Porricondyla pumila, Jaschhof, 2024

Jaschhof, Mathias, 2024, New taxa and new records of Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Germany, European Journal of Taxonomy 953, pp. 1-134 : 102-104

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.953.2649

publication LSID




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scientific name

Porricondyla pumila

sp. nov.

Porricondyla pumila sp. nov.


Fig. 28 View Fig



This unusually small species is tentatively classified in Porricondyla (see the remarks below). It differs from other representatives of the genus in several regressive characters: the number of flagellomeres is reduced from the ordinary 14 to 11, the eye bridge is only 0‒1 ommatidium long dorsally, and vein M 4 is missing. The construction of the terminalia is absolutely Porricondyla -like and includes tusk-shaped parameres and large, albeit completely membranous gonocoxal processes. A peculiarity is that the gonocoxa has a small, setose lobe near the gonostylar base (↓ 1, Fig. 28A View Fig ). Larvae and females of P. pumila sp. nov. are unknown.

DNA barcode

The CO1sequence(640bp)of the paratype specimen detailed below is available in BIN BOLD:ADW3592. Search on BOLD’s BIN Database retrieved a further two matches for this BIN, both as Cecidomyiidae sp. from Bavaria, Germany (accessed 27 Aug. 2023).


The Latin adjective ‘ pumila ’ means ‘dwarfish’. The name refers to the unusually small size of this species.

Type material


GERMANY • ♂; Bavaria, Weilheim, Pähl , Hartschimmelhof ; 47°94′24″ N, 11°18′33″ E; 20 Jun.‒12 Jul. 2020; D. Doczkal and K. Grabow leg.; Malaise trap; nutrient-poor pasture; ZSM-DIP-42303-B01 .



GERMANY • 1 ♂; same data as for the holotype but 47°94′30″ N, 11°18′29″ E; 9‒23 Jun. 2021; GBOL and R. Albrecht leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42471-G04 1 ♂; Baden-Württemberg, Malsch, Luderbusch ; 48°91′31″ N, 8°33′25″ E; elev. 117 m; 21‒28 Jun. 2020; D. Doczkal and K. Grabow leg.; Malaise trap; south-facing hill slope; BOLD GBDTA10125-21 ; ZSM-DIP-42305-E07 GoogleMaps .


Other characters


BODY LENGTH. 1.0‒ 1.4 mm.

HEAD. Antenna markedly shorter than body; scape and pedicel somewhat brighter than flagellum; slightly sinuous circumfila present on flagellomeres 1‒8; neck of fourth flagellomere 0.7× length of node ( Fig. 28B View Fig ). Palpus 4-segmented, as long as head height, apical segment longest of all.

THORAX. Scutal windows absent. Pronotum with 1 seta, anepisternum glabrous, anepimerum with 1‒2 setae.

WING. Markedly shorter than body. Length / width ratio 2.6.

LEGS. Foreleg with femur and tibia equally long, tibia 1.3 × as long as T 2. Claws slightly bent, toothless. Empodia nearly as long as claws.

TERMINALIA ( Fig. 28A View Fig ). Gonocoxal synsclerite: ventral emargination shallow, with darkly pigmented margin; processes straight, rounded apically; a small portion ventroanteriorly devoid of setae; ventroanterior margin broadly rounded. Gonostylus: outside convex, with setae of various sizes; inside slightly concave, with fewer and finer setae, including 1 subapical bristle; apical tooth plate-like. Parameres slender, with narrow transverse bridge at about half length; apices directed posteriorly, not crossing each other. Aedeagal apodeme shorter than gonocoxae, moderately sclerotized; apex slightly bent ventrally.


My decision to assign P. pumila sp. nov. to the genus Porricondyla rests upon three arguments: (1) the terminalia structures of males are completely Porricondyla -like, (2) a better classification alternative is wanting, and (3) regressive morphology per se is in my opinion not a cogent reason for defining a separate genus. On the assumption that my classification is correct, P. pumila is the first representative of the genus Porricondyla with fewer than 14 male flagellomeres, which means a significant extension of the generic definition ( Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2013: 209).













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