Antepipona concava Nguyen, Dang & A. D. Nguyen, 2024

Phuong, Lien Thi, Anh, Phuong Nguyen, Nguyen, Anh D., Dang, Hoa T., Michael, Seiki Yamane & Engel, Michael S., 2024, Taxonomic review of the potter wasp genus Antepipona de Saussure, 1855 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of two new species and keys to the Oriental fauna, Zoosystema 46 (27), pp. 697-722 : 708-711

publication ID 10.5252/zoosystema2024v46a27

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scientific name

Antepipona concava Nguyen, Dang & A. D. Nguyen

sp. nov.

Antepipona concava Nguyen, Dang & A. D. Nguyen , n. sp.

( Figs 11 View FIG ; 12 View FIG )

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Holotype. Vietnam • ♂; Ke Go National Researve, Cam Xuyen , Ha Tinh; 22.VI.2018; Nguyen Quang Cuong leg.; IEBR.

Paratypes. Vietnam • 4 ♂; same data as for holotype; IEBR .

DIAGNOSIS. — This species can be distinguished from congeners by the following character combination: Inner compound eye margins strongly convergent ventrally, in anterior view c. 1.7× further apart from each other at vertex than at clypeus; clypeus with apical margin widely and deeply emarginate medially, forming rather blunt tooth on each side, distance between teeth nearly half width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins (c. 0.45× width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins); propodeum with deep concavities, the concavities shiny and with dense strong punctures, corner between dorsal and posterior surfaces angled, posterior surface without carinae; SII not bulging at base.

DISTRIBUTION. — Central Vietnam.

ETYMOLOGY. — The specific epithet is the Latin adjective concavus, meaning, “concave”, and refers to the deep concavity of the posterior surface of the propodeum in this species.


Male ( Fig. 11F View FIG )

Measurements. Body length 5.5-6.0 mm (holotype: 5.7 mm); forewing length 5.2-5.8 mm (holotype: 5.5 mm).

Structure. Head in facial view transverse, 1.2× as wide as high ( Fig. 11A View FIG ). Vertex without cephalic fovea. Distance from posterior ocellus to posterior margin of vertex 1.4× distance from posterior ocellus to inner compound eye margin ( Fig. 11C View FIG ). Gena in lateral view narrower than compound eye, about 0.8× as wide as compound eye; occipital carina not complete, present only along length of gena, obsolete dorsally. Inner compound eye margins strongly convergent ventrally, in anterior view c. 1.7× further apart from each other at vertex than at clypeus ( Fig. 11A View FIG ). Clypeus in lateral view gradually convex from base to apical margin; in frontal view slightly wider than high ( Fig. 11A View FIG ), with basal margin slightly concave medially and distinctly separated from antennal toruli; apical margin widely and deeply emarginate medially, forming rather blunt tooth on each side, distance between teeth nearly half width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins (c. 0.45× width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins). Mandible with five prominent teeth. Antennal scape c. 4× as long as its maximum width, slightly curved; FI c. 2× longer than wide, FII slightly longer than wide, FIII-IV as wide as long, FV-FVIII wider than long, FX small, terminal flagellomere slightly curved, long and gradually narrow from base to apex, c. 2.2× as long as its basal width ( Fig. 11B View FIG ).

Mesosoma. Longer than wide in dorsal view ( Fig. 11C View FIG ). Pronotal carina fully developed, reaching ventral corner of pronotum, somewhat weak dorsally; anterior surface of pronotum with two close, deeply impressed pits medially, with dense strong punctures mediolaterally. Mesoscutum weakly convex, slightly longer than wide between tegulae, without depressed and oblique furrows apically ( Fig. 11C View FIG ). Disc of mesoscutellum convex, in lateral view at same level of mesoscutum ( Fig. 11D View FIG ), narrowly depressed basally, with a row of short longitudinal carinae basally and apically. Metanotum weakly convex, with two large and sharp tubercles, distance between tubercles slightly longer than distant from tubercle to lateral margin of metanotum ( Fig. 11E View FIG ). Propodeal dorsum below level with metanotum; declivity of propodeum with strong carina medially; concavity deep and wide, without short carinae ( Fig. 11E View FIG ), corner between lateral and dorsal surfaces angulate, corner between dorsal and posterior surfaces angulate.

Metasomal segment I narrower than segment II ( Fig. 11F View FIG ); TI conical in shape, in dorsal view almost half as long as wide; TII wider than long, about 1.1× as wide as long in dorsal view; SII depressed at base, in lateral view slightly convex from base to apical margin.

Sculpturing. Clypeus with dense strong punctures, interspaces between punctures smooth, larger than puncture diameter at lateral parts, each puncture bearing a short bristle. Frons densely covered with coarse flat-bottomed punctures, interspaces between punctures raised to form reticulations. Vertex with punctures similar with those on frons, but larger; gena with large strong punctures, punctures weaker and smaller near base; occipital carina weakly widened laterally ( Fig. 11D View FIG ). Pronotum with punctures coarser than those on vertex, interspaces between punctures thicker and raised to form reticulation. Mesoscutum covered with coarse punctures, punctures equal in size, smaller than those on pronotum, interspaces between punctures smooth, raised to form reticulations; mesoscutellum with punctures similar to those on pronotum, punctures on metanotum smaller than those on mesoscutellum. Mesepisternum with flat-bottomed punctures similar to those on pronotum posterodorsally, smooth anteroventrally; border between posterodorsal and anteroventral parts distinct, without epicnemial carina. Dorsal part of metapleuron largely smooth and with several short weak striae, ventral part with sparse shallow punctures. Propodeum with coarse punctures dorsally, interspaces between punctures strongly raised to form reticulation, punctures much shallower and weaker laterally, dorso-lateral margin of propodeum somewhat angled; posterior surface shiny, with dense strong punctures.Tegula with minute punctures. Metasomal TI covered with dense strong punctures, punctures on lateral and apical margins sparser and weaker; punctures on TII smaller and shallower than those on TI, punctures on apical margin of TIII-IV larger than those on apical margin of TII, punctures on apical margin of TV-VI smaller than those on apical margin of TIII-TIV, punctures on TVII and SVII small and sparse, punctures on SII clear, deeper than those on TII, interspaces with minute punctures.

Color. Body black, with following parts yellow: clypeus except apical margin, a large spot on frons, a large mark along inner orbit to clypeus, mandible except base and teeth, antennal scape except a longitudinal black strip dorsally, two spots on vertex below compound eye margins, two large spots on pronotum, two large spots on mesoscutellum and two smaller spots on metanotum, a large spot on mesopleuron, two very large spots on propodeum laterally, tegulae except large brown-black spots centrally and parategulae, two large spots on TI laterally and apical margin, two large spots laterally and a thick band apically on TII, bands on TIII and TIV laterally, two small spots at lower corner laterally on SIII and SIV, apical margin of TV-TVI, coxae of all legs except dorsal part black, all femora except dorsal part brown on profemur and black on mesofemur and apex of metafemur. Valvulae brown. Wing membrane transparent, veins dark brown ( Fig. 11F View FIG ).













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