Anisophyllea disticha (Jack) Baillon (1875: 311)

Chen, Xin, He, Hai & Zhang, Li-Bing, 2015, A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea, Phytotaxa 229 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.229.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Anisophyllea disticha (Jack) Baillon (1875: 311)


19. Anisophyllea disticha (Jack) Baillon (1875: 311) View in CoL ( Figure 36 View FIGURE 36 )

Basionym:— Haloragis disticha Jack (1822 : II-VII-19).

Type:— INDONESIA. Unspecified province in Sumatra (Kayo Kachil in protologue), no date, Jack s.n. [lectotype L!, designated by Wong & Madani (1995: 19), isolectotype FI] .

Heterotypic synonym:— Anisophyllea trapezoidalis Baillon (1862: 24) (“ Anisophyllum trapezoidale ”). Type:— SINGAPORE. Without locality, Feb. 1837, M. Gaudichaud 92 (lectotype P-05536163!, here designated, isolectotypes P-05536162!, P-05536164!, P-055361635!).

Shrubs or small trees to 7 m tall, 5 cm in diam.; bark smooth, inner bark dark brown, sapwood pale brown; branches slender, spreading horizontally, distal ends slightly drooping, generally arranged in distant whorls, densely pannose (with appressed or ascending hairs rusty, up to 0.25 mm long) and pilose (with rusty hairs up to 1.0 mm long); orthotropic branches only with stipule-like small leaves, plagiotropic branches with both small and large distichous leaves; buds densely hairy as branches. Leaves dimorphic, internodes between large ones 3–8 mm long, small ones inserted below large ones and overlapping their bases; small leaves persistent, falcate, sessile, 4–7 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, base acute, apex acuminate, margins pilose-ciliate, densely farinose on both surfaces, main veins 3, obscure; large leaves sub-sessile, petiole 0–1 mm long; leaf blade oblong-rhomboid, sub-falcate, 1.5–3.8 cm long, 0.5–1.5 cm wide, base strongly oblique, acute, apex acute, margins pilose-ciliate, chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, dark-green and glossy adaxially, pale-green abaxially, densely pannose and pilose when young and nearly glabrescent when mature; main longitudinal veins 4, springing from blade base or with one innermost lateral vein from midrib at ca. 0.5 cm above blade base, all reaching blade apex except one outermost lateral veins (which almost merged with blade margin and sometimes disappearing into distal blade margin), impressed (or lateral veins obscure) adaxially and distinctly raised abaxially; transverse veins sub-parallel, at angles of 55–80° with midrib; veinlets reticulate, scalariform or tessellated, obscure on both surfaces. Inflorescences a spike, raceme, or occasionally flowers solitary, bearing either bisexual or male flowers, or rarely with both; flowers polygamous, (3–)4(–5) merous; bisexual flowers solitary or 2–3 in short spikes less than 0.5 cm long, rarely on rachis also bearing

