Paricanoides bresseeli, Pham, 2014

Pham, Jérôme Constant and Hong Thai, 2014, A new species of Paricanoides Liang, 2003 from Northern Vietnam (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 24, pp. 1-9 : 1-9

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13271463

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scientific name

Paricanoides bresseeli

sp. nov.

Paricanoides bresseeli View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1 A–E View Fig , 2 View Fig A-E, 3

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet refers to our colleague and friend Mr Joachim Bresseel (collaborator, RBINS), specialist of wandelende takken (Phasmatodea).

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ (dissected, right hind wing mounted): Vietnam: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Tam Dao N.P., 21°31’N 105°33’E, 25-30.VII.2011, Malaise trap, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.933, GTI project] (RBINS) GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. The species is easily separated from P. orientalis and P. dalatensis by the shape of the male genitalia, especially by the presence of a strong basal process on the periandrium in right lateral view. It is also different from P. orientalis by the darker infuscation of the lines of cross-veinlets on the tegmina and by the stronger emargination of the sutural margin of the hind wing.


Measurements and ratios (♂; n = 1): LT = 13.3 mm; LTg/BTg = 2.5; BV/LV = 5.63; BF/LF = 1.03.

Head. ( Fig. 1 View Fig A-B) pale yellow-brown with horseshoe-shaped red marking on disc of frons, antennae pale red and brown markings along sides of clypeus and postclypeus. Vertex concave and transverse, much wider than long in median line; anterior margin rounded, posterior margin excavate; all margins carinate, posterior slightly laminate. Frons slightly convex in lateral view, smooth, subquadrate. Clypeus about as long as frons, slightly carinate apically. Labium reaching mesotrochanters shorter than clypeus with apical segment 2/3 as long as penultimate. antennae with scape very short and pedicel cylindrical, 1.5 times longer than broad.

Thorax. ( Fig. 1 A View Fig ) pronotum pale yellow-brown with anterior margin rounded, narrowly ridged and black; peridiscal carina red, disc smooth and concave without median carina; posterior margin strongly concave, elevated and broadly red-brown; lateral lobes brown near tegulae and narrowly black-brown along ventral margin. Mesonotum with lateral carinae joining anteriorly and median carina not joining the latter and not surpassing scutellar suture; lateral and median carinae reddish; scutellar suture slightly carinate; lateral angles infuscate; tegulae black brown, narrowly yellow-brown along ventral margin; sides of mesothorax pale yellow-brown with black-brown line. Metanotum pale yellow-brown with posterior margin black; lateral pleura of metathorax with oblique black-brown marking.

Tegmina. ( Fig. 1 D View Fig ) elongate, hyaline with black veins; pale brown marking in middle of basocostal cell; anterior line of cross-veinlets bordered with pale brown; posterior line of cross-veinlets bordered with black-brown, more broadly so close to costal and sutural margins; posterior margin broadly bordered with black-brown in apical cells 2-7. Cross-veinlets of posterior line aligned. 5 subapical and 9-10 apical cells.

Hind wings. ( Fig. 1 E View Fig ) hyaline with veins black; sutural margin strongly emarginate near anal lobe; apical cells 2-3 infuscate along apical margin; sutural margin broadly marked with black brown on anal lobe and emargination.

Legs. ( Fig. 1 A View Fig ) very elongate, narrow, pale yellow-brown. All trochanters marked with brown. Metafemora brown ventrally. All tibiae with basolateral black spot; pro- and mesotibiae black-brown apically. Pro- and mesotarsi and last metatarsomere dark brown. Metatibiae with 3 lateral spines on posterior half and 6 apical spines; spines black apically. First metatarsomere elongate, ventrally with 6 apical spines black at apex.

Male genitalia. pygofer narrow, slightly broader on dorsal 2/3 and with posterior margin sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ); posterior margin strongly emarginate dorsally ( Fig. 2 B View Fig ). Anal tube elongate and narrow, slightly curved ventrad on apical half in lateral view ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ); apical margin strongly emarginate and lateral margins slightly bisinuate in dorsal view ( Fig. 2 B View Fig ). Gonostyli ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ) elongate with apex rounded; dorsal margin strongly excavate on basal half, excavation marked postriorly by hooked process directed anteriorly, and showing subbasal tooth pointing dorsally; small lateral hook pointing ventrally under median hooked process. Aedeagus elongate and narrow, membranous apically and with apical sclerotized process projecting posterodorsally ( Fig. 2 View Fig A-C). Periandrium strongly asymmetrical with laminate processes; two processes on right side ( Fig. 2 D View Fig ), basal one curved dorsoposterad and subapical one projecting posterodorsad; on right side ( Fig. 2 View Fig D-E), additional apical process coming from left part of periandrium and projecting dorsolaterad; on left side ( Fig. 2 C View Fig ) two processes on apical half, curved anterodorsad, apical one slightly pointe apically.

BIOLOGY. The holotype was collected with a

Malaise trap in moist evergreen mountain forest (ca 1000 m asl.).

DISTRIBUTION. Recorded Vietnam (Fig. 3).

from Northern


All recorded specimens of the genus

Paricanoides have been collected at an altitude between 500 and 1500 m asl. (see

LIANG, 2003 for data of P. orientalis and

P. dalatensis ) in tropical mountain evergreen forest.

As we recently mentioned ( CONSTANT &

PHAM, 2014), Malaise traps are an efficient way to collect Fulgoromorphs and should be more intensively used by hemipterists. They often allow the collecting of very interesting species.

The new species described in the present paper has been found in Tam Dao National Park,

Vietnam. LIANG (2003) described P. orientalis from Hainan Island and Mt Bavi ( Vietnam). Fig. 3. Distribution map of the species of Tam Dao is just about 50 km away from Mt Paricanoides .

Bavi and it is unclear from the original Q: Paricanoides bresseeli sp. nov. Q: Paricanoides description if the male genitalia of the dalatensis Liang, 2003 . Q: Paricanoides orientalis Liang, 2003

Vietnamese paratypes of P. orientalis were verified. The illustrations of a Hainan and a Bavi specimen of P. orientalis ( LIANG, 2003: Figs 2 View Fig and 3 respectively) in the same paper also showed that the Bavi specimen has more extended and darker infuscation along the cross-veinlets. Those two paratypes would probably deserve verification. Another female specimen from Blao (Balao) Vietnam was also mentioned and illustrated ( LIANG, 2003: Fig. 4). It is paler in colour and shows differences in the venation of the tegmina. It was wisely not listed as a paratype and may represent another undescribed species. The location is not shown on the map Fig. 3 because of the uncertainty of its placement: LIANG (2003) states that it is in Tonkin (Northern Vietnam) but it seems that it could actually be in Lam Dong province, not far from Da Lat.

Considering the currently known distribution of the genus (Fig. 3), it seems probable that several new species of Paricanoides still await discovery. More sampling effort is necessary to provide additional material and also improve our knowledge on the ecological needs of those insects.













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