Nisidorcas sp.

Kostopoulos, Dimitrios S. & Bernor, Raymond L., 2011, The Maragheh bovids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): systematic revision and biostratigraphiczoogeographic interpretation, Geodiversitas 33 (4), pp. 649-708 : 667-669

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Marcus (2021-08-30 00:24:23, last updated 2021-09-02 08:49:12)

scientific name

Nisidorcas sp.


Nisidorcas sp. ( Fig. 12 View FIG )

Antilope indet. – Mecquenem 1925: pl. 8, fig. 1.

Nisidorcas planicornis – Köhler 1987: 199.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — MNHN.F: Frontlet MAR1323 ( Mecquenem 1925: pl. VIII, fig. 1 as Antilope indet.; Wshc = 84.0 mm, Wbhc = 58.0 mm, Wso = 38.2 mm, Lhc = c. 150 mm, TDhcb = 26.2 mm, APDhcb = 32.3 mm); distal part of horn-core, MAR1807; proximal part of horn-core, MAR1813 (TDhcb = 20.4 mm, APDhcb = 26.1 mm).


Nisidorcas occurs in the early to early middle Turolian faunas of Eastern Mediterranean, mainly Greece and Turkey as well as in Perim Island, India ( Bouvrain 1979; Kostopoulos 2006). Recent data allow a much better understanding of the species and its morphological and metrical variability ( Geraads & Güleç 1999; Kostopoulos & Koufos 1999; Bouvrain 2001; Kostopoulos 2006). Köhler (1987) based on MAR1323 ( Fig. 12 View FIG ), was the first to mention similarities of Mecquenem’s small Antilope indet. with Nisidorcas . The three available specimens from Maragheh have heteronymously twisted and straight horn-cores that are moderately divergent

Kostopoulos D. S. & Bernor R. L.

and bent strongly backwards ( Fig. 12 View FIG and Mecquenem 1925: pl. VIII, fig. 1). Their greater basal axis is strongly oblique comparatively to the sagittal plan indicating a rather anteroposterior proximal compression. A moderate to strong posterior keel descends postero-laterally and trends straightwards to the apex ( Fig. 12B, C View FIG ); it is further underlined by the strong grooving of the posterior horn-core surface. In the antero-basal part of the horn-core a blunt constriction that ascends helically upwards replaces what would be an anterior keel. The postcornual fossa is wide and shallow.

In contrast to Geraads & Güleç (1999) we believe that Antilospira incarinatus Tekkaya, 1969 is not worthy of distinction at the species level; the Turkish material re-described by Köhler (1987) falls well within the morphological variability of N. planicornis (see Kostopoulos 2006). The morphological and metrical characters of the Maragheh species also resemble those of Greek Nisidorcas


planicornis summarized by Kostopoulos (2006). Nevertheless, the Maragheh horn-cores show more lyriform divergence and stronger longitudinal grooving of their posterior surface than usually seen in N. planicornis but the sample is limited for certain conclusion.

BOUVRAIN G. 1979. - Un nouveau genre de bovide de la fin du Miocene. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France 21: 507 - 511.

BOUVRAIN G. 2001. - Les Bovides (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) des gisements du Miocene superieur de Vathylakkos (Grece du Nord). Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandungen 220: 225 - 244.

GERAADS D. & GULEC E. 1999. - On some spiralhorned antelopes (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Bovidae) from the late Miocene of Turkey, with remarks on their distribution. Palaontologische Zeitschrift 73 (3 / 4): 403 - 409.

KOHLER M. 1987. - Boviden des turkischen Miozans (Kanozoikum und Braunkohlen der Turkei). Paleontologia i Evolucio 21: 133 - 246.

KOSTOPOULOS D. S. & KOUFOS G. D. 1999. - The Bovidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) of the Nikiti- 2 (NIK) faunal assemblage (Chalkidiki peninsula, N. Greece). Annales de Paleontologie 85: 193 - 218.

KOSTOPOULOS D. S. 2006. - The late Miocene vertebrate locality of Perivolaki, Thessaly, Greece. 9. Cervidae and Bovidae. Palaeontographica Abt. A 276 (1 - 6): 151 - 183.

MECQUENEM R. DE 1925. - Contribution a l'etude des fossiles de Maragha. Annales de Paleontologie 13: 135 - 160.

WAGNER A. 1857. - Neue Beitraege zur Kenntniss der fossilen Saugethier-Uberreste von Pikermi. Abhandlungen der bayerischen Akademie derWissenschaften. Mathematisch naturwissenschaftliche, Klasse 8: 111 - 158.

Gallery Image

FIG. 12.— Nisidorcas sp.from Maragheh:frontlet (MNHN.F.MAR1323) in lateral (A) and caudal (B) views;basal horn-core (MNHN.F.MAR1813) in posterior view (C). Scale bar: 5 cm.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











