Evylaeus Robertson, 1902

Pedro, Diego De, Ceccarelli, Fadia Sara, Sagot, Philippe, López-Reyes, Eulogio, Mullins, Jessica L., Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Falcon-Brindis, Armando, Griswold, Terry, Ascher, John S., Gardner, Joel, Ayala, Ricardo, Vides-Borrell, Eric & Vandame, Rémy, 2024, Revealing the Baja California Peninsula’s Hidden Treasures: An Annotated checklist of the native bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), Zootaxa 5522 (1), pp. 1-391 : 264

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5522.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier


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scientific name

Evylaeus Robertson, 1902


Subgenus Evylaeus Robertson, 1902

There has been no formal revision of the subgenus Evylaeus . Species identifications in this subgenus were made with reference to original descriptions, holotype images of Lasioglossum argemonis and Lasioglossum robustum provided by the Smithsonian Institution (USNM), the key and figures in Engler et al. (2024), a reference specimen of Lasioglossum robustum determined by McGinley, and a series of Lasioglossum amicus collected from Sonora (to rule out that species as a possibility).

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