Diognetus flavigenis ( Horváth, 1905 ), Yasunaga & Schwartz & Chérot, 2023

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Schwartz, Michael D. & Chérot, Frédéric, 2023, Revision of the plant bug genus Diognetus, with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Oriental and Eastern Palearctic Regions (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 63 (1), pp. 1-55 : 15-18

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Felipe (2023-05-02 17:36:26, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 02:07:10)

scientific name

Diognetus flavigenis ( Horváth, 1905 )

comb. nov.

Diognetus flavigenis ( Horváth, 1905) comb. nov.

( Figs 3A–B View Fig , 7L–M View Fig , 11 View Fig , 28 View Fig )

Lygus flavigenis Horváth, 1905: 419 (original description).

Lygus flavigenis: LINNAVUORI (1965) : 269 (diagnosis).

Pinalitus flavigenis: KERZHNER (1988) View in CoL :70 (new combination); MIYAMOTO & YASUNAGA (1989): 161 (faunal list).

Yamatolygus flavigenis: YASUNAGA (1994) View in CoL : 123 (new combination, redescription); SCHUH (1995): 972 (catalog); KERZHNER & JOSIFOV (1999):182 (catalog); YASUNAGA (2001):268 (diagnosis), fig. 316 [color image wrongly showing D. vernus sp. nov.]; SCHUH (2002 –2013) (online catalog); AUKEMA (2018) (online catalog).

Type material examined. SYNTYPES (?): 1J 1♀ ( EIHU; without USIs),

JAPAN: HONSHU: Gifu Pref., 13 Jul (no further data provided).We could not access the type series preserved in HNHM, but a couple of specimens from Gifu, Japan, deposited in Hokkaido University Entomological Collection, Sapporo, Japan are considered as syntypes (cf. YASUNAGA 1994).

Additional material examined. JAPAN: HONSHU: Wakayama Pref., Kumano area, Hatenashi Mts., Mt.Ando, 1,100 m alt., 33.8977 135.6200, UV lighting, 7 Jun 2000, S. Gotoh, 1J 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00419456–57) ( CNC), 10 JJ 8 ♀♀ without USIs ( TYCN); Wakayama Pref., Tanabe City (previous Ohtoh Village), Mengawa, Sampo Shinto Shrine, Kumano River, 33.689689, 135.595353, sweeping flowers of Cleyera japonica Thunb. , 15 Jun 1998, T. Yasunaga & S. Gotoh, 3 JJ 3 ♀♀ ( TYCN).

Redescription. See YASUNAGA (1994). Measurements. See Table 1.

Differential diagnosis. Recognized by the following characters: body generally chocolate brown, ovoid, rather tumid; dorsum speckled with paler maculae or spots ( Figs 3A–B View Fig ); head with yellowish brown jugum contrasting to dark clypeus (tylus) ( Fig. 7M View Fig ); labium short, reaching but not exceeding apex of mesocoxa ( Fig. 28A View Fig ); apex of scutellum creamy yellow; dark reddish-brown metafemur with creamy yellow basal half; parempodia rather broad and long ( Figs 28G− H View Fig ); left paramere with sensory lobe triangularly inflated ( Fig. 11B View Fig ) and thick hypophysis ( Fig. 28I View Fig ); vesical RS with an apical pointed process that is notched basally ( Fig. 11D View Fig ); sclerotized ring thick-rimmed ( Figs 11G View Fig , 28O View Fig ); dorsal structure of posterior wall rounded, wide, toothed ( Figs 28K− L View Fig ); and interramal lobe with uniformly distributed, comb-like scaly microstructures ( Fig. 28N View Fig ).

Biology. Occurrence of Diognetus flavigenis is, thus far as known, restricted to central and western Honshu (Tokai and Kinki areas). One of the breeding hosts appears to be Cleyera japonica Thunb. (Pentaphylacaceae) ; several fresh adults were found on the flower buds and inflorescence. A univoltine life cycle is assumed for this mirid. The adults were found in June and July and the eggs presumably hibernate.

Distribution. Japan (central and western Honshu).

Comments. This Japanese-indigenous species was described by HORVÁTH (1905), based on at least three syntypes, a couple of male specimens from Gifu, central Honshu and a female from Sapporo, Hokkaido ( AUKEMA 2018). LINNA- VUORI (1965) redescribed the female syntype (with label data as Japan, Sapporo, Matsumura) which however does not match the acceptable concept of Diognetus flavigenis and most probably fits Salignus duplicatus (Reuter, 1906) , judging from the redescription. This willow-inhabiting mirid is commonly found throughout Hokkaido (TODO & YASUNAGA 1995, YASUNAGA 2001), whereas D. flavigenis is now assumed to inhabit restricted areas in central and western Honshu including Gifu. Therefore, the type-series of ‘ flavigenis ’ (partim in HNHM) could include two species, and further verification and lectotype designation are required.