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Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 55 male flowers; rachis hairy as young branches, much shortly pilose with hairs to 0.6 mm long; bracts linear, 1.1–1.9 mm long, to 0.24 mm wide, margin pilose-ciliate, glabrous adaxially, sparsely pannose abaxially, each with one axillary flower; flower buds pannose outside; flowers subsessile; receptacle cylindric, ca. 1.3 mm long, same in diam., densely pannose outside as rachis; sepals involute-valvate, to 1.2 mm long, 1 mm wide, base broad, apex with tips papillate, rather sparsely pannose, sometimes with transparent protuberant glands; petals 1.30–1.76 mm long, base narrowed, laciniate from middle, laciniae 5(–6) upward-pointed as a hand with five fingers, or laciniae 3 (with two outermost ones reduced), margins sparsely hairy; stamens (6–)8(–10), equal in length, or episepalous (3–)4(–5) slightly longer and filaments broader and thicker than epipetalous ones, filaments ca. 1 mm long, anthers subglobose, ca. 0.25 mm long; nectary disk forms a bulge between adjacent stamens (interstaminal); styles (3–)4(–5), base connate, distally free, ca. 0.5 mm long, base pannose, stigmas large, sagittate, not papillate, ca. 0.25 mm thick; male flowers fascicled, or on racemes much shorter than leaves, rachis 1.0– 2.5 cm long; bracts and rachis hairy as inflorescences bearing bisexual flowers; flower buds to 0.8 mm in diam., pannose outside; flowers with pedicel longer than themselves, 1–2 mm long, sparsely pubescent with erect hairs ca. 0.25 mm long; sepals ovate, 1.0– 1.1 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide, a little connate at base, hairy as pedicel abaxially; petals1.0– 1.2 mm long, in same structure as bisexual flowers but much longer, laciniate from or above middle; stamens as bisexual flowers, all fertile; pistil rudimentary, stigmas punctiform. Fruit a hanging drupe, usually only one on each fruiting inflorescence, red when mature, narrowly elliptic, 1.2–1.5 cm long, 0.5–1 cm in diam., tapering to both ends, with persistent floral parts, brightly red when fresh, glabrous. Seed one, oblong, 8-ribbed.

Flowering and fruiting: —Flowering normally April–August; fruiting throughout the year.

Habitat and distribution: —In lowland forests to montane forests, commonly in mixed Dipterocarpus forests; sea lever to 1000 m. Brunei (Belait, Brunei-Muara) ; Indonesia (e.g., Bangka-Belitun, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Jambi, North Kalimantan, North Sumatra, Riau Islands, South Sumatra, West Java, West Kalimantan, West Sumatra) ; Malaysia (Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Trengganu); Singapore ( Figure 37 View FIGURE 37 ) .

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Vernacular names: — Sarawak: ambun anbun (Kedayan), kayu runap (Punan Tutoh), mertama (Iban).

Taxonomic notes: — Anisophyllea disticha is the most distinctive species in this genus widely distributed in Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and adjacent islands. It was documented extensively in literature (e.g., Jack 1822, 1834, Baillon 1875, 1877, 1880, Henslow 1878, King 1897, Ridley 1922, Ding Hou 1958, Corner 1988, Madani 1993, Wong & Madani 1995).

The synonym Anisophyllea trapezoidalis Baillon (1862: 24) was based on a specimen collected by Gaudichaud without collection number and exact date from somewhere in Singapore. We did not see the material. Baillon (1875) synonymized this name with A. disticha and this treatment was followed by other authors cited above. Ding Hou (1958) adopted a broader concept of A. disticha that included A. rhomboidea as its synonym. The difference between these two species in the size of large leaves, the length of fruiting inflorescence, and the number of fruits each infructescence (or fruiting short branch) was explicated by Madani (1993) and Wong & Madani (1995).

