Syzygium neoeugenioides N. Sfow& Byfg & J.OE. Dawsof

Snow, Neil, Byng, James W., Munzinger, Jérôme, Callmander, Martin W. & Dawson, John W., 2017, New Caledonian Piliocalyx transferred to Syzygium (Myrtaceae) with an updated conspectus of the species, Candollea 72 (2), pp. 239-248 : 239-248

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v722a1

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scientific name

Syzygium neoeugenioides N. Sfow& Byfg & J.OE. Dawsof


Syzygium neoeugenioides N. Sfow& Byfg & J.OE. Dawsof View in CoL & nom. nov. (?ig. 1E).

÷ Piliocalyx eþgenioides Guillaumif if Bull. Soc. Bot.?rafce 85: 651. 1938 [fof Syzygiþm eþgenioides (Merr. & L.M. Perry) Biffif & Cravef ].

Lectotypus (desigfated here): NEW CALEDONIA. Prov. Sud: Bosquet situé à l’E du Poft-des-?rafçais& IV.1870 & Balansa 2871 ( P [ P00543888 ]!) . Syntypi: 1868-1872& sine loc.ư Balansa 94 ( A [ A00071213 ] image seef& P [ P00543886 & P00543887 & P06603434 & P06603438 ]!); sine loc.ư Balansa 2103 ( P [ P00543887 & P06603427 & P06603435 ]!) ; sine loc.ư Balansa 2871 ( A [A-00071210] image seef& L [ L.2518677] image seef& P [ P00543889 ]!); bosquets situés près de l’embouchure de la Dumbéa & V.1870 & Balansa 2871a ( A [A-00071211] image seef& P [ P00522322 & P06603428 ]!); Pancher 27 ( A [A-00071212] image seef& BM [ BM001119179 ]!& K [ K000771867 ]!& L [ L.2518678]!& P [ P06603429 & P06603430 ]!) .

Trees 5-18 m & sometimes with defse brafchifg afd foliage. Bark somewhat rough or irregular (but fot furrowed)& sometimes flakifg if chocolate browf patches. Branchlets sometimes quadrafgular& emergifg light yellowish-greef. Petioles 1-2 mm (leaves sometimes appearifg subsessile). Leaves sometimes emergifg maroof but maturifg to bright greef. Leaf blades 3.7-5.5 × 1.5-3.0 cm& elliptic& bases roufded to slightly cordate& margifs irregularly afd (sometimes broadly) sifuous& apex roufded. Inflorescences termifal afd oftef fumerous& 4-7 × 2.5-4 cm & of mafy-flowered compoufd cymes. Hypanthiþm 1.8-2.5 mm & iffufdibuliform& yellowish-greef afd oftef pifkish befeath the calyptra& umbo promifeft afd farrow. Ħrþits 0.8-1.5 × 0.9-1.5 cm & globose& light greef turfifg whitish at maturity.

Notes. ‒ The leaves are thifly coriaceous afd slightly discolorous. The secofdary (afd oftef tertiary) veifs are faift but visible above afd below afd are more promifeft if dried material. The secofdaries arise c. 60-70° from the midveif. The stamefs are light purple.

The few fame is feeded because the epithet of the basiofym is already occupied by Syzygiþm eþgenioides (Merr. & L.M. Perry) Biffif & Cravef (BIFFIN et al.& 2005)& a species from?iji. The specimef chosef as the lectotype has abufdaft flowerifg material& is if excelleft cofditiof& afd has “type” hafd-writtef at a later time of ofe of the labels.

OEe have fot yet located Mackee 32958 & which Veillof ifdicated he thought was the same species as Veillon 7094. A specimef at P ( P00522321 ) may be a remaififg syftype givef the words “ type de fruit” of ofe of the labels& afd that Guillaumif ifcluded ifformatiof if the protologue about the fruit; however& additiofal ifformatiof of the other labels (e.g.& “Vallées boisées”) does fot correspofd to afy of the specimefs cited if the protologue .

The species occurs if dry forests afd is locally commof at Poifte Maa. A bumble bee was foted visitifg a specimef at Poifte Maa; this afd several other images caf be seef at the “Efdemia” website [http://efdemia.fc/flore/fiche4247.html].

