Gilpinia hakonensis (Matsumura, 1912)

Hara, Hideho, Smith, David R. & Shinohara, Akihiko, 2021, Gilpinia hakonensis and similar species in Japan and ovipositors of five European Gilpinia species (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae), Zootaxa 4995 (3), pp. 471-491 : 473

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Plazi (2021-07-01 20:52:32, last updated 2023-11-03 03:31:24)

scientific name

Gilpinia hakonensis


Key to Gilpinia hakonensis and similar species in Japan

1 Female ............................................................................................. 2

- Male (unknown in G. okinawa ).......................................................................... 6

2(1) Hind tibia with posterior spur slender, rod- or thornlike........................................ G. socia group ... 3

- Hind tibia with posterior spur expanded, scalelike............................................. G. polytoma group

3(2) Valvula 3 with scopa located at apex of apico-lateral projection ( Fig. 5A–L View FIGURES 5 )......... G. hakonensis and similar species ... 4

- Valvula 3 with scopa located from apex to inner side of apico-lateral projection.................. G. tohi Takeuchi, 1940 , G. albiclavata Hara & Nakamura, 2015 , G. hokkaidoensis Hara & Shinohara, 2015 , and G. kojimai Hara & Shinohara, 2015

4(3) Thorax with median mesoscutal lobe black, sometimes narrowly yellowish posteriorly and mesepisternum black, often with yellow spot posteriorly ( Figs 1A–H View FIGURES 1 ). Supraclypeal area black ( Figs 1K–M View FIGURES 1 ). In lancet, serrula of second annulus with postcalcar widely separated from precalcar ( Figs 6A–E View FIGURES 6 ). [Distribution: Honshu and Kyushu, Japan; Korea.].......... G. hakonensis

- Thorax with median mesoscutal lobe widely or entirely yellow or red yellow and mesepisternum yellow on dorsal half or entirely ( Figs 2A–D, G, H View FIGURES 2 ). Supraclypeal area yellow ( Figs 2I, J, L View FIGURES 2 ). In lancet, serrula of second annulus with postcalcar (if distinct) relatively narrowly separated from precalcar ( Figs 6F, G, I View FIGURES 6 )............................................. 5

5(4) Median mesoscutal lobe anteromedially black ( Figs 2A, C View FIGURES 2 ). Mesepisternum ventrally black ( Figs 2B, D View FIGURES 2 ). Metascutellum with posterior margin convex in dorsal view (Fig. 4I). [Distribution: Amami Oshima Island and Tokunoshima Island, Japan.]............................................................................................. G. amamiana

- Median mesoscutal lobe entirely red yellow ( Fig. 2G View FIGURES 2 ). Mesepisternum entirely red yellow ( Fig. 2H View FIGURES 2 ). Metascutellum with pos- terior margin barely convex in dorsal view (Fig. 4M). [Distribution: Okinawa Island, Japan.]................ G. okinawa

6(1) Genitalia in ventral view with inner margin of basiparamere horizontal and lateral margin of parapenis short ( Figs 7B, E View FIGURES 7 ); penis valve with very long ergot and spinose swelling near apex ( Figs 7C, F View FIGURES 7 ).............. G. hakonensis and similar species ... 7

- Genitalia not as above....................................................................... Other species

7(6) Parapenis with lateral margin rather long ( Fig. 7B View FIGURES 7 ). Penis valve with valviceps slightly convex ventrally at apical third ( Fig. 7C View FIGURES 7 ). Pronotum entirely black ( Figs 1I, J View FIGURES 1 ). Whole trochanters and wide basal parts of femora black. Abdomen ventrally dark brown to black............................................................................ G. hakonensis

- Parapenis with lateral margin very short ( Fig. 7E View FIGURES 7 ). Penis valve with valviceps exceedingly convex ventrally at apical third ( Fig. 7F View FIGURES 7 ). Pronotum mostly yellow ( Figs 2E, F, K View FIGURES 2 ). Trochanters widely and femora entirely yellow. Abdomen ventrally mostly yellow...................................................................................... G. amamiana

Hara, H. & Nakamura, H. (2015) A pine sawfly, Gilpinia albiclavata sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), infesting Pinus pumila in the Japanese Alps. Entomological Science, 18, 31 - 40. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / ens. 12088

Hara, H. & Shinohara, A. (2015) The Gilpinia abieticola Species Group (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A, 41, 21 - 41.

Takeuchi, K. (1940) A systematic study on the suborder Symphyta (Hymenoptera) of the Japanese Empire (III). Tenthredo, 3, 187 - 199.

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FIGURES 1A–N. Gilpinia hakonensis: A, B, K, lectotype of Lophyrus hakonensis, female; C, D, L, holotype of G. hakonensis var. laticincta, female; E, female, Honshu; F, female, Honshu; G, H, M, paratype of Diprion fukudai, female; I, J, N, male, Hon- shu. A, C, E, F, G, I, Dorsal or dorsolateral view; B, D, H, J, ventrolateral or lateral view; K–N, head, frontal view.

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FIGURES 2A–H. A–F, I–K, Gilpinia amamiana: A, B, holotype, female; C, D, female, Tokunoshima Isl.; E, F, male, Amami Oshima Isl. G, H, L, Gilpinia okinawa, holotype, female. A, C, E, G, Dorsal view; B, D, F, H, ventrolateral view; I–L, head, frontal view.

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FIGURES 5A–U.A–P, Valvula 3, dorsal and posterior views; Q–U, ovipositor or lance, dorsal view (Q, S, T) or lateral view (R, U). A–F, Q, R, Gilpinia hakonensis: A–B, lectotype of Lophyrus hakonensis; C, D, holotype of G. hakonensis var. laticincta; E, F, P, paratype of Diprion fukudai; Q, R, Honshu. G–J, S, Gilpinia amamiana: G, H, holotype; I, J, Tokunoshima Isl.; S, Amami Oshima Isl. K, L, T, U, Gilpinia okinawa, holotype. M, N, Gilpinia frutetorum, Sweden. O, P, Gilpinia laricis, Germany. R, Reversed.

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FIGURES 6A–J. Lancet. A–F, Gilpinia hakonensis: A, lectotype of Lophyrus hakonensis; B, holotype of G. hakonensis var. laticincta; C, Kyushu, D, Honshu, E, paratype of Diprion fukudai. F–H, Gilpinia amamiana: F, holotype; G, Amami Oshima Isl.; H, Tokunoshima Isl. I, J, Gilpinia okinawa: I, holotype; J, Okinawa Isl. 1, 2, 5, first (most basal), second and fifth annuli. D–F, H, Reversed.

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FIGURES 7A–F. A, D, Male genitalia, dorsal view; B, E, male genitalia (penis valve removed), ventral view; C, F, penis valve, lateral view (left dorsal). A–C, Gilpinia hakonensis, Honshu. D–F, Gilpinia amamiana, Amami Oshima Isl.











