Bopal , Finca Alvares, Mun. San Dionicio, 12 ° 74250N, 85 ° 829160W, Matagalpa, Nicaragua (Dec. 1, 2007; C. Víquez, J. Mata), deposited in AMNH (PBI_OON 29904) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Sr. Carlos Víquez, one of the collectors of the types, in recognition of his many contributions to our PBI project.

DIAGNOSIS: This species seems closest to E. schmidti , sharing with it a distinct pair of median tubercles at the posterior margin of the pars cephalica (figs. 411, 417, 422, 423). Both sexes of E. viquezi can be distinguished by the narrower abdomen (figs. 407, 418), males by the distally directed embolar tip (figs. 412–415), and females by the more rounded epigynal atrium with a smaller anterior sclerite (fig. 420).

MALE (PBI_OON 29903): Total length 1.31 (fig. 407, 411). Carapace pale orange, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica granulate, sides granulate, median tubercles present at posterior margin of pars cephalica (fig. 417); lateral margins with blunt denticles (fig. 408). Eyes: ALE circular, PME squared; ALE touching, ALE-PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME touching (fig. 410). Sternum pale orange, without radial furrows between coxae I–II, II–III, III–IV, surface smooth, microsculpture absent (fig. 416). Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. Abdomen ovoid; book lung covers large, ovoid; pedicel tube medium, ribbed, scutopedicel region with paired curved scutal ridges, scutum not extending far dorsal of pedicel; dorsal scutum pale orange, covering full length of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above, middle surface reticulate, sides reticulate; postepigastric scutum pale orange, anterior half of sides reticulate (fig. 409). Legs pale orange. Right and left palps symmetrical, proximal segments pale orange; embolus dark, on wide, low base (figs. 412–415); femur normal size; cymbium and bulb pale orange.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 29904): Total length 1.37 (figs. 419, 421–424). Abdomen with soft portions of dorsum white (fig. 418). Epigynum wide, with narrow anterior sclerite (fig. 420).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: HONDURAS: Lempira: Gracias, road to Santa Rosa de Copán, 14 ° 6635330N, 88 ° 598290W, Sept. 29, 2008, side of road, under rocks, elev. 642 m (C. Víquez, M. Branstette, AMNH PBI_OON 262), 18. NICARAGUA: Matagalpa: approach to bridge over Río Bopal, Finca Alvares, Mun. San Dionicio, 12 ° 74250N, 85 ° 829160W, Dec. 1, 2007, Winkler trap, riparian forest, elev. 350 m (C. Víquez, J. Mata, AMNH PBI_OON 29903), 18.

DISTRIBUTION: Known from both Honduras and the type locality in Nicaragua (map 7); at the latter locality, the species is apparently sympatric with its closest relative, E. schmidti .

Escaphiella schmidti (Reimoser) , new combination Figures 425–448 View Figs View Figs View Figs ; map 8

Scaphiella schmidti Reimoser, 1939: 380 , figs. 15A, B (three male and three female syntypes from La Caja, near San Jose´, San Jose´, Costa Rica, in NMW; examined). – Chickering, 1968: 146, figs. 22–26.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of E. iguala but (like those of E. viquezi ) have a distinct pair of median tubercles at the posterior margin of the pars cephalica (figs. 428, 429), a larger embolar base, and a distally transverse embolus (figs. 433–436); females also have the carapace tubercle, and a larger, rebordered, oval anterior epigynal sclerite (fig. 448). Most specimens show distinct, striped pigmentation under the abdominal scuta. No palpal asymmetries have been noted, but few male specimens have been available.