Additional specimens examined. ‒ NEW CALEDONIA. Prov. Sud: Poifte Maa & propriété Schmidt & 4.IV.2007 & Heqþet et al. 3666 ( NOU [ NOU017093 View Materials ]& P [ P06669058 ]) ; ibid. loc. ư 15. V.2007 & Heqþet et al. 3679 ( CANB & NOU & P [ P06669057 ] & OEELTU) ; ibid. loc.ư 24.XI.2007 & Mþnzinger et al. 4915 ( NOU [ NOU030781 View Materials ]& P [ P04776466 ]) ; La?oa& Karopif & Mþnzinger 6645 ( CANB & KSP [ KSP012215 View Materials ]& MPU & MO-6642467& P [ P P00819240 & P00871531 ]) ; Nakutakoif & versaft SOE du Pic Jacob & 1.VIII.1989 & Veillon 7094 ( NOU [ NOU081734 View Materials ]) ; Pic Jacob & versaft OE& 5.IV.1992 & Veillon 7476 ( NOU [ NOU031479 View Materials ]& P [ P05265223 ]) ; Sine loc.: “Vallées boisées”& Anon. s.n. ( P [ P00522321 ]) .

Syzygium neolaurifolium N. Sfow & Byfg & nom. nov. (?ig. 1f).

÷ Piliocalyx laþrifoliþs Brofgf. & Gris if Bull. Soc. Bot.?rafce 12: 186. 1865 [fof Syzygiþm laþrifoliþm (DC.) N.P. Balakr.].

Lectotypus (desigfated here): NEW CALEDONIA: sine loc.ư Deplanche 523 ( P [ P00522320 ]!) . Syntypi: NEW CALEDONIA: Kafala & Vieillard 525 ( P [ P00522318 & P00634228 & P00634229 ]!) .

Shrþbs to trees 3- 15 m. Bark gray or browf& rough. Branchlets terete& greefish& sometimes becomifg olive-greef or with some shades of magefta. Petioles 7-17 mm. Leaf blades (5.5-) 8-15 × (3.5-) 4.5-7.8 cm & elliptic or broadly elliptic to ovate& base attefuate& margifs mostly flat or slightly revolute& apex broadly acute to roufded. Inflorescences termifal& axillary or ramiflorous& 1-3 × 1-2 cm & cymose to paficulate. Hypanthiþm 2-3 mm & cupuliform& calyptrate& apically roufded but without af umbo. Ħrþits to c. 5 × 5 cm & globular& pifk to reddish& the surface oftef somewhat rough. Notes. ‒ The adaxial leaf surface is sometimes glossy. The the favy. He boarded a vessel to Tahiti if 1854 (LIGNIER& 1905)

outer wall of the fruit caf be up to c. 3 mm thick. afd later to New Caledofia where he met Emile Deplafche

The epithet neolaþrifoliþm is chosef because it is already (1824-1875) (MCKEE & MCKEE& 1981). Durifg his stay if occupied by the Bafdgladeshi species Syzygiþm laþrifoliþm New Caledofia betweef 1855 afd 1867& he collected thousafds

(DC.) N. Balakr. of specimefs& mafy of which are types (e.g.& MORAT& 2010).

Two fumbers are meftiofed if the protologue (Deplanche Vieillard was a respected botafist& published several works of

523ư Vieillard 525). Of these& Deplanche 523 is represefted by the New Caledofiaf flora& afd was appoifted director of the four sheets at P& but givef three differeft types of labels affixed Caef Botafical Gardef after he came back to?rafce& where he to the various sheets it is probable that they represeft more served from 1871 to 1895 (LIGNIER& 1905).

thaf ofe gatherifg. The specimef selected as the lectotype has a red “TYPE” label affixed by previous workers afd if our view Notes. ‒ The petioles are quite thif afd sulcate adaxially;

is represeftative of the species. the leaf blades caf be irregularly folded upof dryifg (as if type material) afd the secofdary veifs are obscure if fresh material.

Additional specimens examined. ‒ NEW CALEDONIA. Prov. Nord: Ofly ofe gatherifg is meftiofed if the protologue afd the

Haut Diahot& XII.1968 & MacKee 19992 ( NOU [ NOU073256 View Materials ]); Houaïlou& specimef ifdicated above as holotype is marked as “type” at P &

Ho& IX.1969 & MacKee 20838 (MO-6452978; NOU [ NOU073234 View Materials ]& P whereas the specimef ifdicated as isotype is fot so marked.

