Amphimenes planicollis, Fedorenko, 2010

Fedorenko, D. N., 2019, A revision of Amphimenes (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 233-250 : 247-249

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.02

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amphimenes planicollis


The planicollis View in CoL species group.

The group includes four apterous soil-dwelling species, three from northern Vietnam and one from Central Vietnam. The group is defined by the combination of the elytral seta d1 missing and seta d2 situated behind middle.

3.8. Amphimenes (s. str.) konplongensis

Fedorenko , sp.n.

Figs 9 View Figs 6–10 , 21–22 View Figs 21–30 , 38 View Figs 31–38 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU) labelled: ‘ Vietnam, Kon Tum Province, Kon Plong Distr [ict]., 14°45 ' N / 108°18 ' 10 '' E, env. ngock Boc I Mt., h = 1200–1300 m, 8–23.IV.2015, D. Fedorenko leg.’. Paratypes ( SIEE, ZISP, ZMMU): 6♂♂, 3♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data; ♂, ♀ GoogleMaps , same data, except for 14°44 ' 20 '' N / 108°19 ' E, h = 1100–1200 m; 5♂♂, 2♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data, except for 14°45 ' N / 108°17 ' 51 '' E, h= 1300–1400 m, 8–10.VI.2016; ♀ GoogleMaps , ‘ Vietnam, Quang Nam Prov., Nam Gian Distr., Song Thanh Natn. Park , 15°32 ' 51 '' N / 107°23 ' E, h= 1230 m, 23.IV– 11.V.2019, leg. D.Fedorenko’. Aedeagus examined in three males GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Body ( Fig. 9 View Figs 6–10 ) apterous, medium-sized for the genus, BL 6–7.1 mm, and black. Mouthparts, including labrum, antennae, trochanters, tibiae, tarsi and femoral apices reddish-yellow; femora otherwise dark brown to brownblack; lateral margins of elytra and narrow lateral margins of pronotum barely to distinctly translucent with red. Microsculpture coarse, isodiametric on head, granulate at middle of pronotum, granulate-aciculate around; elytral microsculpture much more superficial yet distinct, consisting of moderately to very transverse meshes becoming isodiametric ones on explanate lateral margin. Head and pronotum equally dull, slightly shining, elytra shinier. Elytral intervals moderately densely cross-striated, less so behind.

Head: eyes slightly flattened; genae about a third as long as eyes, mostly very smoothly extended into neck. Posterior supra-ocular seta just behind posterior margin of eye. Antennae long, surpassing pronotal base by about apical three antennomeres.

Pronotum cordate, broadest slightly less than two fifths from apex, a third to two fifths wider than long, PW/PL 1.34–1.40 (mean 1.37, n=5), PW/HW 1.47–1.60 (1.51). Base two fifths wider than apex, PB/PA 1.40–1.44 (1.42), with median part on a level with and a third wider than lateral lobes, all slightly rounded or the lobes more rounded toward basal angles. Basal angles slightly to highly obtuse. Apex deeply sinuate; apical angles porrect, slightly acute, and blunt. Sides evenly rounded in apical four fifths, mostly distinctly sinuate behind and barely diverging basad. Disc moderately convex, very finely transversely rugulose. Lateral margins moderately explanate-reflexed, narrow apically and gradually broadening to rather wide at basal angles; lateral groove narrow. Median line moderately deep and mostly obsolete behind well defined basal transverse impression. Basal foveae round and moderately deep, not extended forward. Paramedian foveae usually wide yet very shallow to indistinct.

Elytra broadly oval, EL/EW 1.39–1.48 (1.44), EW/PW 1.45–1.56 (1.49), at base as wide as pronotal base, evenly rounded on sides, broadest at middle, with humeri distinct yet widely rounded and posterolateral angles very obtuse and rounded; apices contiguous, subrectangular to obtuse combined, sharp or slightly blunted. Apical truncature oblique, slightly sinuate near apex. Striae deep; intervals moderately convex, outer ones slightly convex to nearly flat. Interval 3 with two setae, D2/EL 0.58–0.63 (0.60, n=5×2), D3/EL 0.92–0.94 (0.93).

Metepisternum short, ES3L/ES3W 0.84-0.90 (0.87, n=3).

Tarsomere 5 with one pair of ventral setae, metatarsomere often with additional vestigial pair of setae proximal to normal setae. In male, profemur without tubercle, mesotrochanter with a small tubercle; mesotibia with three or four minute tubercles along inner margin.

Aedeagus median lobe cylindrical ( Figs 21–22 View Figs 21–30 , 38 View Figs 31–38 ).

DIAGNOSIS. For details see the key.

DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only.

NAME. Given after the provenance of the species, Kon Plong District, Kon Tum, Vietnam.

HABITATS AND HABITS. As for A. acutipennis sp.n.

