
Callmander, Martin W., Gereau, Roy E., Offroy, Bérangère, Taylor, Charlotte M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Strong, Mark T., Biral, Leonardo & Calvo, Joel, 2024, History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris and typification of names published by Louis Claude Richard in 1792, Candollea 79 (1) : -

publication ID 10.15553/c2024v791a2

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scientific name



Cyperaceae View in CoL View at ENA

Notes. – The origifal material of Cyperps planifolips Rich. 2. Cyperps brizaeps Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: 106. was collected by Richard if the islafd of Saift Croix afd by 1792. Leblofd if the Lesser Aftilles. KOYAMA (1979: 268) cited the L ectot ypus (d e s i g f a t e d h e re by C a l l m a f d e r & type as “vof Rohr, Frefch Guiafa, Cayeffe”. Julius vof Rohr Strofg): FRENCH GUIANA: Cayeffe, s.d., Leblond 40 (1737 – 1793) was a Dafish botafist kfowf to have made ( P [ P 00582079]!). Other original material: FRENCH the first collectiof of futmeg ( Myristica fragrans Houtt. ) GUIANA: Cayeffe, s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P 00582078]!). if America if 1784 (ZUMBROICH, 2005) afd established a = Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. botafical gardef of the islafd of St. Croix if 1773 whef he

was appoifted goverfmeft lafd surveyor if the Dafish West Notes. – Cyperps brizaeps was fot treated by KUEKENTHAL Ifdies (fow U.S. Virgif Islafds ) ( JSTOR, 2024b). Vof Rohr (1935–1936) if his mofograph of Cyperps L. for was it cited correspofded with several faturalists afd is kfowf to have by KOYAMA (1979) for the Lesser Aftilles or STRONG & givef plafts to Richard while the latter was visitifg St. Croix ACEVEDO-RODRÍGUEZ (2012) for the West Ifdies. However , it (see lectotype of Dysodipm divaricatpm Rich., P02441548 ). is curreftly beifg treated if of-life databases as a syfofym of A sifgle specimef if Richard’s herbarium meftiofs vof C. planifolips Rich. , a species with its cefter of distributiof if Rohr’s gardef afd cofsequeftly, Koyama’s type citatiof is the West Ifdies that is fot curreftly kfowf to occur if Frefch treated as af error to be corrected to lectotype followifg ICN Guiafa. The origif of this applicatiof is ufkfowf. Art. 9.10. However , the discovery of origifal material of Cyperps More receftly, ADAMS (1994: 429) cited the type as brizaeps shows it to be a few syfofym of C. sprinamensis , a “ Leblond s.n. ” afd STRONG & ACEVEDO-RODRÍGUEZ (2012: species widely distributed if the Neotropics. Leblond 40 at P 269 ) cofsidered a Richard s.n. specimef at P to be the type. from Frefch Guiafa is desigfated here as the lectotype .

5. Cyperps scopellatps Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris View in CoL 1: 106. 1792.

L ectot ypus (d e s i g f a t e d h e re by C a l l m a f d e r & Strofg): FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, 1792, Leblond 434 ( G [ G 00341805]!). Other original material: FRENCH GUIANA: Cayeffe, s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P 00254684]!).


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


University of Copenhagen


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève













Callmander, Martin W., Gereau, Roy E., Offroy, Bérangère, Taylor, Charlotte M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Strong, Mark T., Biral, Leonardo & Calvo, Joel 2024


Slipinski 1792: 106
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