Thelepus verrilli ( Treadwell, 1911 ) Londoño-Mesa, 2009

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H., 2009, Terebellidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Grand Caribbean region 2320, Zootaxa 2320 (1), pp. 1-93 : 87

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2320.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Thelepus verrilli ( Treadwell, 1911 )

comb. nov.

Thelepus verrilli ( Treadwell, 1911) View in CoL comb. nov.

Figures 27 View FIGURE 27 A-H

Streblosoma verrilli, Treadwell, 1911:11–12 View in CoL , Figs 27 View FIGURE 27 –29A,B.— Hessle, 1917:212.— Monro, 1933:1073–1074, Text-Figs 20A-C.— Kritzler, 1984:53–63, 52–65, Figs 52–61, 62A-F.

Thelepus setosus, Holthe, 1986b:160 View in CoL (partim).

Type material: Holotype AMNH 459 About AMNH and Paratype AMNH 459 About AMNH B (1) Fort Jefferson , Dry Tortugas, Florida, 1909 .

Additional material: Florida : USNM 17718 About USNM (1) Dry Tortugas, Florida , 1915. Mexican Caribbean : ECO- SUR TERE-25 (1) Nizuc Point, Cancun (21º02'11.7"N 86º46'44.2"W), 10.II.2001; 4m. GoogleMaps Bermuda: UMML 22.981 View Materials (4) Northern Bermuda (30°58'N 79°42'W), R/V “Pillsbury” Sta. 105; 27.VII.1964; 395m. GoogleMaps

Description: Holotype complete, 187 segments, 85mm long, thorax 41mm, long, 2.5mm wide; abdomen 1–1.8mm wide ( Figs 27A,B View FIGURE 27 ). Thorax dorsally swollen, with many oocytes. Upper lip short, rounded, with ventral wrinkles, connecting with tentacular membrane ( Fig. 27C View FIGURE 27 ). Lower lip swollen, projected ventrally, with longitudinal medial line. Tentacular membrane well-developed, with thick edge, directed laterally; small dark brown eyespots, surrounding tentacular membrane base. Few tentacles present, with deep groove. Segment 1 well-developed, laterally elongate, ventrally with two short ventral lobes covering the lower lip. Seventeen ventral shields ( Fig. 27B View FIGURE 27 ), with medial groove; first 3 shields crenulated; shields from segments 2–3 thinner, half as wide as shield in segment 4; then smooth. Ventral groove along body. Three pairs of sessile, digitate branchiae ( Fig. 27D View FIGURE 27 ), increasing in length; first and second pair with 2 twisted filaments at each side, half as long as last pair; last pair with 4 filaments. Notopodia long, flat; thirty-nine pairs of notopodia; notochaetae of two lengths ( Fig. 27E View FIGURE 27 ), long chaetae symmetrically bilimbate distally ( Fig. 27F View FIGURE 27 ), on oblique fascicle; short chaetae medially unilimbate, smoothly tipped ( Fig. 27G View FIGURE 27 ). Thoracic and abdominal uncini ( Fig. 27H View FIGURE 27 ) with dental formula MF:2:0–1; PP and PF absent; Oc slightly convex; Cp with one or two rows of teeth, as long as two third the MF; Sr narrow; SrP and SrA absent; LSr with a square button close to rounded AP; AF absent; Bs slightly curved. Pygidium conical, 0.4mm wide, with 12 small papillae.

Staining pattern: Only ventral shields from segment 3 stain deeply ( Fig. 27B View FIGURE 27 ); first ventral shield, on segment 2, and the remaining structures do not stain ( Fig. 27C View FIGURE 27 ).

Discussion: Since the original description does not match with the type specimens, they are redescribed and transferred here to Thelepus as they have the characters of the genus, such as notopodia from segment 3. Hartman (1956) considered this species to be the same as T. setosus , after checking the type specimen. This was repeated ( Hartman 1959) and followed by Holthe (1986b). Nevertheless, because of the reduced number of branchial filaments in T. verrilli comb. nov., having first and second pairs with 2 filaments, and third pair with 4 filaments, and the high number of them in T. haitiensis , first pair with 35–43 filaments, second pair with 25–30 and third pair with 20–30, and considering the comments distinguishing T. haitiensis from T. setosus (see above), these specimens cannot be assigned to either of the latter two species.

Type locality: Fort Jefferson , Dry Tortugas, Florida, USA .

Distribution: Florida, Bermuda. 4 to 395m.














Thelepus verrilli ( Treadwell, 1911 )

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H. 2009

Thelepus setosus, Holthe, 1986b:160

Holthe, T. 1986: 160

Streblosoma verrilli, Treadwell, 1911:11–12

Kritzler, H. 1984: 53
Monro, C. C. A. 1933: 1073
Hessle, C. 1917: 212
Treadwell, A. L. 1911: 12
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