3.9. Amphimenes (s. str.) bicoloripes Fedorenko, sp.n.

Figs 23–24, 27 View Figs 21–30 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU) labelled:‘N-Vietnam, Nghe An Prov., Que Phong Distr., Pu Hoat National Park , 19°46 ' 35 '' N / 104°48 ' 13 '' E, h= 1350 m 15–27.V.2019, leg. D.Fedorenko’. Paratypes ( SIEE) 8♂♂, 12♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data; 5♂♂, 4♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data, except 19°45 ' N / 104°46 ' 38 '' E, h= 1220 m; ♀ GoogleMaps , same data, except 19°46 ' 13 '' N / 104°47 ' 08 '' E, h= 1030 m. Aedeagus examined in eight males GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. As for A. konplongensis , except for small differences that concern body proportions, elytral microsculpture, and shape of aedeagus. Body of nearly the same facies as in A. konplongensis (see Fig. 9 View Figs 6–10 ), BL 5.8–7.5 mm. elytral microsculpture consisting of dense transverse lines to extremely narrow and almost indistinct transverse meshes. Pronotum slightly narrower, PW/PL 1.24–1.35 (mean 1.29, n=7), PW/HW 1.44–1.54 (1.48), PB/PA 1.34–1.41 (1.36). Elytra broadly oval, EL/EW 1.41–1.50 (1.45), EW/PW 1.49– 1.60 (1.57). D2/EL 0.66–0.72 (0.69, n=6×2), 0.56/ 0.59 in one specimen measured, D3/EL 0.91–0.94 (0.93).

Tarsomere 5 with two pairs of ventral setae; mesotibia with four tubercles along inner margin.

Aedeagus ( Figs 23–24, 27 View Figs 21–30 ) with median lobe strongly twisted; left margin angulate at middle.

DIAGNOSIS. For details see the key.

DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only.

NAME. Refers to the bicoloured legs, pale, with femora infuscated.

HABITATS AND HABITS. Under various tree fragments on the ground in monsoon forests, mostly above 1200 m elevation.

3.10. Amphimenes (s. str.) reflexicollis

Fedorenko , 2010

Fedorenko , 2010: 39 (Tam Dao, northern Vietnam).

MATERIAL. Northern Vietnam ( SIEE; D. Fedorenko leg.): 4♂♂, 3♀♀, Cao Bang, 40 km W of Cao Bang, Phia Oac — Phia Den Nat. Park , Phia Oac Mt, 22°36 ' 03 '' N 105°53 ' 07 '' E, h= 1300 m, 3– 11.X.2018; ♂ ( SIEE) GoogleMaps , same data, except for 22°36 ' 25 '' N 105°52 ' 08 '' E, h= 1650–1700 m; 5♂♂, 4♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data, except for 22°36 ' 30 '' N 105°52 ' 20 '' E, h= 1600–1650 m; 9♂♂, 3♀♀ GoogleMaps , Lao Cai, 40 km WNW of Lao Cai, env. Y Ty, Bat Xat Nat. Park , 22°372– 37.6 ' N 103°37.32–38.3 ' E, h= 1600–1900 m, 16–21.X.2018; 5♂♂, 5♀♀ , same data, except for 22°36 ' 31 '' N 103°37 ' 23 '' E, h= 2000–2100 m, 4–14.VI.2019; 10♂♂, 5♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data except 22°37 ' 36 '' N 103°37 ' 32 '' E, h= 1850 m. Aedeagus examined in seven males GoogleMaps .

REDESCRIPTION. Based on material listed, the following additions are only necessary: BL 7.6–9.3 mm. PW/PL 1.31–1.42 (1.35, n=10), PW/HW 1.50–1.68 (1.59), PB/PA 1.41–1.52 (1.47), EL/EW 1.43–1.51 (1.48), EW/PW 1.45– 1.56 (1.51), D2/EL 0.61–0.71 (0.67, n=9×2).

DISTRIBUTION. The species range covers montane areas of northern Vietnam from Lao Cai Province in the west to Vinh Phuc (type locality) and Cao Bang provinces in the east.

HABITATS AND HABITS. This species occurs under smaller tree fragments on the ground. Individual adults were taken under bark of standing dead trees up to 1–2 m above ground.

COMMENTS. There are some subtle differences between two populations of the species, western (Lao Cai) and eastern (Cao Bang). The adults from the former have the pronotum barely larger, PW/HW 1.54–1.68 (1.61) vs. 1.50– 1.61 (1.56), EW/PW 1.45–1.52 (1.48) vs. 1.49–1.56 (1.54), with base wider, PB/PA 1.47–1.52 (1.49) vs. 1.41–1.49 (1.45); explanate and reflexed lateral margin barely wider, sides indistinctly sinuate to subconvex (vs. subsinuate to straight), and basal angles subrectangular to obtuse (vs. nearly right with narrowly rounded apices); and USS continuous and consisting of 16–18 US (vs. 15–17).


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Amphimenes planicollis

Fedorenko, D. N. 2019

Fedorenko D. N. 2010: 39
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