Amphimenes piceolus, Bates, 1873

Fedorenko, D. N., 2019, A revision of Amphimenes (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 233-250 : 243-244

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.02

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amphimenes piceolus


The piceolus View in CoL species group.

The group includes six arboricolous species, five macropterous and one, A. asahinai from Taiwan, brachypterous; the latter may form the subgroup or group of itself. Four species included, three from Vietnam ( A. bidoupensis , A. gracilis , A. montanus ) and A. ryukyuensis from southern Japan and Taiwan are very similar to one another and thence hard to discriminate. Smaller details of aedeagus, including those of internal sac, are useful for the purpose. Among them, the following four need to be briefly described ( Figs. 39–50 View Figs 39–41 View Figs 42–44 View Figs 45–47 View Figs 48–50 ): (1) dc, preapical dorsal carina; (2) dcl, shorter left dorsolateral carina, diverging from or from near the base of dc; (3) dorsal groove between dc and dcl; and (4) ppl, left preapical protuberance just outside the base of dcl. Dcl does mark the external margin of the dorsal groove, therefore it looks like carina only when the aedeagus is viewed laterally; the deeper dorsal groove (and/or the more prominent ppl) the more distinct dcl.

3.1. Amphimenes (s. str.) bidoupensis

Fedorenko , 2010

Figs 39 View Figs 39–41 , 42–44 View Figs 42–44 .

Fedorenko , 2010: 23, 27 (Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam).

MATERIAL. Type series; additional material includes many specimens, ♂♂ and ♀♀ ( SIEE, D. Fedorenko leg.), from Central Vietnam: Gia Lai, ~ 50 km N of An Khe, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve , 14°312 N 108°32 ' E, h= 1000–1040 m, 24.V–2.VI. 2016 ; Kon Tum, Kon Plong Distr., 14°43 ' N, 108°19 ' 10 '' E, Dak Khe River , h= 1030 m, 8–23.IV.2015 GoogleMaps ; same locality, except for 14°45 ' N 108°18 ' 10 '' E, env.ngock Boc 1 Mt. , h= 1200–1300 m, 8–23.IV.2015 GoogleMaps ; Quang N am, Nam Gian District, Song Thanh National Park , 15°34 ' 16 '' N 107°22 ' 44 '' E, h= 1030 m, 23.IV–11.V.2019 GoogleMaps ; same data except 15°33 ' 48 '' N 107°23 ' 22 '' E, h= 1050 m GoogleMaps . Aedeagus examined in 13 males.

DIAGNOSIS. Elytral intervals flat behind middle of disc. Body (BL 6.7–8 mm) and thence aedeagus ( Figs 39 View Figs 39–41 , 42–44 View Figs 42–44 ) barely larger than in the other two species from Vietnam in general. Median lobe in lateral view subequally wide between basal curve and apical orifice, with ppl indistinct, dc fine, low, not quite reaching apical orifice; dcl diverging from dc, straight and rather short, about half as long as distance between base of dc and apical orifice, sometimes vestigial or no. Everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 42–44 View Figs 42–44 ) with apical bulb (a) apical in position; right lateral bulb (lr) large, curved, directed basad and contiguous to fairly large dorsomedial bulb (dm); left lateral bulb (ll) large.

DISTRIBUTION. The records listed are within the species range that extends from Quang Binh Province in Central Vietnam to Lam Dong Province in southern Vietnam.

3.2. Amphimenes (s. str.) gracilis

Fedorenko , 2010

Figs 40 View Figs 39–41 , 45–47 View Figs 45–47 .

Fedorenko , 2010: 23, 30 (env. Thai Nguen, northern Vietnam).

MATERIAL. Type series. Additional material ( SIEE; D. Fedorenko leg.): Northern Vietnam: ♀ , N ghe An, Que Phong Distr., Pu Hoat National Park , 19°45 ' 19 '' N 104°47 ' 47 '' E, h= 840 m, 15– 27.V.2019; 3♂♂, 2♀♀ GoogleMaps , same data, except 19°46 ' 35 '' N 104°48 ' 13 '' E, h= 1350 m; ♀ GoogleMaps , Cao Bang, 40 km W of Cao Bang, Phia Oac — Phia Den Nat. Park , Phia Oac Mt, 22°36 ' 03 '' N 105°53 ' 07 '' E, h= 1300 m, 3–11.X.2018. Aedeagus examined in five males GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. Elytral intervals convex (type specimens) to nearly flat behind middle of disc (the other specimens examined). Aedeagus ( Figs 40 View Figs 39–41 , 45–47 View Figs 45–47 ) smaller following a bit smaller body, BL 6.2–7.6 mm. Median lobe in lateral view more robust, distinctly narrower basally than preapically, broadened toward apical orifice in third fourth, with apical orifice more transverse; dc conspicuous, high and reaching apical orifice; dcl starting from near it, longer and more or less sinuate, with a small ppl at base; dorsal groove deep.


Everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 45–47 View Figs 45–47 ) with a on right side, lr small, dm very small and separate from lr; an additional, small, basal dorsomedial bulb (dmb) present.

DISTRIBUTION. Northern Vietnam (Thai N guen, Cao Bang, N ghe An).

HABITATS AND HABITS. Under bark scales of live trees (N ghe An) and under bark of a dead tree (Cao Bang) in rainforests.

3.3. Amphimenes (s. str.) montanus Fedorenko, 2010

Figs 41 View Figs 39–41 , 48–50 View Figs 48–50 .

Fedorenko , 2010: 23, 30 (env. Sa Pa, northern Vietnam).

MATERIAL. Type specimens and additional material as follows: 20♂♂, 14♀♀ ( SIEE, D. Fedorenko leg.), Northern Vietnam: Lao Cai, 40 km WNW of Lao Cai, env. Y Ty, Bat Xat National Park , 22°37 ' –37.6 ' N 103°37.32–38.3 ' E, h= 1600–1900 m, 16–21.X.2018; ♂ , same data, except for 22°36 ' 31 '' N 103°37 ' 23 '' E, h= 2000–2100 m, 4–14.VI.2019; ♂ GoogleMaps , same data except 22°36 ' 02 '' N 103°37 ' 13 '' E, h= 2200 m; 5♂♂, ♀ GoogleMaps , same data except 22°37 ' 36 '' N 103°37 ' 32 '' E, h= 1850 m. Aedeagus examined in seven males GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. Aedeagus ( Figs 41 View Figs 39–41 , 48–50 View Figs 48–50 ) similar to that of A. bidoupensis , except that dc and dcl are well-developed, higher and longer, dc reaching apical orifice, dorsal groove deeper, and small ppl present. Everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 48–50 View Figs 48–50 ) with a on right side; lr large and long, much longer than wide at base; dm vesicular and medium-sized.

DISTRIBUTION.This species is only known from Hoang Lien mountain ridge in northern Vietnam. The locality listed above is the second exact locality, next to Mt. Phang Xi Pang (= Fansipan).

HABITATS AND HABITS. Common under bark of standing dead trees in cloudy forests.

COMMENTS. Based on the material listed, the following additions and corrections to the species description are made: BL 6.2–7.6 mm. PW/PL 1.30–1.45 (1.37, n=5), 1.49– 1.61 (1.54), PB/PA 1.43–1.53 (1.48), EL/EW 1.43–1.50 (1.48), EW/PW 1.42–1.55 (1.49), D1/EL 0.20–0.27 (0.23, n=5×2), D2/EL 0.67–0.76 (0.72). Besides, the specimens listed share entirely pale legs, whereas the type specimens has the legs with femora infuscated. This, firstly, suggests the type specimens may only represent a local population or a high-montane form of the species and, secondly, reduces differences of the species from A. bidoupensis and A. gracilis to the following ones: the pronotum barely larger, PW/HW 1.49–1.61 (vs. 1.34–1.50), with sides not or barely converging towards the base, the base broader relative to the apex, PB/PA 1.43–1.53 (vs. 1.31–1.43), and the reflexed lateral margin being basally wider than in the related species; the elytra are less square due to due to their narrower bases and both humeri and sides more rounded.

3.4. Amphimenes (s. str.) ryukyuensis Habu, 1964

Habu, 1964: 474, 475 (Ishigaki Is., Ryukius, Japan); 1967: 114, 116; 1982: 91; Fedorenko , 2010: 23. — carinacaulis Hunting et Yang, 2019: 10 , 20 (Taiwan), syn.n.

MATERIAL. No specimen, except for digital images of the holotype of A. ryukyuensis at NIAES, Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan ( .

DISTRIBUTION. Southern Japan: Satsunans (Amamioshima Is. and Tokunoshima Is.), Ryukius (Iriomote Is. and Ishigaki Is.).

COMMENTS. The above synonymy is based on the fact that A. carinacaulis has been described and, surprisingly, compared with the species of Amphimenes from Taiwan only, instead of with similar and closely related species outside the island. Of these, A. ryukyuensis is widespread in southern Japan, including Iriomote Is. and Ishigaki Is., these being much closer to Taiwan than to Satsunan Islands Amamioshima and Tokunoshima as other known localities of the species. I see no difference between the two species in body appearance and the shape of aedeagus. Accordingly I consider the two names as conspecific until evidence to the contrary.














Amphimenes piceolus

Fedorenko, D. N. 2019

Fedorenko D. N. 2010: 23

Fedorenko D. N. 2010: 23

Fedorenko D. N. 2010: 23
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