Neolindus triangularis Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła, 2024

Guzman, Yoan Camilo, Tokareva, Alexandra, Koszela, Katarzyna & Żyła, Dagmara, 2024, Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 942, pp. 1-76 : 57-59

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.942.2581

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scientific name

Neolindus triangularis Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła

sp. nov.

Neolindus triangularis Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov.

Fig. 20 View Fig ; Supp. file 2


Neolindus triangularis sp. nov. is similar to N. milleri and N. bicornis . nov. in the shape of the median lobe of the aedeagus. However, the aedeagus of N. triangularis differs from that of N. milleri in the structure and composition of apical sclerites ( Herman 1991; fig. 189; Fig. 20F–I View Fig ) and has an acute base of the median lobe with a short median ridge on the parameral side, in contrast to the median lobe of the aedeagus in N. bicornis . Additionally, N. triangularis has noticeably wider fused pLS in the middle part, and a longitudinal invagination in sternite VIII continuing from the middle part of the emargination, limited by 2 ridges on the sides, which is absent in N. bicornis ( Figs 4E–I View Fig , 20E–I View Fig ).


The name is derived from the Latin noun ‘ triangulus ’ meaning ‘a triangle”, and refers to the form of the median lobe of aedeagus. An adjective.

Type material

Holotype FRENCH GUIANA • ♂; “ Neolindus triangularis Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 HOLOTYPE [red label] \\ Saül , 7 km N, 0.5 km ESE, Les Eaux Claires , Monts La Fumée ; 3°39’46’’N, 53°13’19’’W, 300 m [m a.s.l.]; 4–8 Jun 1997; J. Ashe, R. Brooks Leg.; FGAB97 164; ex: flight interception trap \\ SMO134030 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT. GoogleMaps

Paratypes FRENCH GUIANA • 1 ♀; “ Neolindus triangularis Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 PARATYPE [yellow label] \\ Matoury , 41.5 km SSW on Hwy N2; 4°37’22’’N, 52°22’35’’W; 50 m; 26-28 May 1997; J. Ashe, R. Brooks Leg.; FG1AB97 060; ex: flight intercept trap \\ SM0099449 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT • GoogleMaps 1 ♀; “ Saül , 7 km N, Les Eaux Claires ; 220 m; 3°39’46’’N, 53°13’19’’W; 30 May–04 Jun 1997; J. Ashe, R. Brooks Leg.; FG1AB97 144 \\ SM0131297 . KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT GoogleMaps .


MEASUREMENTS. BL (7.9), H (0.43,1.06), A (1.43),A1 (0.4, 0.1),A2 (0.11, 0.07),A3 (0.22, 0.08),A4 (0.15, 0.09), A5 (0.15, 0.09), A6 (0.13, 0.09), A7 (0.12, 0.09), A8 (0.12, 0.1), NKW (0.42), GL (0.23), P (0.99, 1.22), E (1.56, 1.47), PC (0.63, 0.31), PF (0.96, 0.28), PT (0.67, 0.12), MSC (0.44, 0.41), MSF (1.1, 0.2), MST (0.76, 0.09), MTC (0.36, 0.31), MTF (1.24, 0.23), MTT (0.83, 0.1).

COLOURATION. Head and pronotum brown; legs light brown; abdomen brown.

HEAD. Head capsule wider than long; anterior margin sinuate, dorsoventrally deflexed, slightly elevated; posterior margin rounded; posterior angles straight; setation with 1 pair of PCS and 1 row of PMS. Epicranium with umbilicate, low-density micropunctuation, setation with 1 pair of FS and 2 pairs of PFS, without OS. Gena with irregular depressions; setation with 1 OT, MS, and POS; sockets of MS and POS umbilicate. Postgena with row of 2 setae in line from eye to gular suture; gular sutures reaching posterior margin of head joining neck pits; anterior part of gula with 2 setae; posterior margin of head with 2 setae near gular sutures. Neck with foramen magnum occupying ¾ of occiput.Antenna moniliform from antennomere 5, shorter than head and pronotum combined ( Fig. 20A View Fig ); antennomeres longer than wide, tomentose pubescence starting from antennomere 4; antennomere 1 as long as antennomeres 2 and 3 combined, antennomere 3 longer than 2. Labrum tetralobed; central lobes well-developed; central emargination shallow, V-shaped ( Fig. 20A View Fig ; Supp. file 2).

THORAX. Pronotum slightly wider than long, with umbilicate randomly distributed micropunctures. Metasternal intercoxal process with 1 pair of acute processes. Elytron longer than wide, surface of elytra with moderately dense umbilicate punctures in 10–11 longitudinal rows ( Fig. 20A View Fig ; Supp. file 2).

LEGS. Protibia with 4 well-developed combs of setae; apical comb longitudinal, composed of widely separated, thin setae; mesotibial apical ctenidium on both sides, inner longer than outer; mesotarsomere 1 longer than mesotarsomere 2, mesotarsomere 2 longer than mesotarsomere 3, mesotarsomere 3 as long as mesotarsomere 4, mesotarsomere 5 as long as mesotarsomere 2; inner ctenidium of metatibia longer than outer. Metatarsomere 1 longer than metatarsomere 2, metatarsomere 2 longer than metatarsomere 3, metatarsomere 3 as long as metatarsomere 4, metatarsomere 5 as long as 2.

ABDOMEN. Tergites with low-density randomly distributed micropunctuation. Posterior margin of tergite VII straight ( Fig. 20B View Fig ). Male: posterior margin of sternite VII with small short midside emargination ( Fig. 20C View Fig ). Posterior margin of sternite VIII with V-shaped midlongitudinal emargination, lateral angles rounded ( Fig. 20D View Fig ). Posterior margin of tergite VIII with median acute elongation, lateral angles slightly lobed ( Fig. 20E View Fig ). Posterior margin of tergite IX with midlongitudinal deep emargination in ¾ of segment length; aedeagus, median lobe acute at base, widening apically and well-sclerotised; with small suture connecting basal acute tip of median lobe with elevated area around basal foramen. pLS fused into flattened arcuate sclerite widening in middle with 2 acute processes on each side protruding distad from median foramen and ending bent to anti-parameral side. APS flattened, arcuate, smaller than pLS, with 2 acute processes on each side protruding distad from median foramen and ending bent to parameral side shorter than processes of pLS. pPMS not visible ( Fig. 20F–I View Fig ). Female: lack of emargination on posterior of sternite VII; posterior margin of tergite VIII sligthtly lobulated.


The species is known from the type locality in French Guyana (Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, Saül, Monts La Fumée), the surrounding forest, and around 130 km SE from the type locality (Cayenne, Matoury). It was collected between 50–300 m a.s.l. using flight interception trap.













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