Additional specimens examined: — BRUNEI. Belait: Andulau F. R ., Compartment 2, 21 March 1988, Mohanmad Haslani WKM 203 ( K, L); compartment 7, near Sungai Liang , 04°35’N, 114°33’E, 50 m, 16 April 1990, M. J. E GoogleMaps . Coode 6791 ( L); Jalan Teraja-Redan, 12 August 1991, Niga Nangkat NN 267 ( L); Sungai Liang Arboretum Reserve , 02 November 1988, K. M . Wang 580 ( L). Muara : Berakas F. R ., ca. 10 m, 12 May 1957, P. S . Ashton S . 7845 ( L). INDONESIA. Bangka-Belitung: Kangka, 18 September 1886, A. H . Berkhand 1919 ( L); Lobok-besar , 20 m., 23 Agust 1949, Kostermans & Anta 5 ( L), 20m, 24 August 1949, Kostermans & Anta 57 ( L), 01 September 1949, Kostermans & Anta 241 ( L). Central Kalimantan: Headwaters of S . Kahayan, 5 km NE of Haruwu village , 0°28’S, 113°44’E, ca. 450 m, 27 Mach 1988, J. S GoogleMaps . Burley, Tukirin et al. 456 ( L, NY); Permantang , S . of Kwala Kwajan, 50 m, 27 January 1954, A. H . Alston 13345 ( L); Sintang , HPH KM 63 , along side of main log road, 0°51’53.6”S 112°13’29.9”E, 100 m, 06 April 1994, A. C GoogleMaps . Church, U. W . Mahyar, Indah, Ismail & Hamzah 708 ( NY). East kalimantan: Berau , road from Labanan to km 12, 14 May 1990, Z . Arifin & Ambriansyah B 1530 ( L); Berau, Inhutani I area, road to Tjg. Red., 117 17E, 02 05N, 45 m, Kessler et al. Berau 281 ( L); Longbagun , 25 June 1975, Harry Wrianinata 589 ( L). Jambi: Djambi, Bangkorneg, near Kemtji, ca. 60 m, 09 July 1925, Posthmmus 452 ( L). North kalimantan: Nunukan N GoogleMaps , 30 m, 01 November 1953, A . Kostermans 8698 ( L); N . of Tarakan, Nunukan, November 1953, W . Meijer 1888 ( K, L). North Sumatra: old Jungle near the Aek Kanopan , Loendoet Concession, Koealoe, 18 April 1927, H. H . Bartlett 7351 ( US), (Aek Sordang), 08 May 1927, H. H . Bartlett 7616 ( L, NY); Asahan , Baudar Podaeh, no date, H. S . Yates 1902 ( L, NY); Asahan , Kwala Masihi, no date, H. S . Yates 2187 ( L, NY); Bila, Plantation Aek-buro and further north, 60–120 m, 24 April 1925, J. A . Loerzing 11550 ( L); Bila, near Rantau Parapat, Aer Kandis , 28 May–26 June 1932, Rahmat Si Toroes 2610 ( NY, US); Bila , vicinity of Rantau Parapat , 28 March–10 May 1932, Rahmat Si Toroes 1740 ( NY, US); Bila , near Rantau Parapat , Sigamata , 27 Jun–23 July 1932, Rahmat Si Toroes 2907 ( NY, US); Kota Pinang , Laboehan Batoe , Langga Pajoeng , 7–30 March 1933, Rahmart Si Toroes 3504 ( NY, US); Kota Pinang, Laboehan Batoe , Langga Pajoeng , Rahmart Si Toroes 3420 ( L); Kota Pinang, Laboehan Batoe , Goeneng Si Papan , 7–14 April 1933, Rahmat Si Toroes 382 9 ( L, NY); Medan , obtained fromn Bila , ca. 100 m, 10 April 1933, J. A . Loerzing 16708 ( L). Riau: Pakanbaru , Tenajan R ., 30 m, 19 August 1960, Soepadmo 110 ( L); Poeloe Doerian, 12 June 1923, Rachmat 1 ( L); Sambo , 600 m, December 1938, G . Brumalda 6225 ( L); Tigapulus Mts., 5 km W of Talanglakat on Rengat-Jambi Road, Bukit Karampal area , 0°46’S, 102°32’E, ca. 100 m, 07 November 1988, J. S GoogleMaps . Burley, Tukirin et al. 1250 ( NY); Tigapulun Mts. , 15 km SW of Talanglakat on Rengat-Jambi Rd, vicinity of Sungai Sesirih, 0°48’S, 102°31’E., 200 m, 25 November 1988, J. S GoogleMaps . Burley et al. 1703 ( L, NY). Riau Islands : Lingga, P . Aewan Peloh, no date, Teysmann s.n. ( L); Lingga, Bechil Pajoeng, no date, Teysmann s.n. ( L); Lingga, no date, Teysmann s.n. ( L); Lingga, P . Lingkep, 07 August 1919, Bimmenyer 7336 ( L); Tanjung Pinang, no date, Teysmann s.n. ( K). South Sumatra: Palembang, Ramas (?), no date, Grashoff 1144 ( K, L); Palembang, Ranrao (?), 10 May 1917, Drumas (?) 1574 ( L). West Java: Indragiri, Kwantan district , Pangian, 13 January 1939, P . Buwalda 6296 ( L); Preanger , no date, C . Ploem s.n. ( L). West Kalimantan: Barat, Ketapang, Gunung Palung National Park , Cabang Panti Research Site, Trail JM 0.20E 5, 1°13’S, 110°06’E, 20 m, 20 October 1996, T. G GoogleMaps . Laman, Ismail A . Rachman, Edi Mirmanto TL5 ( K, NY); Gunung Palung , nature reserve, c. 100 KM S of Pontianak , 30 m, 10 June 1986, V . Balgooy & V . Setten 5364 ( L, MO); Kenepai , (Sungai Kanase), 1893–1894, H . Hallies 1375 ( L, NY), H . Hallies 1621 ( L, NY), H . Hallies 2139 ( L, NY); Sanggau , 50 m, 08 April 1973, P. A . Elsenger 244 ( L); Sintang, no date, Teysmann 7901 ( L); West Kutei, Mt. Maranga on Tundjung Plateau , 200 m, 29 July 1956, A . Kostermans 12559 ( K, L). West Kalimantan (?): Without locality, no date, Korthals s.n. ( L). West Sumatra: Mentawai Islands , September 1924, Iboet 0 ( L) . MALAYSIA.


Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 57 Malay Archipelago, 1880, H . Runzther 8 ( L). Johor: Bukit Peta on Johore-Pahang boundary, 180 m, 27 August 1973, Benjamin Stone 11626 ( L); Kota Tinggi , Ulu Sibul F. R ., 60 m, 06 February 1980, Mat Aeri FRI 25583 View Materials ( L); via Kota Tinggi, path to Bukit Tangga Tujoh , 30–60 m, 19 August 1970, Md. Shah, Md. Moor & Ahmad Shukor 2080 ( L); Lombong F. R ., 30 m, 22 May 1959, H. M . Burkill 1820 ( L); Near Singapore, October 1875, Otto Kuntze’s herbarium no. 6144 ( NY). Kedah: Bukit Perak F. R ., 120 m, 26 January 1969, Y. C . Chan FRI 13149 View Materials ( L); Gunong Jerai, near Sungei Patani , 890 m, 11 September 1966, Ding Hou 819 ( L). Malacca: Without locality, no date, A. C . Maingay herb. no. 636 ( L), 637 ( L). Perak: Maxwell Hill nr base, lowland forest, 50 m, 12 January 1983, B. C . Stone 15403 ( MO); Maxwell Hill, Tea Estate , 580 m, 30 October 1969, K. M . Kochummen FRI 2908 View Materials ( L), 915 m, 25 August 1971, K. M . Kochummen FRI 16429 View Materials ( L). Sabah: Beaufort F. R ., 01 July 1962, G . Mikil 27186 ( K, L); Beaufort, Mintineor Road Mile 12 Kg. Bambangan, 08 October 1965, Stephen Madius 49268 ( SAN); Beaufort , 1.5 km S of Weston, 5°12′N, 115°36′E, 20 m, 19 April 1984, John H GoogleMaps . Beaman 9414 ( L); Beila Forest Reserve , July 1929, H. G . Keith 1167 ( NY); Bukit Ulu Sipitang, 17 July 1974, Dewol Sundaling 78362 ( L, SAN); Keningau, Ulu Sungai Karamatoi , 9 January 1988, Fidlis Krispinus 121853 ( SAN); Kinabalu Mt. , 600 m, 13 December 1932, J. & M. S . Clemens 30464 ( L); K . Kinabalu, Pulau Gaya, 60 m, 15 April 1977, BCS-EEA-LM 86826 ( SAN); Klam, 1893–1894, H . Hallier 2277 ( L); Lamag, Sg Korong, Karamuak , 150 m, no date, L . Madani 76322 A ( SAN); Marak Parak, Kota Meru du, 21 June 1985, Sigin et al. 109733 ( SAN); Papar , Ulu Bongawan , 9 September 1976, Talib Bidin 84410 ( SAN); Pensiangan , Logged Areas Penontomon , 18 September 1989, K . Fidilis 127984 ( L, SAN); Pensiangan, Pisogon, 25 Febuary 1895, Sumbing Jimpin 139324 ( SAN); Sandakan & vicinity, September–December 1920, M . Ramos 1200 ( US); Sandakan, Jalan Sp. 17, Sepilok F. R ., 17 October 1970, Patrick Lassan 71254 ( L); Sandakan , Kobon China F. R ., 17 March 1967, Benjamin Stone 6695 ( L, SAN); Sandakan , Pokol R ., 10 m, 20 September 1936, Noorudin 6706 ( L, US); Sandakan, Sepilok F. R ., 17 December 1990, W . Meijer 131677 ( MO); Sandakan, Sibuga Forest , 60 m, 3 October 1961, A . Bakar 27702 ( SAN); Sandakan , Sepilok F. R , Compar. 8, near Sample Plot N . 