Trichoderma vulgatum K. Chen & W.Y. Zhuang, 2017

Chen, Kai & Zhuang, Wen-Ying, 2017, Seven soil-inhabiting new species of the genus Trichoderma in the Viride clade, Phytotaxa 312 (1), pp. 28-46 : 43

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.312.1.2


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scientific name

Trichoderma vulgatum K. Chen & W.Y. Zhuang

sp. nov.

Trichoderma vulgatum K. Chen & W.Y. Zhuang , sp. nov. Fig 8 View FIGURE 8

Fungal Names: FN570279.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to possessing common phenotypic features.

Diagnosis. Colony growing moderate on CMD and PDA, slow on SNA at 25 °C. Conidiophores trichoderma-like, phialides ampulliform or narrowly lageniform, conidia green, globose to subglobose.

On CMD after 72 h colony radius 37–38 mm and mycelium covering the plate after 5 d at 25 °C. Colony hyaline, radial, margin well defined, aerial hyphae common, denser with distance from the original inoculum. Conidiation noted after 4 d, formed on aerial hyphae, mainly concentrated along the colony margin. No chlamydospores observed. No distinct odor, no diffusing pigment observed.

On PDA after 72 h colony radius 28–32 mm and mycelium covering the plate after 6 d at 25 °C. Colony green, finely zonate, green and yellow concentric rings alternate, margin well defined, aerial hyphae abundant. Conidiation noted after 2 d, formed on aerial hyphae, abundant, yellow, turning green. Conidiophores densely disposed, trichoderma-like, comprising a main axis with many side branches, branches typically paired, sometimes solitary or in whorls of 3, rebranching up to 3 times. Phialides paired or in whorls of 3–4, ampulliform or narrowly lageniform, (6.9–)9.0– 12.5(–15.2) × 2.5–3.5 μm, l/ w 2.2 –4.8, 2.1–2.8 μm wide at the base (n = 40). Conidia green, globose to subglobose, less commonly ellipsoid or oblong, 3.3–4.7(–6.1) × 3.1–3.9 μm, l/ w 1.0 –1.4(–2.0) (n=40). Chlamydospores rare. No distinct odor, no diffusing pigment observed.

On SNA after 72 h colony radius 14–15 mm and mycelium covering the plate after 11 d at 25 °C. Colony hyaline, radial, margin not well defined, aerial hyphae absent. Conidiation not noted in 21 d. No chlamydospores observed. No distinct odor, no diffusing pigment observed.

Strains examined: CHINA. Hubei: Shennongjia, elev. 2291 m, isolated from soil, 19 November 2014, K. Chen TC194 (holotype HMAS 248796, ex-type culture CGMCC 3.18319). ibid., K. Chen TC884 (HMAS 248797).

Notes: Phylogenetically, T. vulgatum shows close relationship to T. austrokoningii and T. sinokoningii ( Fig 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Trichoderma austrokoningii differs in shorter phialides (7.0– 10.5 mm long), smaller conidia (3.0–3.7× 2.2–2.7 mm), and faster growth rates particularly on SNA (27–34 mm on SNA at 25 °C after 72 h, Samuels et al. 2006). Trichoderma sinokoningii grows faster on all media (50–52 mm on CMD, 38–40 mm on PDA, 20–22 mm on SNA at 25 °C after 72 h), and produces numerous conidia on SNA after 2 d ( Qin & Zhuang 2016b).













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