Mesopolobus changbaicus Xiao, 2016

Xiao, Hui, Sun, Lei, Jiao, Tianyang & Li, Zi, 2016, A revision of Chinese species of Mesopolobus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) with descriptions of four new species from China, Zoological Systematics 41 (1), pp. 64-81 : 73-74

publication ID 10.11865/zs.201604

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scientific name

Mesopolobus changbaicus Xiao

sp. nov.

Mesopolobus changbaicus Xiao View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs 19–22 View Figures 17–26 )

Female. Body slender ( Figs 19–20 View Figures 17–26 ), dark green, length 2.5 mm. Antenna yellow brown. Leg testaceous except coxa concolorous with thorax, median area of femur dust-colour, apical segment of tarsus brown.

Head width 1.3× as height in front view ( Fig. 21 View Figures 17–26 ), eyes slightly small, separated by about 1.17× eye height, malar space 2.4× as eye height, lower margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Head in dorsal view 2.05× as wide as long; temple straight, temple length 0.4× as long as eye length; POL 1.67× OOL. Antenna with 3 transverse anelli, antennal insertion placed on the lower ocular line ( Fig. 21 View Figures 17–26 ); scape 0.84× as eye height, not reaching anterior ocellus; Fu 1 and Fu 2 longer than broad respectively, Fu 3 and Fu 4 quadrate, Fu 5 slightly transverse, clava 2× as long as broad; pedicel and flagellum combined about 0.84× head width. Relative measurements: head width 70, height 54, dorsal length 34, frons width 42, eye height 36, eye length 24, oral fossa 34, malar space 14, antennal torulus to clypeal margin 17, antennal torulus to anterior ocellus 33, pedicel in dorsal view length: width as 9: 5.5, clava length: width as 18: 9, POL: OOL as 15: 9, temple 10, posterior ocellus long diameter 6.

Pronotum with collar margined; mesoscutum 1.5× as broad as long; scutellum with reticulation smaller and shallower than those on mesoscutum, frenal area indistinct, scutellum 1.07× as long as broad; propodeum ( Fig. 19 View Figures 17–26 ) reticulate except median area smooth, median carina absent, plica compelet; nucha short, with short longitudinal striation. Fore wing ( Fig. 22 View Figures 17–26 ) with 3 hairs on basal vein, basal cell bare, marginal vein 1.47× postmarginal vein. Gaster sessile, spear-shaped, 1.75× as long as broad, narrower but longer than mesosoma, longer than head plus thorax; hypopygium at most 1/2 length of gaster. Relative measurements: mesoscutum width: length as 60: 40; scutellum width: length as 30: 32; propodeum medially width: length as 27: 15, marginal vein 44, postmarginal vein 30, stigmal vein 19, gaster length: width as 130: 44, mesosoma length 90, head plus thorax 120.

Material examined. Holotype. ♀, China, Jilin, Chanbai Mountain (42°02′N, 128°08′E), 1 150 m, 3 August 1996, coll. GoogleMaps Dawei Huang (IZCAS).

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to M. superansi Yang & Gu with median carina absent on propodeum, but can be identified by the gaster longer than head plus thorax, about 3× as long as broad (only 1.6× in M. superansi ). The new species differs from M. teliformis by the median carnia absent on propodeum (complete in M. teliformis ).

Etymology. The specific name is from the name of the type locality, Mt. Changbai of Jilin Province.

Biology. Unknown.

Distribution. China (Jilin).













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