MALE (PBI_OON 3013): Total length 1.60 (figs. 425, 426, 432). Carapace pale orange, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate, median tubercule present at posterior margin of pars cephalica; lateral margins with blunt denticles (figs. 428, 429). Eyes: ALE circular, PME squared; ALE touching, ALE-PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME touching (fig. 427). Sternum pale orange, without radial furrows between coxae I–II, II–III, III–IV, surface smooth, microsculpture absent (fig. 438). Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. Abdomen ovoid; dorsum soft portions with faint striped pigmentation under scuta; book lung covers large, ovoid; pedicel tube medium, ribbed (fig. 430), scutopedicel region unmodified, scutum extending far dorsal of pedicel (figs. 431, 437); dorsal scutum pale orange, covering full length of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above, middle surface smooth, sides smooth; postepigastric scutum pale orange, sides smooth. PMS present (compound microscope). Legs pale orange. Right and left palps symmetrical, proximal segments pale orange; embolus dark, on large base (figs. 433–436); femur normal size; cymbium and bulb pale orange.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 26834): Total length 1.80 (figs. 440–447). Abdomen with soft portions of dorsum white, with faint striped pigmentation (fig. 439). Anterior epigynal sclerite large, oval, rebordered (fig. 448).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Río Grande, May 1981, elev. ca. 800 m (W. Eberhard, MCZ 66964 About MCZ , PBI_OON 26837), 2♀. Guanacaste: Cañas , Aug. 15, 1983, hotel grounds, riverine forest, leaf litter, elev. 90 m (J., F. Murphy, AMNH PBI_OON 31045–31047), 128, 14♀ ; Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Apr. 5–9, 1983, leaf litter, deciduous forest, elev. 250 m (D. Ubick, CDU PBI_OON 3013, 3027), 18, 1♀. San Jose´: La Caja, near San Jose´, Oct. 15, 1938 (E. Schmidt, NMW PBI_OON 26870, 26871), 38, 3♀ (syntypes) ; San José (E. Schmidt, AMNH PBI_OON 26834–26836), 28, 2♀. NICARAGUA: Matagalpa: Finca Alvares, approach to bridge over Río Bopal , Mun. San Dionicio, 12 ° 74250N, 85 ° 829160W, Winkler trap, riparian forest, elev. 350 m (Dec. 1, 2007; C. Víquez, J. Mata, AMNH PBI_OON 29902), 18 .

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Nicaragua and Costa Rica (map 8).

Escaphiella gertschi (Chickering) , new combination Figures 449–481 View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs ; map 8

Scaphiella gertschi Chickering, 1951: 235 , figs. 24– 27 (male holotype from the Canal Zone Biological Area, Canal Zone, Panama, in MCZ; examined). – Chickering, 1968: 144, figs. 10–14.

DIAGNOSIS: This species seems closest to E. iguala . Males can be distinguished by the shorter embolar base, the shorter, thicker embolus (figs. 465–468), and the uniform, extreme underdevelopment of the right palp (figs. 469–471); females have a longer, divid- ed anterior epigynal sclerite (fig. 476).