17, 15 miles W. of Sandakan, 76 m, 18 February 1955, G. H. S . Wood A 3883 ( L); Sandakan, Kg. Wonod Telupid, 19 March 1974, Aban & Saikeh 79428 ( L, SAN); Sandakan , Kebun China, Sibuga Road forest , 60 m, 7 December 1967, Henry Chan & Binson 62111 ( SAN); Tawau, October 1922 – March 1923, A . D. E. Elmer 20409 ( K, L, MO, NY); Tawau , October 1922 – March 1923, A . D. E. Elmer 20991 ( L, MO); Tawau, Balong , 27 October 1962, Aban Gibot 32401 ( SAN); Tawau, road go to Balung Estate Mile 25.5, 14 April 1962, Aban Gibot 29589 ( L, SAN); Tawau Hill F. R ., 18 February 1978, Fedilis & Sumbing 88283 ( SAN); Tawau Hill Park , 19 September 1992, L . Madani et al. 133935 ( SAN); Tawau, Quoin Hill Road Mile 19.5, 15 March 1963, Aban Gibot 34070 ( SAN); Tawau , Ruom Hill Cocoa Eastate , 12 March 1961, F. R . David Brand 24539 ( L, SAN); Tawau , along Sungai Tawau, Tawau River F. R ., ca. 300 m, 11 November 1968, Shohei Kokawa & Mitsuru Hotta 828 ( L), 897 ( L, SAN); Tawau, Umas (- Umas ), Sabah Foundation logging area, 12 July 1977, F . Krispinus 87232 ( L, SAN); Telupid , Jalan Tulang Deramakot F. R ., 04 March 1994, L . Madani 133904 ( SAN); Telupid, Ulu Sg. Kun Kun ca. 10 miles from road junction, 4 December 1984, L . Madani & Sigin 107567 ( SAN); Tuaran, Tamparuli, Daerah , 150 m, 12 July 1981, Takashi Sato, Andau Sanan & Sintiong Geket 1125 ( SAN). Sarawak: Baram district , January 1895, Charles Hose 67 ( L), 23 April 1895, Charles Hose 675 ( L); Baram district , Marudi, 23 October 1894, Charles Hose 299 ( L); Baram, July 1894, G . D. Haviland & C . Hose 1558 ( L); Belarga , 26 August 1954, W. M. A . Brooke 9091 ( L); Bintulu, Nyabau , 4 th Division , 16 m, 20 June 1996, Ding Hou 317 ( L); 25 m, 21 June 1966, Ding Hou 331 ( L); Bintulu, Nyabau catchment area, 4h division, 23 June 1967, Sibat ak Luang S . 24627 ( L); Bukit Sg, Minyak, Mujan , Skerang , Sri Aman Simanggang , 09 March 1986, Ilias Paie et al S . 51974 ( MO); Gat, Upper Rejang River , 18 July 1929, J. & M. S . Clemens 5839 & Herbarium No. 21596 ( L, MO, NY); Kampit, Pelagus , 7th division, 08 July 1979, Bernard Lee S . 40248 ( L); Lambir National Park, Mile 18, 4 th Division , 60 m., 11 May 1978, Paul Chai S . 39436 ( L, MO); Lambir National Park, 4th Div., 22 September 1978, Rena George S. 40336 ( L); Lambir National Park , Sg. Jangkang , 28 October 1983, Abg. Mohtar et al. S . 47187 ( L); Lubok Antu, Rh. Wong Pandak, 2 nd Division , 07 March 1985, Dyg. Awa & Ilias Paie 44376 ( MO); Marudi , 4th division, near sea level, 27 July 1932, P. M . Synge S 32 ( L); Santubong, 1 45N, 110 15E, ca. sea level, 20 March 1967, Chew Wee-lek 1427 ( L); Sematan, Kampong Pueh , 15 m, 21 September 1955, J. W GoogleMaps . Purseglove & M . Shah P . 4654 ( K, L); Sg. Epel, Kerbulu P. F , Batang Jelalong, 4th Division, 250 m, 27 October 1984, Othman, Yii et al. S . 49215 ( K); Ulu Sg. Bakong, 4th Division , 25 March 1966, Sibat ak Luang S . 24441 ( L); Ulu Sinrok , Similajau F. R ., 23 March 1963, P. S . Ashton 16572 ( L). Selangor: Kepong, Bukit Bauk F. R ., Compt. 24, 90 m, 20 June 1967, Kep. Feild FRI 2405 View Materials ( L). Trengganu : Bukit Bauk 5 miles S . of Dungun, 07 August 1977, G. P . Lewis 113 ( L); Dungun , Bt. Bauk F. R ., 19 November 1978, Y. C . Chang FRI 25169 View Materials ( L); Trengganu Mountain G . Kerbat, 30 June 1971, T. C . Whitmore 20318

