Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802)

Herrera Léon Baert Wouter Dekoninck, Henri W., Causton, Charlotte E., Sevilla, Christian R., Pozo, Paola & Hendrickx, Frederik, 2020, Distribution and habitat preferences of Galápagos ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 93, pp. 1-60 : 17-18

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13710313

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scientific name

Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802)


Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802) View in CoL

Longhorn Crazy Ant ( WETTERER, 2008)

(ANTWEB: CASENT0173232). ( Map 13 View Map 13 )

Paratrechina longicornis View in CoL is a tramp species spread by human activities in tropical, subtropical and temperate areas around the world ( KEMPF, 1972; BOLTON, 2006; WETTERER, 2015). Distributed over 16 islands and islets it was collected for the first time in Galápagos on Floreana Island between 1905–1906 (WHEELER, 1919). It nests between leaf litter, dead trunks and under stones. It is common in mangroves ( R. mangle View in CoL , A. germinans View in CoL , C. galapagosa ) and is a scavenger and opportunistic diurnal species also invading natural areas ( MEIER, 1994). Paratrechina longicornis View in CoL is very well adapted to all vegetation zones in Galápagos. An entomological survey carried out in 1991 on Española Island showed that P. longicornis View in CoL was abundant in dry areas (with Oxalis dombeyi View in CoL A. St.–Hil, Physalis galapagoensis Waterf. View in CoL , B. graveolens View in CoL , P. juliflora , C. lutea View in CoL , I. triloba View in CoL , Pennisetum pauperum Nees ex Steud. View in CoL , Mentzelia aspera View in CoL L., Desmodium procumbens (Mill.) Hitchc. View in CoL , C. leucophlyctis View in CoL , Alternanthera echinocephala (Hook. f.) Christoph. View in CoL , C. scouleri View in CoL , L. peduncularis View in CoL , P. aculeata View in CoL , S. spicata View in CoL , M. octogona View in CoL and O. megasperma View in CoL ).

17 Paratrechina longicornis View in CoL has been recorded visiting flowers of G. darwinii View in CoL , A. germinans View in CoL , C. molle View in CoL , C. lutea View in CoL , and extrafloral nectaries of giant endemic cacti O. echios View in CoL and J. thouarsii View in CoL ( MCMULLEN, 1990, 1993; MEIER, 1994; CHAMORRO et al., 2012). It was collected on plants of G. darwinii View in CoL , M. octogona View in CoL , O. megasperma View in CoL , Annona cherimola Mill. View in CoL , R. communis View in CoL and C. lutea View in CoL . It has been reported feeding on honeydew from I. purchasi View in CoL and Ceroplastes spp. WETTERER (2008) mentions a possible case of mutualism with Coluocera maderae Wollaston, 1854 , a beetle also recorded from Galapágos ( PECK, 1993, 2005). Paratrechina longicornis View in CoL is common in urban zones, inhabits flowerpots, buildings and streets. In gardens it can be found in plants of C. nucifera View in CoL , C. papaya View in CoL , Annona muricata View in CoL L. and grass. It is present in agricultural areas of the inhabited islands of Floreana, Isabela, San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz where it is reported from crops of P. vulgaris View in CoL , M. esculenta View in CoL and C. sinensis .

Paratrechina longicornis View in CoL is invasive in many parts of the world ( WETTERER, 2008) and has probably been introduced several times to the islands. In Galápagos it is considered an invasive ant with a high potential to disperse and colonize new natural areas ( CAUSTON et al., 2006). It is common in ports and airports and has been intercepted in commercial aircraft during quarantine inspections of products from mainland Ecuador (in A. comosus View in CoL ) in Baltra. The species was also found in cargo and on tourist ships ( LOMAS, 2008; HERRERA, 2011), that probably facilitate its spread to and within Galápagos.













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