Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846

Marceniuk, Alexandre Pires, Oliveira, Claudio & Ferraris Jr, Carl J., 2024, A new classification of the family Ariidae (Osteichthyes: Ostariophysi: Siluriformes) based on combined analyses of morphological and molecular data, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 200 (2), pp. 426-476 : 461-462

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad078

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scientific name

Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846


Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846 View in CoL View at ENA

( Figs 1–3 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 , 24F View Figure 24 , 36 View Figure 36 )

Type species: Osteogeneiosus militaris Linnaeus, 1758 .


Nasal anterior curvature very pronounced (20, 0> 1); bony blade not connecting nasal tubules anteriorly (21, 1> 0); frontal mesial laminar projection absent (23, 1> 0); anterior portion of posterior process of vomer as narrow as posterior portion (54, 0> 1); accessory tooth plates large, longitudinally elongate (60, 3> 4); accessory tooth plates situated between premaxilla and lateral ethmoid (62, 1> 2); maxilla cylindrical, very long and distally acute (101, 0> 2); autopalatine cylindrical, very short and robust (104,?> 2); anterior cartilage of autopalatine very short, less than one-third length of bone (113, 1> 0); autopalatine posterior cartilage reduced to small sphere (114, 1> 2); anteroventral portion of opercle subtriangular (127, 3> 4); metapterygoid three times longer than deep (135, 3> 4); urohyal short (157, 1> 0); contact face between first epibranchial and first pharyngobranchial very conspicuous (177, 0> 1); Müllerian ramus distal one-third markedly curved (208, 1> 2); mental barbel absent (236, 0> 1); gas bladder lateral diverticula present (243, 0> 1); gas bladder diverticula present anterolaterally (246, 0> 1).

Ambiguous optimization: Anterior portion of anterior cranial fontanel partially or totally delimited by dorsal expansion of orbitosphenoid (24, 0> 1); posterior cranial fontanel formed exclusively frontals (25, 0> 1); maxillary condyle very large (103, 1> 3); anteroventral portion of opercle subtrapezoidal, moderately long (127, 2> 1); second external branchiostegal ray width less than one-half that of first ray (148, 1> 0); second basibranchial mushroom shaped (166, 0> 1); third basibranchial hourglass shaped (168, 1> 0); 19 or more precaudal vertebrae (215, 0> 1); gas bladder lateral diverticula with diverticula (244, 0> 1); protractor muscle of parapophysis of fourth vertebra originating exclusively from ventral surface of posterior process of epioccipital (248, 0> 1).

Included species

Osteogeneiosus militaris (Linnaeus, 1758) .

Habitat and distribution: Brackish and marine waters, South and Southeast Asia ( Fig. 24 View Figure 24 ).


The close relationship of Osteogeneiosus with Ketengus that was reported in previous morphological and molecular studies ( Marceniuk and Menezes 2007, Betancur-R. 2009, Marceniuk et al. 2012) is supported by the results of the total-evidence analysis.









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