Canarium ampasindavae, Daly & Raharimampionona & Federman, 2015

Daly, Douglas C., Raharimampionona, Jeannie & Federman, Sarah, 2015, A revision of Canarium L. (Burseraceae) in Madagascar, Adansonia 37 (2), pp. 277-345 : 287-290

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Carolina (2021-08-16 21:45:08, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:41:51)

scientific name

Canarium ampasindavae


Canarium ampasindavae View in CoL

Daly, Raharim. & Federman, sp. nov. ( Figs 1; 2 View FIG )

Small tree, leaves c. 7-jugate, fruits brown, lenticellate and pubescent; distinguished from C. boivinii Engl. by the leaflet apex gradually and narrowly long-acuminate (vs abruptly and broadly short-acuminate or rounded to slightly emarginate in C. boivinii ) and the fruit narrowly ovoid (vs oblong to ellipsoid).

TYPUS. — Madagascar. Antsiranana (Diego-Suarez), Ampasindava Peninsula, Bongomirahavavy Forest , 210 m, 13°45’51”S, 48°4’19”E, 6.XII.2008, A. J. Tahinarivony, M. Y. Ammann & M. C. Madiomanana TAJ 179 (holo-, NY!; iso-, G, K, MO, P!, TEF, WAG) GoogleMaps .

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. — To date, Canarium ampasindavae , sp. nov. is known only from the type collection from the Sambirano region, in the Bongomirahavavy Mountains, where there are areas of subhumid forest within the relatively dry northwestern part of the country. It is a relatively small tree found in evergreen forest on high hills. Fruiting in December.


Trees, reproductive size 15 m × 40 cm diam. Buttresses present. Leaves c. 47.4 cm long, c. 7-jugate; petiole 10.4-13.5 cm long, petiole and rachis with sparse to scattered fine erect bristles to 0.05 mm long, glabrescent; stipules caducous, 8-15 mm from petiole insertion, scar 3.5-4 mm long; basal petiolules c. 16 mm long, the other laterals 10-16 mm long, terminal one c. 31 mm long, not canaliculate, lateral pulvinuli evident; basal leaflets 7.5-9.5 × 3.3-3.9 cm, (oblong-)ovate, other laterals 9.7-14.3 × 4.2-4.4 cm, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, terminal leaflet c. 12.4 × 4.9 cm, elliptic; leaflet apex narrowly long-acuminate, the acu - men 9-17 mm long; lateral leaflet base asymmetrical, acroscopic side truncate to slightly cordate, the basiscopic side obtuse; margin revolute, especially at base; leaflets coriaceous, drying brownish green below, grayish green above; secondary venation framework weakly festooned-brochidodromous; secondaries in 10-13 pairs, insertion on midvein decurrent, secondary veins nearly straight, angle subperpendicular, increasing toward base, spacing irregular; usually 1 perpendicular epimedial tertiary per pair of secondaries, sometimes basiflexed; intercostal tertiaries mixed alternate-percurrent and irregular-reticulate, some admedial branching; on abaxial side all venation prominent, on adaxial side the midvein prominulous but sunk in a groove, rest of venation prominulous, both surfaces glabrous. Flowers unknown. Infructescence (incomplete) at least 7.5 cm long × 5 mm diam, secondary axes at least 2.1 cm long, axes with dense flexuous golden to whitish hairs to 0.2 mm long; fruiting pedicel 3.5-4 × 4-5 mm, cylindrical, calyx 8-9 mm long, the lobes not distinct. Fruits 4.5-4.9 × 2.1-2.4 cm, narrowly ovoid, apex acute, base obtuse, surface finely and densely lenticellate, subglabrous, mesocarp relatively thin.


Like C. boivinii , C. ampasindavae , sp. nov. has approx. 7-jugate leaves and fruits that are brown, lenticellate, and pubescent, but the latter can be distinguished by the leaflet apex gradually and narrowly long-acuminate (vs abruptly and broadly shortacuminate or rounded to slightly emarginate in C. boivinii ), the leaflet venation on the adaxial side narrowly prominulous (vs broadly prominulous and almost flat), and the fruit narrowly ovoid (vs oblong to ellipsoid).

Gallery Image

FIG. 2. — Canarium ampasindavae Daly, Raharim. & Federman, sp. nov.: A, leaf, with detail of leaflet (A’) and of petiole with stipular scar (A’’); B, infructescence, with detail of fruit surface (B’). From Tahinarivony et al. 179 (NY). Scale bars: A, B, 2 cm; A’’, 1 cm; A’, B’, not to scale.


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Missouri Botanical Garden


Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Developement Rural


Wageningen University