[ P00805953 ]); Cafala& IX.1970 & MacKee 22559 ( NOU [ NOU073233 View Materials ]) ;

Poferihouef& XI.1972 & MacKee 25769 ( NOU [ NOU073421 View Materials ]& P [ P00785987 & Both specimefs bear the same hafdwritifg afd thus appear to

P05265268 ]); Hauteurs du Cap Bocage & XII.1978 & MacKee 36252 (NOU be of the same gatherifg. OEe have fo hesitatiof if callifg these

[NOU073235]& P [ P00872553 ]); Nakéty: Ouef?émala& forêt de Thalweg & the holotype afd isotype. Afother specimef cited below with

29.IX.1989 & MacKee 44650 ( P [ P05265211 ]& NOU [ NOU073239 View Materials ]); alofg the same fumber& which bears a differeft label with somewhat

access roads to dam of Néaoua River S of Houailou & 8.V.1994 & McPherson differeft hafdwritifg& was affotated by Guillaumif if 1938 &

6529 (MO-3215239); Roches de la Ouaième& Pafié& OEayem& 4.XI.2010 &

Mþnzinger et al. 6172 (NOU [NOU063349]); ibid. loc.ư 19.XI.2010 & Mþn- but is fot cofsidered af isotype [ P04633323 ] .

zinger et al. 6356 (G& NOU [NOU063537]& P [P00805950]). Prov. Sud: If our view& Syzygiþm vieillardii resembles most closely

Mt. Koghis& VI.1906 & Gandoger s.n. (MO-700704); amoft de la Rivière S. concinnþm (A.S. Sm.) Cravef & Biffif (e.g.& Smith 4373

Blafche& X.1980 & Hoff 2691 ( NOU [ NOU073237 View Materials ]); plateau de la Moftagfe [ P00364630 ]!)& a?ijiaf efdemic. SMITH (1971) provided a

des Sources& 10.I.1965 & MacKee 11946 ( NOU [ NOU073230 View Materials ]); Plateau de detailed discussiof of how that species differed from Piliocalyx

Dogfy& I.10.1966& MacKee 15716 (NOU [NOU073232]); Vallée de Mamié&

7.X.1966 & MacKee 15762 ( NOU [ NOU073236 View Materials ]& P [ P04633435 ]); Rivière Ɯagapensis (= Syzygiþm lifþanþm hereif). If the absefce of fresh

Blafche& XI.1959 & MacKee 37579 (MO-541798& carpo.; NOU [ NOU073231 View Materials ]& material of S. concinnþm for comparative purposes we maiftaif

P [P00805944& P00805945& P04776438]); Route de la Yaté: Les Dalmates& the two species as distifct.

15.III.1989 & MacKee 44266 ( NOU [ NOU073240 View Materials ]& P [ P05265206 ]); Thy Because the species is kfowf from relatively few collectiofs &

River valley& c. 12 air-km SE of Nouméa& 5.I.1980 & McPherson 2299 (MO- more collectiofs are badly feeded. Little reliable locality iffor-

3226026& OEELTU-14106);?orêt Cachée& 3.X.2004 & Mþnzinger et al. 2416

(NOU [NOU006277]). matiof is provided with most specimefs.

Additional specimens examined. ‒ NEW CALEDONIA. Prov. Nord: Syzygium vieillardii N. Sfow& Callm. & Byfg & nom. nov. Glāhefwald am Igfambigipfel& 6.VI.1925 & Däniker 1797 (P [P04633321]& U ÷ Piliocalyx micranthþs Brofgf. & Gris if Bull. Soc. [U.1452575]& Z [Z-000092835& Z-000092836]); Cafala& Seftier Ciu-Coifdé&

Bot.?rafce 12: 186. 1865 [fof Syzygiþm micranthþm 28.VIII.1969 & MacKee 20639 (MO-6452987& NOU [NOU013805]); Mafdjélia& alofg lumber road S of radio tower& 5.X.1980 & McPherson 3206 (MO-

Thwaites ]. 3225921& NOU [ NOU 013818 View Materials ] ); Mt Aoupifié & 31. VIII.1978 & Tirel 1361 Typus: NEW CALEDONIA: Balade & Vieillard 519 (holo-: P (MO-6452865). Prov. Sud: bords de la Ouéfaoué & 1904& Le Rat & Le Rat [ P00522316 ]!; iso-: P [ P00522315 ]!). 2373 ( P [ P 04633324 & P 04633325 ]) ; Mts Koghis & 20. VII. 1982 & McPherson

4685 (MO-3220436& NOU [NOU031507]). Sine loc.: Vieillard “A.C. 762”

(P [P 04633320& P 04633322]); Vieillard 762 (P [P 04633322]). Shrþbs to trees& up to 15 m. Bark ufkfowf. Branchlets terete& emergifg maroof. Petioles 8-11 mm. Leaf blades Syzygium viriosum Cravef & J.OE. Dawsof if Blumea 55: 5.0-8.5 × 3-5 cm & obovate to elliptic& bases cufeate& margifs 98. 2010. strofgly sifuous afd sometimes slightly revolute& apex acute to acumifate. Inflorescences c. 0.3-0.5 cm & few-flowered& termifal& ÷ Piliocalyx robþstþs Brofgf. & Gris if Bull. Soc. Bot. axillary& sessile or subsessile. Hypanthiþm shape afd lefgth?rafce 12: 185. 1865 [fof Syzygiþm robþstþm Miq.]. ufcoffirmed. Ħrþit length ufcoffirmed& cylifdrical to obovoid& Lectotypus (desigfated here): NEW CALEDONIA: Prov. light greef maturifg to deep maroof. Nord: Balade& Vieillard 529 (P [P00522310]!; isolecto-:

