Demecquenemia, Kostopoulos & Bernor, 2011

Kostopoulos, Dimitrios S. & Bernor, Raymond L., 2011, The Maragheh bovids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): systematic revision and biostratigraphiczoogeographic interpretation, Geodiversitas 33 (4), pp. 649-708 : 658

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Marcus (2021-08-30 00:24:23, last updated 2021-09-06 09:51:49)

scientific name


n. gen.

Genus Demecquenemia n. gen.

TYPE SPECIES. — Demecquenemia rodleri ( Pilgrim & Hopwood, 1928) n. comb.

ETYMOLOGY. — Dedicated to R. de Mecquenem, one of the Maragheh pioneers.

DIAGNOSIS. — As for the single known species.


Rodler & Weithofer (1890) described a frontlet from Maragheh (NHMW A4898) as a new species, Gazella capricornis , to which Mecquenem (1925) assigned later several specimens from the same area, now in MNHN.F. Pilgrim & Hopwood (1928) were the first authors to point out that “ Gazella capricornis ” from Maragheh is a different species from Gazella capricornis from Pikermi, and proposed referring the Maragheh bovid to a new species, Gazella rodleri . Pilgrim (1939) suggested affiliations of G. rodleri with Oioceros Gaillard, 1902 , an idea rejected by Gentry (1970) but adopted by Solounias (1981). Korotkevich (1976) ascribed to this species a rich sample from Belka ( Ukraine) and she assigned it to a new subgenus Procapra (Vetaprocapra) rodleri , the type species of which is Antilope capricornis Wagner, 1848 . Bernor (1978) refers to the species as Gazella rodleri but Bouvrain (1996) explicitly excluded it from Gazella . Gentry & Heizman (1996) challenged once again its generic attribution and provisionally allocated it to Hispanodorcas Thomas, Morales & Heintz, 1982 .

BERNOR R. L. 1978. - The Mammalian Systematic, Biostratigraphy and Biochronology of Maragheh and its Importance for Understanding Late Miocene Hominoid Zoogeography and Evolution. PhD Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 314 p.

BOUVRAIN G. 1996. - Les gazelles du Miocene superieur de Macedoine, Grece. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandlungen 199: 111 - 132.

GAILLARD C. 1902. - Le belier de Mendes ou le mouton domestique de l'ancienne Egypte. Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie Biologique de Lyon 20: 70 - 103.

GENTRY A. W. 1970. - The Bovidae (Mammalia) of the Fort Ternan fossil fauna, in LEAKEY L. S. B. & SAVAGE R. J. G. (eds), Fossil Vertebrates of Africa. 2. Academic Press, London: 243 - 323.

KOROTKEVICH E. L. 1976. - [The Late Neogene Gazelles]. Naukova Doumka, Kiev, 251 p. (in Russian).

MECQUENEM R. DE 1925. - Contribution a l'etude des fossiles de Maragha. Annales de Paleontologie 13: 135 - 160.

PILGRIM G. E. & HOPWOOD A. 1928. - Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe. British Museum (Natural History), London, 106 p.

PILGRIM G. E. 1939. - The fossil Bovidae of India. Paleontologia Indica n. s. 1: 1 - 365.

RODLER A. & WEITHOFER K. A. 1890. - Die Wiederkauer der Fauna von Maragha. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 57: 753 - 771.

SOLOUNIAS N. 1981. - The Turolian fauna from the island of Samos, Greece. Contribution to Vertebrate Evolution 6: 1 - 232.

THOMAS H., MORALES J. & HEINTZ E. 1982. - Un nouveau bovide (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) Hispanodorcas torrubiae n. g., n. sp., dans le Miocene superieur d'Espagne. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4 e ser., section C (3 - 4): 209 - 222.

WAGNER A. 1848. - Urweltliche Saugethier-Uberreste aus Griechenland. Abhandlugen der bayerischen Akademie derWissenschaften Mathematisch naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 5: 333 - 378.