58 • Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press


(L). SINGAPORE. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve , 06 January 1949, James Sinclair 5413 (US), James Sinclair s.n. ( L); 31 July 1948, James Sinclair 4928 ( US), 16 April 1966, Ding Hou 119 ( L), 131 ( L); 100–150 m, 20 August 1981, Al Gentry & J. F . Maxwell 34306 ( MO); ca. 500 m, 01°30’N 103°50’E, 09 October 1981, Thomas B GoogleMaps . Croat 53244 ( MO); no date, Wall. Cat. 2519 ( K); Bukit Timah Watercatchment forest, 14 January 1970, van Beausekom 2678 ( L); MacRitchie Reservoir, S . Side , 50 m, 06 June 1961 (?), J. E . Canright 994 ( NY); NacRitchie Reservoir Nature Reserve, 14 April 1966, Ding Hou 120 ( L); Nee Soon, 5 m, 7 April 1982, J. F . Maxwell 82–101 ( L, MO); Without locality, 1867–1868, A. C . Maingay herb. no. 2612 ( K); November 1878, Mautou (?) 60 ( K); no date, Native collector 655 ( L, US); no date, P. W . Richards S . 32 (L). COUNTRY CAN NOT LOCATED. Borneo : Samenggiris, December 1912, Ameljah (?) 1000 ( L); Soengai Nahor, 1896–1897, Jaheri 1504 ( L) ; North Borneo, October 1920, D. D. Wood 936 ( L); Locality not recognized, January 1835, Adlehert (?) s.n. ( L). Malay Peninsula: Without locality, 1880, H . Kunstler 81 ( US) .


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Natural History Museum


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Botanic Gardens


University of the Witwatersrand


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


University of Helsinki


University of New England


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Monroe County Department of Parks


University of Copenhagen


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Universität Zürich


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Nanjing University


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Jura Museum, Eichstatt


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Kotel'nich Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Missouri Botanical Garden


Yale University


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Forest Research Centre














Anisophyllea disticha (Jack) Baillon (1875: 311)

Chen, Xin, He, Hai & Zhang, Li-Bing 2015

Haloragis disticha

Jack 1822
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