Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey, 1911

Klimaszewski, Jan, Webster, Reginald & Savard, Karine, 2009, Review of the rove beetle species of the subtribe Gyrophaenina Kraatz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from New Brunswick, Canada: new species, provincial records and bionomic information, ZooKeys 22 (22), pp. 81-170 : 109-113

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scientific name

Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey


17. Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey View in CoL

Figs 16, 107–110; Map 13

Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey, 1911: 184 View in CoL ; Moore and Legner 1975: 429; Campbell and Davies 1991: 106.

Description. Body length 1.7–2.3 mm, narrowly oval; head piceous; pronotum flavotestaceous; elytra flavate to piceous with testaceous humeri; abdomen flavate, apical part of abdomen sometimes darker. Punctation: vertex of head with about 10 large umbilicate

Map Ι3. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Gyrophaena criddlei

punctures on each side, pronotum with two irregular median rows of large punctures and scattered punctures elsewhere, elytra with fine, sparse punctures. Microsculpture: reticulate throughout except for pronotum. Antennae as illustrated (Fig. 16). Pronotum 1.4 times as wide as long. MALE: tergite 8 with two lobe-shaped lateral teeth and usually two (but occasionally one or three) small median teeth, apical margin of disc emarginate (Fig. 109); sternite 8 broadly rounded apically with minute apical emargination (Fig. 110). Median lobe of aedeagus with elongate and slightly arcuate tubus bearing two characteristic (long and short) ventral projections (Fig. 107), flagellum sinuate and projecting externally (Fig. 107). Paramere as illustrated (Fig. 101). FEMALE. Unknown.

Bionomics. Macrohabitat: hardwood and mixed forests. Microhabitat: on Pleurotus sp. growing on a log, and on fleshy gilled mushrooms. Collecting period: September. Collecting method: sifting mushrooms, aspirating, and hand collecting specimens.

Distribution (Map 13). CANADA: Manitoba and New Brunswick.

18. Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pseudocriddlei Klimaszewski & Webster , sp. n.

Figs 17, 111–117; Map 14

HOLOTYPE (male): CANADA, New Brunswick, Sunbury Co., Maugerville, Portobello Creek N.W.A., 45.9031°N, 66.4268°W, 11 September 2006, R. P. Webster coll., oak and red maple forest, on stalked polypore mushroom on forest floor ( LFC) GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: CAN-

Ι9. G. modesta 20. G. fuscicollis 2Ι. G. vitrina

Figures Ι6–2Ι. Gyrophaena species in dorsal view (apical part of abdomen removed): Ι6 G. (G.) criddlei Casey Ι7 G. (G.) pseudocriddlei Klimaszewski and Webster , sp. n. Ι8 G. (G.) gilvicollis Casey Ι9 G. (G.) modesta Casey 20 G. (G.). fuscicollis Casey and 2Ι G. (G.) vitrina Casey.

ADA, New Brunswick, Sunbury Co., Maugerville, Portobello Creek N.W.A., 45.9031°N, 66.4268°W, 11 September 2006, R. P. Webster coll., oak and red maple forest, on stalked polypore mushroom on forest floor (1 female, LFC; 6 males, 1 female, RWC) GoogleMaps ; Sunbury Co., Acadia Research Forest (45.9799°N, 66.3394°W), Road 7 control, mature red spruce and red maple forest, in gilled mushroom, 18 September 2007, R. P. Webster (1 male, AFC) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. Named by adding prefix “ pseudo ” to the specific name “ criddlei ”. Gyrophaena criddlei Casey is externally similar to this new species.

Description. This species is externally and genitally similar to G. criddlei but may be easily distinguished by its smaller body size, short elytra, and the characteristic shape of male tergite 8 and median lobe of aedeagus with differently shaped projections on the tubus.

Body length 1.4–1.5 mm, narrowly oval; head piceous; pronotum rufo-testaceous; elytra piceous with testaceous humeri and irregular small spots; abdomen rufo-testaceous, apical portion of abdomen darker. Punctation: vertex of head with several large umbilicate punctures on each side, pronotum with about four median rows of large punctures and scattered punctures elsewhere, elytra with fine, sparse punctures. Microsculpture: reticulate throughout except for pronotum, strongest on head. Antennae as illustrated (Fig. 17). Pronotum 1.3 times as wide as long. MALE: tergite 8 with two small lateral teeth, which may be reduced to small tuberosities, and two small median teeth; apical margin of disc emarginate (Fig. 113); sternite 8 broadly rounded apically (Fig. 114). Median lobe of aedeagus with elongate and straight tubus bearing two characteristic (long and short) ventral projections (Fig. 100), flagellum slightly projecting externally, sinuate in shape (Fig. 111). Paramere as illustrated (Fig. 112). FEMALE.

Map Ι4. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Gyrophaena pseudocriddlei

Tergite 8 truncate apically (Fig. 116); sternite 8 rounded apically (Fig. 117); spermatheca as illustrated (Fig. 115).

Bionomics. Macrohabitat: red oak and red maple forest, mature red spruce and red maple forest. Microhabitat: on stalked polypore mushroom on forest floor, one specimen in gilled mushroom on forest floor. Collecting period: September. Collecting method: sifting mushrooms and aspirating specimens.

Distribution (Map 14). CANADA: New Brunswick.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile




















Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey

Klimaszewski, Jan, Webster, Reginald & Savard, Karine 2009

Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei

Campbell JM & Davies A 1991: 106
Moore I & Legner EF 1975: 429
Casey TL 1911: 184
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