Campylothorax viruaensis, da Silva Santos & Cipola & de Morais & Bellini, 2016

da Silva Santos, Inaura P., Cipola, Nikolas G., de Morais, José W. & Bellini, Bruno C., 2016, A new species of Campylothorax (Collembola: Paronellidae: Paronellinae) from Northern Brazil, Zoologia (e 20160013) 33 (3), pp. 1-6 : 2-6

publication ID 10.1590/S1984-4689zool-20160013

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Campylothorax viruaensis

sp. nov.

Campylothorax viruaensis View in CoL

Santos, Cipola & Bellini, sp. nov.

Figs. 1-29

Description. Total length of holotype 2.48 mm. Habitus typical of Campylothorax (Fig. 1). Specimens in ethanol pale yellow with dark blue pigment covering Ant I (completely), II (partially), part of head, anterior and lateral regions of Th II, latero-anterior region of Th III, legs, Abd III (almost completely), Abd IV (a large transversal band covering 2/3 centrally in the segment) and middle region of dens (Fig. 1). Brownish scales covering Ant I and II, basal halves of Ant III and IV, head, thorax, abdomen, legs and furcula. Collophore without scales. Dorsal head and trunk with reduced number of macrochaetae.

Head. Ant IV annulated, with smooth and ciliate chaetae and some blunt sensilla ( Fig. 2 View Figures 2-10 ). Ant III apical sense organ with 2 rods, 2 guard sensilla, surrounded by smooth and ciliate chaetae ( Fig. 3 View Figures 2-10 ). Eye patches oval, largest lenses A and B, smallest G and H, with four interocular chaetae ( Fig. 4 View Figures 2-10 ). Maxillary palp with one smaller (about half length of a.s.) smooth basal chaeta (b.s.) ( Fig. 5 View Figures 2-10 ). Four prelabral and 14 (4/5/5) labral smooth chaetae, four anterior (a1 and a2), five median (m0, m1 and m2) and five posterior (p0, p1 and p2) ( Fig. 6 View Figures 2-10 ). Head ventral chaetotaxy as in Fig. 7 View Figures 2-10 , all post-labium chaetae ciliate. Basomedian and basolateral field with chaeta M1-M2, r, E, L1-L2, A1-A5 ( Fig. 8 View Figures 2-10 ).

Figure 1. Campylothorax viruaensis sp. nov., habitus of a fixed Labium with five smooth proximal chaetae. Labial palp with

specimen in ethanol. Scale bar: 1 mm. five papillae (A-E), A and C simple, B and D with 4 smooth appendages and E with lateral process (l.p.) smaller than the papilla and 4 smooth appendages ( Fig. 9 View Figures 2-10 ). Dorsal chaetotaxy one pair at the basis, one medial and one smaller apical tooth; ( Figs. 4, 10 View Figures 2-10 ) with 11 antennal macrochaetae; 4 or 5 anterior mac- unguiculi trilamelate with two lamellae acuminate and one rochaetae (A0, A1, A2, A3 and A5), A1 as macro, microchaeta or truncate, with smooth edges; tenent hair capitate, with smooth totally absent; 5 sutural macrochaetae (S2, S3, S4, S5i and S5); 2 edges ( Figs. 18-20 View Figures 11-29 ). post-sutural chaetae, Ps2 as microchaeta and Ps5 as mesochaeta; Abdomen. Dorsal chaetotaxy as in Figs. 21-25 View Figures 11-29 ; legends to 2 post-occipital anterior chaetae, Pa5 as macrochaeta and Pa6 as symbols as in Fig. 10 View Figures 2-10 . Abd I medial series ‘m’ with m2, m3 and bothriotrichum; posterior region with 3 microchaetae. m4 as microchaetae; p6 as microchaeta, anterior microsensillum