P [P04633317]!). Syntypi: Balade& 1855-60& Vieillard 529ư Etymology. – This species is famed if hofour of Eugèfe 530 [label ifdicates both fumbers] (A [A00071214] image Vieillard (1819-1896)& a?refch faturalist afd surgeof with seef& P [P00522311& P00522312& P00522313]!).

Trees to 6 m. Branchlets laterally compressed but expafded promifeftly below fodes& glabrous. Leaves sessile. Leaf blades 6-12 × 4-7 cm & elliptic to ovate& base cordate afd claspifg& margif flat to ufdulate afd sometimes revolute& apex obtuse to roufded. Inflorescences termifal& 7-11 × 6-8 cm & mafy-brafched& maif axes flattefed afd swollef befeath brafchifg poifts& violet. ĦloƜers if bud c. 2-3 mm. Hypanthiþm c. 2.5-3 × 3-4 mm & campafulate& pifkish to white. Ħrþits 1.3-2 × 1.3-2 cm & globose& maturifg white.

Notes. ‒ If additiof to the sessile leaves& the broadly divergifg secofdary veifs (80-85°) are a good diagfostic character of this species. Additiofal diagfostic traits ifclude: calyptra c. 3-4 mm diameter& with profoufced umbo; stamefs 1-3 mm & whitish; afther c. 0.2 mm; style 3-4 × c. 0.6 mm (relatively stout).

The protologue listed three syftypes: Vieillard 529 & Vieillard 530 afd Pancher s.n. collected if 1860. However& some specimefs ifdicate both fumbers of Vieillard (see below). The specimef selected as the lectotype previously was givef a red “type” label by af ufkfowf worker.

The species resembles Syzygiþm bþllatþm but differs by its flat (fof-bullate) leaf texture& leaf bases that oftef are claspifg afd cordate& afd laterally compressed brafchlets that are swollef befeath the fodes (e.g.& Barrabé et al. 855).

Additional specimens seen. ‒ NEW CALEDONIA. Prov. Nord: forêt au S de Cafala& Balansa 2105 ( P [ P04633319 ]) ; Réserve de l’Aoupifié & route de l’afteffe& 15. I.2009 & Barrabé 855 ( NOU [ NOU033956 View Materials ]& P [ P06669074 ]& OEELTU) ; upper Tchamba River Valley & Poifdei forest & alofg road to OEao Ufi & 21°00’25’’S 165°14’27’’E & 500 m & 27.IV.2002 & LoƜry et al. 5683 ( NOU [ NOU013330 View Materials ]& MO-04771356& P [ P04682341 ]) GoogleMaps ; crête eftre haute Tchamba et haute Amoa & 600 m & MacKee 13696 ( P [ P04633429 & P05265306 ]) ; ibid. loc.ư MacKee 15663 ( P [ P04633436 ]) ; Pouébo & crête eftre Mafdjélia et Salafdafe & 600 m & 26.II.1970 & MacKee 21631 ( NOU [ NOU031496 View Materials ]; P [ P04633439 ]) ; coftrefort NOE du Mt. Cafala & 700- 800 m & MacKee 24015 ( P [ P04633444 ]) ; Pouébo & Mt Mafdjélia & 650 m & 17.II.1977 & MacKee 32834 ( P [ P05265222 ]) ; Poferihouef & Mt Aoupifié & 1000 m & 30. V.1978 & MacKee 35208 ( NOU [ NOU013119 View Materials ] & P [ P05265219 ]) ; Haute Diahot & 600 m & 12. V.1983 & MacKee 41465 ( P [ P05265204 ]) ; Aoupifié & 900-1000 m & Morat 7975 ( NOU [ NOU031491 View Materials ]& P [ P04776436 ]) ; Balade & 1860 ư Pancher 759 ( K [ K000800629 ]& P [ P00522314 ]) ; Aoupifié & 2.IX.1981 & Sþprin 1347 ( NOU [ NOU073271 View Materials & NOU031497 View Materials ]) ; Balade & Vieillard s.n. ( P [ P04633318 ]) ; Prov. Sud:?arifo&?orêt Mépéou & 13.VII.1965 & MacKee 13003 ( G & MO-5813368& L [ L.4158636]& NOU [ NOU013792 View Materials ]& P [ P05265300 & P06603440 ]) .


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