Amphimenes ruficollis, Fedorenko, 2019

Fedorenko, D. N., 2019, A revision of Amphimenes (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 233-250 : 243

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.02

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amphimenes ruficollis


The ruficollis View in CoL species group.

This group is introduced here for the only species distinctive in having the body smaller, clypeus and labrum pale, elytral pattern variegated, elytra with striae subpunctate and only two non-foveate discal setigerous pores, d2 and d3.

2.4. Amphimenes (Amblops) ruficollis

Fedorenko , sp.n.

Fig. 4 View Figs 1–5 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU): ‘S Vietnam, Lam Dong Prov [ince]., Bi Doup-Nui Ba Nat [ure]. Res [erve]., env[irons]. Long Lanh , h= 1400 m, 12°10 ' 44 '' N, 108°40 ' 44 '' E, window-trap h= 25 m, 6–10.V.2009, leg. A.Polilov’. GoogleMaps

DESCRIPTION. Body ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–5 ) macropterous and very small, BL 4.5 mm. Elytra, mesosternum and metapleura black, base and apex of elytra brownish, head dark brown in posterior half, reddish before, propleura and abdomen brown laterally, ventral side otherwise reddish yellow; mandibles red; pronotum and narrow lateral margin of elytra reddish-yellow; palps, antennae, legs and widely explanate lateral margin of pronotum (including hypomera), yellow. Dorsum shiny, head and pronotum slightly dull from rather coarse isodiametric, nearly granulate, microsculpture; sides and apex of pronotal disc with granulate microsculpture becoming slightly transverse on each side of median line behind the middle; elytra with superficial yet distinct microsculpture consisting of slightly to moderately transverse meshes, with admixture of isodiametric meshes here and there. Elytral intervals smooth.

Head: eyes slightly flattened; genae very short. Posterior supra-ocular seta on a level with posterior margin of eye. Antennae short, surpassing pronotal base by apical half of segment 11.

Pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.59, PW/HW 1.55, evenly rounded on sides, slightly less so in basal third, broadest two fifths from apex. Base broader than apex, PB/PA 1.39, with median part very slightly projecting caudad; lateral lobes rather strongly rounded close to basal angles; these almost rounded off. Apex deeply sinuate; apical angles porrect, subrectangular, with rounded tips. Disc moderately convex, with very fine transverse wrinkles. Lateral margin explanate and moderately reflexed, becoming increasingly wide from very narrow apically to very wide basally. Median line moderately deep, obliterate behind basal transverse impression, which is well defined and very obtusely angulate forward. Basal foveae indistinct, merged into rather wide and smoothly concave lateral grooves. Paramedian foveae very small and nearly indistinct.

Elytra nearly square, slightly oval, EL/EW 1.44, EW/PW 1.38, evenly rounded on sides, broadest at middle, with humeri widely rounded yet distinct; posterolateral angles highly obtuse and widely rounded; apices blunt. Apical truncature oblique, indistinctly sinuate. Lateral reflexed margin very narrow just medially, otherwise reduced to a finest bead. Striae rather shallow, crenulate; intervals flat. Interval 3 with two setae, D2/EL 0.56, D3/EL 0.94. USS continuous, consisting of 15 US.

Metepisternum 1.45 times as long as wide.

Tarsomere 5 of pro-, meso- and metatarsi with one or 1– 2, or two pairs of ventral setae, respectively. In male, profemur with no tubercle, mesotrochanter with a minute tubercle; mesotibia with three preapical tubercles along inner margin.

Aedeagus (lost through mounting): median lobe long, narrow, subequally wide in apical three fourths, almost straight in lateral view, with a well defined apical orifice in almost left position; apex moderately long, tapered, rounded apically, not upturned.

DIAGNOSIS. As for the group.

DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only.

NAME. Refers to the colour of the pronotum.

HABITATS AND HABITS. The only specimen has been collected by a window-trap at 25 m above ground level in a lowland monsoon broad-leaved forest.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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