Thorax. Dorsal thorax chaetotaxy as in Figs. 11-12 View Figures 11-29 ; leg- ‘ms’ (S-microchaeta) present ( Fig. 21 View Figures 11-29 ). Abd II bothriothricha m2 ends to symbols as in Fig. 10 View Figures 2-10 . Th II posterior series ‘p’ with p1-4 and a5 present, with four surrounding fan-shaped elements postero-medial complex formed by 6-8 macrochaetae, arranged each; a6 and m6 as microchaetae; m3 and m5 as macrochaeas typical for Campylothorax ; p5, p6 and p6e as microchaetae; tae; medial sensillum ‘as’ (S-chaeta) near m3 ( Fig. 22 View Figures 11-29 ). Abd III antero-lateral sensillum ‘al’ (S-chaeta) and microsensillum ‘ms’ bothriothrica m2, m5 and a5 present, with two, four and six (S-microchaeta) present ( Fig. 11 View Figures 11-29 ). Th III internal macrochaetae surrounding fan-shaped chaetae, respectively; m3, am6, pm6, a5, a4, p3 and p2 present, antero-lateral sensillum ‘al’ (S-chaeta) p6, a7, m7, p7 plus one unnamed latero-posterior macrochaetae present ( Fig. 12 View Figures 11-29 ). Legs. Subcoxa I with one macrochaeta and present; medial sensillum ‘as’ (S-chaeta) and microsensillum two pseudopores; subcoxa II with an anterior row (a) of 10 ‘ms’ (S-microchaeta) present ( Fig. 23 View Figures 11-29 ). Abd IV ‘M’ series with macrochaetae, posterior row (p) with five macrochaetae and two one macrochaeta and three microchaetae; ‘A’ series with A1 and pseudopores; subcoxa III with a row of nine anterior plus three A6 as macrochaetae and A5 as macro or microchaeta; ‘B’ series posterior macrochaetae and two posterior pseudopores (Figs. with B3-B5 as macrochaetae; B6 as posterior bothriothricum; 13-15). Trochanter I with 11 anterior ciliate and four smooth ‘C’ series with C2-C4 as microchaetae; ‘T’ series with T2 and chaetae ( Fig. 16 View Figures 11-29 ). Trochanteral organ with approximately 35 T4 as bothriothrica with six and three surrounding fan-shaped spine-like chaetae ( Fig. 17 View Figures 11-29 ). All ungues with four inner teeth, elements, respectively, T5 as mesochaeta and T7 as macrochaeta, 6 T6 as microchaeta; ‘E’ series with E2 as macrochaeta, E3 and E3p Concerning the color pattern, the new species differs esas meso or macrochaetae; ‘F’ series with F1-F3 as macrochaetae pecially in Abd IV pigmentation. It only presents a transversal and F3p as bothriothricum; 14 lateral chaetae with uncertain band of dark pigment in its middle region, while C. sabanus has homology (unnamed) and posterior region with about 15 me- almost all the second half of Abd IV pigmented, including the sochaetae ( Fig. 24 View Figures 11-29 ). One anterosubmedial sensillum ‘as’ type distal region. Campylothorax schaefferi presents a similar color I (S-chaetae), seven central unnamed sensilla type II plus one pattern to C. viruaensis sp. nov., especially regarding Abd IV posterior sensillum ‘ps’ ( Fig. 24 View Figures 11-29 ). Abd V anterior series ‘a’ with (with one transversal band of pigment), but the two species are a1 and a3 as microchaetae, a5 as macrochaeta, a6 as mesochaeta; different in the number of mucronal teeth (four in C. schaefferi , medial series ‘m’ with m2 (present or absent), m3 and m5 as five in C. viruaensis sp. nov.) (MITRA & DALLAI 1980). Several other macrochaetae; posteroanterior series ‘pa’ with p3a and p4a as morphological features of C. schaefferi are currently unclear and macrochaetae, p5a and p6ae as macrochaetae; posterior series a redescription of it with observation of ventral head and whole ‘p’ with p1, p3 (present or absent), p4 and p5 as macrochaetae, dorsal chaetotaxy is in need to rightly compare this species with and ap6 as mesochaeta; sensilla ‘as’, ‘acc.p4’ and ‘acc.p5’ type I other Neotropical taxa. present ( Fig. 25 View Figures 11-29 ). Collophore. Anterior side with 4 long slightly ciliate chaetae plus eight small proximal chaetae; latero-distal ACKNOWLEDGMENTS flap with approximately 38-46 smooth chaetae, eight more anterior chaetae present or absent (circled in Fig. 26 View Figures 11-29 ), 40 slightly We thank CNPq (project 474867/2011-0) for financing ciliate plus 27 ciliate chaetae on proximo-lateral side (outside the sampling at Viruá National Park; CAPES Pro-Equipamentos flap); posterior side with 2 smooth chaetae ( Fig. 26 View Figures 11-29 ). Furcula. for laboratory founding; Neusa Hamada/CNPq and Laboratório Manubrial plate (dorso-distal region) with 4 ciliate chaetae and 3 de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo (Elizabeth F. pseudopores ( Fig. 27 View Figures 11-29 ). Dens with one row of 41-50 ciliate spines Chilson), CBIO, INPA, both for logistic support of images. The ( Fig. 28 View Figures 11-29 ). Mucro typically elongated with five teeth, one basal first author is granted by CAPES, CNPq and FAPEAM (project tooth and four apical teeth (d1, ap., v1, v2 and i.l.) ( Fig. 29 View Figures 11-29 ). 062.00702/2015). The second author is granted by CNPq. The

Material examined. Holotype female, on slide number senior author is granted by CNPq/ Programa de Pesquisa em COLLE 055 / INPA, BRASIL, Roraima: Caracaraí ( Parque Nacional Biodiversidade , Invertebrados (PPBio). de Viruá, 1.486667N, 61.047778 W), 21.ix-9.x.2012, pitfall-trap, I.P.S. Santos coll. Paratypes: 4 males and 2 females on slides LITERATURE CITED COLLE 055 A-F/ INPA, same data of the holotype. Paratypes: 5 males on slides COLLE 055 G-K/ INPA, same data of the holotype, ABRANTES EA, BELLINI BC, BERNARDO AN, FERNANDES LH, MENDONÇA except 16.i-6.ii.2013. MC, OLIVEIRA EP, QUEIROZ GC, SAUTTER KD, SILVEIRA TC, ZEPPELINI GoogleMaps

