Prioniodus adami Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988

Zhen, Yong Yi & Nicoll, Robert S., 2009, Biogeographic and Biostratigraphic Implications of the Serratognathus bilobatus Fauna (Conodonta) from the Emanuel Formation (Early Ordovician) of the Canning Basin, Western Australia, Records of the Australian Museum 61 (1), pp. 1-30 : 15

publication ID 10.3853/j.0067-1975.61.2009.1520

persistent identifier

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Felipe (2021-08-21 23:02:14, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:06:42)

scientific name

Prioniodus adami Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988


Prioniodus adami Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988

Fig. 6G–L View Fig

Prioniodus sp. nov. C McTavish, 1973: 47, pl. 3, figs 4–6,?11, 16, text-fig. 6f, g, i,?j, k.

Prioniodus adami Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988: 132 , 133, pl. 11, figs 5–13 (cum syn.);? Albanesi et al., 1998: 155, pl. 10, figs 1–3; Johnston & Barnes, 2000: 36, pl. 16, figs 9, 10, 13–16, 19; Pyle & Barnes, 2002: 110, pl. 26, figs 19–21.

Material. Four specimens from two samples ( Table 1).

Remarks. Based on a large collection from Bed 9 of the Cow Head Group of western Newfoundland, Stouge & Bagnoli (1988) established P. adami as having a septimembrate apparatus (pastinate Pa, and Pb, ramiform S and geniculate M elements), and also included in it the material from the Emanuel Formation that McTavish (1973), ascribed to Prioniodus sp. C except for the oistodiform element (his pl. 3, fig. 11, text-fig. 6j) which bears a short, adenticulate inner lateral process. Prioniodus adami is characterized by bearing small, closely-spaced denticles on the long posterior process of the S and P elements, as well as on the anterior and outer lateral processes of the P elements and the inner lateral process of the M element. The Pa element ( Fig. 6G, H View Fig ) from the Emanuel Formation is identical with those illustrated by McTavish (1973, pl. 3, figs 5,?16), but exhibits less closely spaced denticles on the processes in comparison with the holotype ( Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988, pl. 11, fig. 8). The M element from the Cow Head Group shows a long adenticulate outer lateral process and a long, denticulate inner lateral process with small, closely-spaced denticles, similar to those on the processes of the P and S elements, but no M element has been recovered from the samples of this study.

Albanesi, G. L., M. A. Hunicken & C. R. Barnes, 1998. Bioestratigrafia, biofacies y taxonomia de conodontes de las secuencias ordovicicas del Cerro Porterillo, Precordillera central de San Juan, R. Argentina. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias 12: 1 - 249.

McTavish, R. A., 1973. Prioniodontacean conodonts from the Emanuel Formation (Lower Ordovician) of Western Australia. Geologica et Palaeontologica 7: 27 - 58.

Stouge, S., & G. Bagnoli, 1988. Early Ordovician conodonts from Cow Head Peninsula, western Newfoundland. Palaeontographica Italica 75: 89 - 179.

Gallery Image

Fig. 6. A–F, Paracordylodus gracilis Lindström, 1955. All from sample WCB705/243. (A), M element, CPC39827, anterior view (IY116-050). B–E, S elements; B–C, CPC39828, (B), inner lateral view (IY116-051); (C), close up showing chevron-shaped pattern of striae adjacent to anterior margin (IY126-052); (D), CPC39829, inner lateral view (IY126-053); (E), CPC39830, outer lateral view (IY126-054); (F), P element, CPC39928, outer lateral view (IY116055). G,H,L, Prioniodus adami Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988. G,H, Pa element, CPC39831, WCB705/243, (G), antero-outer lateral view (IY118-018); (H), outer lateral view (IY118-019). (L), Sa element, CPC39832, WCB705/243, posterior view (IY128-021). M–R, Protoprioniodus simplicissimus McTavish, 1973. All from sample WCB705/243. M, N, Sc element; (M), CPC39833, outer lateral view (IY118-020); (N), CPC39834, inner lateral view (IY118-030). O,P, Pa element, CPC39835, (O), inner lateral view (IY118-025); (P), upper-outer lateral view (IY118-023). Q,R, M element; (Q), CPC39836, anterior view (IY129-032); (R), CPC39837, posterior view (IY118-029). I–K, S–V, Fahraeusodus adentatus (McTavish, 1973). I–K, Sa element, CPC39838, WCB705/133, (I), lateral view (IY127-012); (J), anterior view, close up showing striae on the broad anterior face (IY127-011); (K), anterior view (IY127-010). (S), Sc element, CPC39839, 161–166 m, inner lateral view (IY130-001). (T), Sb element, CPC39840, 161–166 m, outer lateral view (IY130-002). U,V, Sd element, CPC39841, 161–166 m, (U), inner lateral view (IY130-005); (V), outer lateral view (IY130-006). Scale bars 100 µm unless otherwise indicated.