MALE (PBI_OON 26828): Total length 1.30 (figs. 449, 457, 458, 461). Carapace pale orange, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides smooth, granulation present only near margin; lateral margins with blunt denticles (figs. 450, 459, 462). Eyes: ALE circular, PME squared; ALE touching, ALE-PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME touching (fig. 460). Sternum pale orange, without radial furrows between coxae I–II, II–III, III–IV, surface smooth, microsculpture absent (fig. 472). Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. Abdomen ovoid (fig. 451); book lung covers large, ovoid; pedicel tube medium, ribbed, scutopedicel region unmodified, scutum extending far dorsal of pedicel (figs. 463, 473); dorsal scutum pale orange, covering more than 3/4 of abdomen, more than 1/2 to most of abdomen width, middle surface smooth, sides smooth; postepigastric scutum pale orange, sides smooth (fig. 464). PMS present, with one spigot (light microscope). Legs pale orange. Right palp consistently different from left palp, cymbium scarcely enlarged (figs. 454, 469–471), left cymbium greatly enlarged, with short embolus (figs. 455, 465–468); proximal segments pale orange; embolus dark; femur normal size; cymbium and bulb pale orange; reduced right palp retains stridulatory file on prolateral surface, three dorsal trichobothria on tibia.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 26828): Total length 1.37 (figs. 452, 475, 479). Abdomen with soft portions of dorsum white (figs. 474, 477, 478, 480, 481). Epigynum with divided anterior epigynal sclerite (figs. 453, 456, 476).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: JAMAICA: Clarendon: Salt River, Nov. 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71943 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27602), 38, 5♀. Kingston: Buccaneer Beach , Dec. 5, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71941 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27595), 28, 1♀ ; Gunboat Beach , Nov. 19, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71940 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27608), 18, 1♀ ; Kingston, July 21, 1958 (M. Sanderson, MCZ 71942 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27599), 18. Saint Andrew: Fairway Avenue , Nov. 20, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71971 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27600), 48, 6♀ ; Fairway and Seymour Avenues , Nov. 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 27593), 58, 10♀ ; Hope Gardens , Nov. 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71944 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27603), 18, 4♀ ; Mona Heights , Dec. 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71937 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27601), 58, 8♀ ; Mona Road , Oct. 26, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71946 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27604), 18, Nov. 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71938 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27598), 1♀ ; Monroe Road, Liguanea , Oct. 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71947 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27606), 28 ; Old Hope Road, Liguanea , Dec. 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71912 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27607), 28, 5♀ ; Richards Reservoir Aqueduct , Nov. 30, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71936 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27597), 28, 3♀ ; Trafalgar Road, Nov. 19, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71945 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27596), 28. Saint Catherine: 1.5 mi SW Spanish Town (A. Chickering, MCZ 71939 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27605), 1♀. PANAMA: Canal Zone: Balboa, May 14–27, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66848 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27573), 88, 15♀, May 28–31, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71930 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27570), 318, 54♀ ; Barro Colorado Island, July 24, 1933, sifting grass (J. Hood, AMNH PBI_OON 27594), 38, July–Aug. 1950 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 27591), 288, 46♀, July , 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71932 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27580), 88, 16♀, Aug. 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71934 About MCZ , PBI_OON 26828), 238, 17♀, Dec. 21, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71929 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27579), 2♀, Feb. 1958 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71933 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27583), 38, 7♀, July 19, 1958, litter in clearing (A. Blest, BMNH PBI_OON 264), 38, 7♀, May 7–20, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71931 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27584), 18, 38 ; Canal Zone Biological Area , July 1939 (A. Chickering, MCZ 21457 About MCZ , PBI_OON 29555), 18 (holotype) ; Corozal , July 10, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71920 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27574), 28, 4♀, Dec. 23, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71914 About MCZ , 71927 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27586, 27588), 3♀, May 25–26, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71925 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27572), 168, 16♀ ; Diablo , Dec. 19, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71924 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27582), 1♀ ; Forest Preserve , July 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71917 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27581), 18 ; Gamboa , July 24, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71919 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27587), 58, 6♀, Mar. 7, 1958 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71923 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27578), 2♀ ; Mount Hope, July 8 (N. Banks, MCZ 66657 About MCZ , PBI_OON 29446), 18 ; Pedro Miguel , Aug. 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71913 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27577), 228, 25♀ ; 4 mi N Pedro Miguel , Aug. 23–26, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71915 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27575), 228, 49♀ ; Summit , July–Aug. 1950 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71922 About MCZ , PBI_OON 1985, 27590), 408, 81♀, Aug. 17, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71916 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27571), 58, 5♀ ; Summit Gardens, July 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71921 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27589), 108, 12♀, Aug. 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71928 About MCZ , PBI_OON 26872), 108, 9♀, Dec. 20, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71918 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27576), 18, 2♀, May 12–13, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71914 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27585), 38, 5♀. Panama´: El Volcán, Aug. 9–14, 1950 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 27592), 18 ; Playa Corona, Aug. 8, 1983, litter (J., F. Murphy, AMNH PBI_OON 11157), 18. COLOMBIA: Bolívar: Boca Grande, Cartagena , Dec. 22, 1964, at night (P. Craig, CDU 2619 ), 1♀. Magdalena: Cabaña ‘‘Villa Culebra’’ near Bonda, ca. 10 km E Santa Marta, Aug. 1985, between cavity block tiles (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 15453), 1♀, Oct. 1985, pitfall (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 15779), 1♀ ; Ciénaga , Jan. 30, 1974, elev. 0 ft (J. Kochalka, AMNH PBI_OON 27609), 1♀ ; Punta Betín, Santa Marta , Jan.–Mar. 1986, pitfalls (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 27611), 58, 4♀ ; Tayrona-Park , Bahía de Gairaca , ca. 20 km E Santa Marta, June 19, 1985, leaf litter (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 27610), 1♀, July 26, 1985, from decaying wood, under bark (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 37520), 1♀, Nov. 6, 1985, leaf litter (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 15696), 1♀ ; Tayrona-Park, Bahía de Nenguange , ca. 25 km E Santa Marta, Sept. 30, 1985, leaf litter (H. Müller, MHNG PBI_OON 15690), 1♀. VENEZUELA: Sucre: 7 km S El Pilar, July 29, 1987, leaf and log litter, rainforest remnant, elev. 4 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI_OON 37496), 1♀. GALAPAGOS ISLANDS: Isla Santa Cruz: Bahía Tortuga , Apr. 28–May 5, 1991, littoral or supralittoral zone (S. Abbedrabbo, KBIN PBI_OON 16253), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Jamaica, and the Galapagos Islands (map 8; the latter record may of course represent an introduction).


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Escaphiella viquezi

Platnick, Norman I. & Dupérré, Nadine 2009

Scaphiella gertschi

Chickering, A. M. 1968: 144
Chickering, A. M. 1951: 235

Scaphiella schmidti

Chickering, A. M. 1968: 146
Reimoser, E. 1939: 380
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