Distribution and habitat. Specimens of C. viruaensis sp. D (2012) Errata Corrigenda and update for the “Synthesis of nov. were collected within the Amazon Rainforest and campina- Brazilian Collembola: an update to the species list.” Abrantes rana of Viruá National Park, state of Roraima, Brazil, which are et al. 2010, Zootaxa 2388: 1-22. Zootaxa 3168: 1-21. included in Good’s biogeographic zones 25 and 26, Neotropical ARLé R, MENDONÇA C (1982) Estudo preliminar das espécies de Region, high and lowlands of Northern Brazil (GOOD 1974). The Dicranocentrus Schött, 1893 , ocorrentes no Parque Nacional climate of the area is Equatorial (af), fully humid, characterized da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro ( Collembola). Revista Brasileira de by seasonal flooding in lower zones ( KOTTEK et al. 2006). The Biologia 42: 41-49. specimens were found in litter of dry and previously flooded BELLINGER PF, CHRISTIANSEN KA, JANSSENS F (2016) Checklist of the forests during the dry season.Etymology. The species name is Collembola of the World. Available online at: http://www. after its type locality, National Park of Viruá. [Accessed: 13/04/2016]

Remarks. The dorsal chaetotaxy and body pigmentation BELLINI BC, MENESES LF (2012) A new species of Campylothorax of C. viruaensis sp. nov. resemble C. sabanus (Wray, 1953) from ( Collembola: Entomobryoidea: Paronellidae ) from the state Puerto Rico and C. cubanus Gruia, 1983 from Cuba. The new of Alagoas, Brazil. Zoologia 29: 451-454. doi: 10.1590/S1984- species differs from both in dorsal head chaetotaxy, with S5i 46702012000500008 macrochaeta (as microchaeta in C. sabanus and absent in C. FJELLBERG A (1999) The labial palp in Collembola. Zoologischer cubanus ). Abd IV central-posterior macrochaetae (4-5 in the new Anzeiger 237: 309-330. species, 6 in others), and 8 latero-posterior macrochaetae on se- GISIN H (1964) Collemboles d’Europe. VII. Revue Suisse de ries ‘E’ to ‘F’ (6 in the other two species). Campylothorax sabanus Zoologie 71: 649-678. also presents a distinct labial chaetotaxy when compared to the GOOD R (1974) The geography of flowering plants. London, new species: L2 is extremely reduced (see MARI-MUTT 1987: 415), Longman Group, 574p. while in the new species L2 is only a little smaller. Regarding the GRUIA M (1983) Collemboles arthropléones de Cuba récoltés par collophore anterior side, C. cubanus and C. sabanus present 3+3 les expéditions cubano-roumaines en 1969-1973. Academia anterior long chaetae, while C. viruaensis sp. nov. presents 4+4. Republicii Socialiste România 4: 191-205.


KOTTEK M, GRIESER J, BECK C, RUDOLF B, RUBEL F (2006) World map Campylothorax supports the synonymization of tribes Paronof the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated. Me- ellini and Troglopedetini (Collembola: Paronellidae). Journal teorologische Zeitschrift 15: 259 -263. doi: 10.1127/0941- of Insect Science 14: 1-16. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/ieu140 2948/2006/0130 ZHANG F, DEHARVENG L (2015) Systematic revision of Entomo- MARI MUTT JA (1987) Puerto Rican species of Paronellidae (Insecta: bryidae (Collembola) by integrating molecular and new Collembola). Caribbean Journal of Science 23: 400-416. morphological evidence. Zoologica Scripta 44: 298-311. MITRA SK, DALLAI R (1980) Studies of the genus Campylothorax doi: 10.1111/zsc.12100

Schött, 1893 (Collembola Entomobryidae Paronellinae)

with the description of a new species from Zaire. Monitore

Zoologico Italiano 13: 273-321. Submitted: 25 January 2016

SZEPTYCKI A (1979) Chaetotaxy of the Entomobryidae and its Received in revised form: 20 April 2016

phylogenetical significance. Morpho-systematic studies Accepted: 8 May 2016

on Collembola. IV. Warszawa, Polska Akademia Nauk, Zak- Editorial responsibility: Gabriel L.F. Mejdalani lad Zoologii Systematycznej i Doswiadczalnej, Panstwowe

Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 219p.

SOTO-ADAMES FN (2016) Chaetotaxy of first-instar Campy- Author Contributions: IPSS wrote the paper and drew the lothorax sabanus (Wray), and description of three new pictures. NGC supervised the description, took the picture of Campylothorax species from Hispaniola (Collembola, specimen fixed in ethanol, drew the pictures and reviewed all the Paronellidae). Journal of Natural History 50: 1-30. doi: drawings and paper. BCB reviewed all drawings and paper. JWM 10.1080/00222933.2016.1145272 reviewed all paper.

SOTO-ADAMES FN, RAFAEL J, BAQUERO E (2014) Comparative analysis Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no of the dorsal chaetotaxy of Troglopedetes, Trogolaphysa, and competing interests exist.


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