As mentioned above, we could access 1J 1♀ specimens from Gifu, deposited in Hokkaido University, Sapporo (namely, Matsumura Collection, the oldest insect collection in Japan). These are presumed to be a series of material that were collected along with the syntype male (from Gifu, HNHM) or can be included in the type-series, although HORVÁTH (1905) did not state in the original description how many specimens were designated as type-series.

AUKEMA B. 2018: Catalogue of the Palaearctic Heteroptera (searchable online database). https: // catpalhet. linnaeus. naturalis. nl / (Accessed 20 Jan 2023).

HORVATH G. 1905: Hemipteres nouveaux de Japon. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 3: 413 - 423.

KERZHNER I. M. 1988: Novye i maloizvestnye poluzhestkokrylye Nasekomye s Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR. [New and little known heteropterous insects from the Soviet Far East]. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Vladivostok, [1987], 83 pp (in Russian).

KERZHNER I. M. & JOSIFOV M. 1999: Family Miridae Hahn, 1833. Pp. 1 - 576. In AUKEMA B. & RIEGER CH. (eds.): Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 3. Cimicomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiv + 577 pp.

LINNAVUORI R. 1965: Contributions to the Miridae fauna of the Far East IV. Annales Entomologici Fennici 31: 268 - 269.

MIYAMOTO S. & YASUNAGA T. 1989: Hemiptera, Heteroptera. Pp. 151 - 188. In: HIRASHIMA Y. (ed.): A Check List of Japanese Insects Vol. II. Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 540 pp.

SCHUH R. T. 1995: Plant bugs of the world (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Systematic catalog, distributions, host list and bibliography. The New York Entomological Society, xii + 1329 pp.

SCHUH R. T. 2002 - 2013: On-line Systematic Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). http: // research. amnh. org / pbi / catalog / (Accessed 20 Jan 2023).

YASUNAGA T. 1994: Pinalitus Kelton (Heteroptera, Miridae) and its allied genera of Japan, with descriptions of new genera and species. Japanese Journal of Entomology 62: 115 - 131.

YASUNAGA T. 2001: Family Miridae Hahn, plant bugs. Pp. 112 - 277, pls. 2 - 96. In: YASUNAGA T., TAKAI M. & KAWASAWA T. (eds.): A Field Guide to Japanese Bugs II. Zenkoku Noson Kyoiku Kyokai Publ. Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 350 pp (in Japanese).

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Habitus images for Diognetus species from Japan and Taiwan.A–B – D. flavigenis (Horváth, 1905) (from Kumano, Wakayama), C – D. insulanus (Yasunaga, 1994) (from Okinawa), D–F – D. styrax sp. nov.,♀ (D–E) and 5th instar nymph (Nantou, Taiwan), G–H – D. yamato nom. nov. (from Kochi).

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Fig. 7. Habitus images of Diognetus spp.A−C − D. bagmaticus sp. nov.,J (A−B) and♀ (C); D – undeterminedJ specimen from Queensland,Australia; E−F − D. dhampus sp. nov.,J; G−H − D. duwalorum sp. nov., holotype J; I − D. giganteus sp. nov., holotype ♀; J−K − D. gotohi sp. nov., holotype J; L−N − D. flavigenis (Horváth, 1905), J (M − head in frontal view). Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig. 11. Male (A–E) and female (F–I) genitalia of Diognetus flavigenis (Horváth, 1905).A − right paramere; B−C − left paramere; D−E − vesica (endosoma); F − ovipositor (gonapophysis I); G−H − genital chamber; I − posterior wall. Scale bars 0.1 mm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 28. Scanning electron micrographs for Diognetus flavigenis (Horváth, 1905) from Honshu, Japan, J (A, C−H) and ♀ (B, K−P). A – left lateral habitus; B − dorsal habitus; C − scutellum and adjacent structures; D − head and pronotum, anterior view; E − pleura and scent efferent system, left lateral view; F − metatarsus; G−H − pretarsal structure of metaleg; I − left paramere; J − right paramere; K − posterior wall; L − dorsal structure; M − dorsal structure and interramal lobe; N − interramal lobe; O − sclerotized ring; P − apex of ovipositor (gonapophysis I).


Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle


American Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











