Ornamentula Kisielewski, 1991

Minowa, Axell K. & Garraffoni, André R. S., 2021, Seek and you shall find: new species of the rare genus Ornamentula (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) and first record outside of type-locality, Zoologia (e 56781) 38, pp. 1-9 : 2

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.38.e56781

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scientific name

Ornamentula Kisielewski, 1991


Ornamentula Kisielewski, 1991 View in CoL (emended)

Dasydytidae of 106–132µm in length. Body covered with very large and ornamented scales. Dorsal neck with one or two transversal rows of three spined scales. Dorsal trunk with two parallel columns of six large ornamented scales and a rearmost group made of three scales. Long cephalic and trunk dorsal spines present on all scales or just on anterior three. Each long spine provided with a single strong lateral denticle. Transverse band of cephalic cilia situated between large lateral plates. Four paired spines groups (ta-td) along the anterior trunk half, two pairs of rear spines (r1-r2) near the trunk end and in some cases a small pair of ventral rearmost spined scales. Posterior trunk half ventrally covered with fine ornamented and spined scales, oval or arrow-head in shape.

Two species: Ornamentula paraensis Kisielewski, 1991 (type species) and Ornamentula miyazakii sp. nov.

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