Neolindus sauron Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła, 2024

Guzman, Yoan Camilo, Tokareva, Alexandra, Koszela, Katarzyna & Żyła, Dagmara, 2024, Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 942, pp. 1-76 : 52-54

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.942.2581

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scientific name

Neolindus sauron Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła

sp. nov.

Neolindus sauron Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov.

Fig. 18 View Fig ; Supp. file 2


The habitus of this species, as well as the broadly rounded posterior margin of tergite VIII, resembles that of N. paralellus . However, N. sauron Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov. differs from N. paralellus in the morphology of sternite VIII with a concave, broad emargination of the posterior margin and a glabrous midlongitudinal invagination on the rest of the sclerite ( Fig. 18E View Fig ), while it is deeply and narrowly emarginated in N. paralellus ( Herman 1991: fig. 88). Additionally, N. sauron differs in the shape of the apical complex of sclerites of the aedeagus ( Herman 1991: fig. 85; Fig. 18F–I View Fig ).


The name is inspired by the structure of antiparameral sclerite in the aedeagus resembling the ‘Eye of Sauron’ in the movie trilogy ‘The Lord of the Rings’ based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s book series. A noun in apposition.

Type material

Holotype GUYANA • ♂; “ Neolindus sauron Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 HOLOTYPE [red label] \\ Region 8, Iwokrama Forest , Turtle Mt. Summit; 4°43’57.0”N, 58°44’01.0”W; 290 m [m a.s.l.]; 30 May–1 Jun 2001; R. Brooks, Z. Falin Leg.; GUY18F01 097; ex. flight interception trap \\ SM0253302 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT. GoogleMaps

Paratypes GUYANA • 1 ♂; “ Neolindus sauron Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 PARATYPE [yellow label] \\ Region 8, Iwokrama Forest, 26 km SW Kurupukari, Iwokrama Mt. Basecamp; 4°20’17.0”N, 58°48’38.0”W, 300 m; 23–25 May 2002; R. Brooks, Z. Falin Leg.; GUY18F01 031; ex. flight intercept trap \\ SM0253198 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]” • 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; “ SM0253197 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT GoogleMaps .


MEASUREMENTS. BL (6.3), H (0.38, 0.78), A (1.23), A1 (0.28, 0.07), A2 (0.08, 0.06), A3 (0.07, 0.14), A4 (0.09, 0.06), A5 (0.1, 0.06), A6 (0.12, 0.07), A7 (0.11, 0.07), A8 (0.10, 0.07), A9 (0.1, 0.07), A10 (0.09, 0.07), A11 (0.09, 0.09), NKW (0.40), GL (0.21), P (0.92, 0.94), E (1.23, 1.1), PC (0.5, 0.26), PF (0.78, 0.34), PT (0.43, 0.12), MSC (0.38, 0.25), MSF (0.77, 0.21), MST (0.38, 0.1), MTC (0.28, 0.26), MTF (0.911, 0.16), MTT (0.64, 0.07).

COLOURATION. Head and pronotum brown; legs light brown; abdomen brown.

HEAD. Head capsule wider than long; anterior margin sinuate, dorsoventrally deflexed, slightly elevated; posterior margin rounded with emargination at middle; posterior angles rounded; setation with 1 pair of PCS, 1 row of PMS, and 2 thick and dark setae at neck articulation. Epicranium with umbilicate, low-density micropunctuation, setation with 1 pair of FS and 1 pair of PFS, without OS. Gena with depression from mandibular base to middle of eye, setation with 1 OT, MS, and POS; sockets of POS umbilicate. Postgena with row of 2 setae in line from eye to gular suture; gular sutures reaching posterior margin of head, joining neck pits; anterior part of gula with 2 setae; posterior margin of head with 2 setae close to gular sutures. Neck with foramen magnum occupying ¾ of occiput. Antenna moniliform from antennomere 5, shorter than head and pronotum combined ( Fig. 18A View Fig ); antennomeres longer than wide, tomentose pubescence starting from antennomere 4; antennomere 1 as long as antennomeres 2 and 3 combined, antennomere 2 longer than 3. Labrum bilobed, with shallow, V-shaped emargination ( Fig. 18A View Fig ; Supp. file 2).

THORAX. Pronotum slightly wider than long, with umbilicate micropunctures, 2 paramedial and 2 lateral rows of setae. Metasternal intercoxal process with 1 pair of rounded processes. Elytron longer than wide, surface of elytra with moderately dense umbilicate punctures in 10–11 longitudinal rows ( Fig. 18A View Fig ; Supp. file 2).

LEGS. Protibia with 4 well-developed combs of setae; apical comb longitudinal, composed of widely separated, thin setae; mesotibial apical ctenidium on both sides, inner longer than outer; mesotarsomere 1 longer than mesotarsomere 2, mesotarsomeres 3 and 4 as long as mesotarsomere 2, mesotarsomere 5 as long as mesotarsomere 1; inner ctenidium of metatibia longer than outer; metatarsomere 1 longer than metatarsomere 2, metatarsomere 2 longer than metatarsomere 3, metatarsomere 3 as long as metatarsomere 4, metatarsomere 5 as long as metatarsomere 1.

ABDOMEN. Male: tergites with low-density micropunctuation. Posterior margin of tergite VII slightly convex, almost straight ( Fig. 18B View Fig ). Posterior margin of sternite VII sinuate, with small midlongitudinal depression ( Fig. 18C View Fig ). Posterior margin of tergite VIII broad, apically rounded ( Fig. 18D View Fig ). Posterior margin of sternite VIII with median broad, concave emargination, lateral angles rounded; disc of sternite with longitudinal glabrous invagination ( Fig. 18E View Fig ). Posterior margin of tergite IX with midlongitudinal deep emargination in ¾ of segment length, fused; aedeagus, median lobe of same width from parameral side, rounded at base, apex notched on parameral side with elongate median hole or cavity reaching basal foramen elevation, apex of median lobe on parameral side with sclerotised processes on each sides of median foramen; pPMS elongate, thin, bifid at apex, longer apex pointing laterad. pLS shorter than pPMS and APM, pocket-shaped, enfolding pPMS. APS long, spoon-shaped, apically bifid; apical processes flattened, with distinct angle protruding laterad; emargination dividing 2 apical processes rounded (17F–I). Female: unknown.


This species is known from the type locality in Guyana (Upper Demerara-Berbice, Iwokrama Forest, Turtle Mountain) and the nearby Iwokrama Mountains. It was collected at a lower altitude with a flight interception trap.













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