Alacrena peculiaris, Vea & Grimaldi, 2015

Vea, Isabelle M. & Grimaldi, David A., 2015, Diverse new scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) in amber from the Cretaceous and Eocene with a phylogenetic framework for fossil Coccoidea, American Museum Novitates 2015 (3823), pp. 1-80 : 43

publication ID 10.1206/3823.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Alacrena peculiaris

sp. nov.

Alacrena peculiaris , new species

Figures 12C View FIGURE 12 , 14 View FIGURE 14

TYPE LOCALITY: Myanmar: Kachin: near Tanai village. Albian-Cenomanian boundary .

TYPE: Holotype AMNH Bu-1516, alate male in a 5 × 4 × 0.5 mm dark yellow transparent, polished amber piece, specimen lying on a resin layer, thoracic and abdominal regions not well preserved, only one wing spread; accessible views: ventral and dorsal. Myanmar, Kachin, Tanai Village, on Ledo Road, 105 km NW Myitkyna), Leeward Capitol Corp coll., deposited in the American Museum of Natural History.

ETYMOLOGY: The epithet is from the Latin peculiaris and refers to the peculiarity of the notch on the wing, unique to all male Coccoidea .

DIAGNOSIS: As for genus.

DESCRIPTION: Body minute, total length 990 μm, largest width at mesothorax 200 μm. Head (fig. 14A): Transverse, 180 μm wide, 90 μm long. Ocular sclerite a pair of large compound eyes protruding laterally, 75 μm long, number of ommatidia difficult to determine but probably ca. 100. Ocelli bulging laterally, posterior to compound eyes, as in Matsucoccus . No head structure visible. Antenna (fig. 14B): 10-segmented and long, total length ca. 450 μm; measurements for each antennal segment (in μm): scape 35; pedicel 50; flagellar segments III to X all filiform; III 65; IV 55; V 45; VI 55; VII 45; VIII 30; IX 700. All flagellar segments covered with 10–15 long hairlike setae (each 25-30 μm). Apical segment with hairlike setae, 2 capitate setae and at least 1 bristle. Thorax: Head and thorax separated by a neck constriction. All thoracic structures damaged, and not identifiable. Wings (fig. 14D): Forewings broad at base, rounded at apex, with a notch on termen, 680 μm long, 330 μm wide; subcostal ridge extending from the base of the wing to more than 3/4 wing length. Cubital ridge starting at 130 μm from wing base, extending diagonally to tip of wing, ending at wing notch. Alar setae and sensoria absent, microtrichia absent. Alar fold present. Hamulohalteres elongate and narrow, 50 μm long, each with two hamuli. Legs (fig. 14C): Long and slender, all of subequal length, cuticular reticulations absent; prothoracic legs: coxa 72 μm long; trochanter and femur, 20 μm wide, 195 μm long, with numerous thick hairlike setae of same length as femur width; tibia: 155 μm long, 17 μm wide, with hairlike setae, tibial spurs not differentiated; tarsus 1-segmented, 60 μm long, 17 μm wide, tarsal digitules narrowly clavate; claw narrow, 30 μm long, almost straight, claw digitules and denticles absent. Abdomen: Short, probably retracted, tapering posteriorly, ca. 635 μm long (183 μm without penial sheath), 125 μm widest. Abdominal setae visible on last two abdominal segments. Genital segment: penial sheath elongate with a pointed apex, 460 μm long, 35 μm wide at base, becoming narrow and parallel sided (20 μm wide) 60 μm from penial sheath base (fig. 13C). Aedeagus slender and pointed at apex. Eversible endophallus absent.


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