Neolindus niger Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła, 2024

Guzman, Yoan Camilo, Tokareva, Alexandra, Koszela, Katarzyna & Żyła, Dagmara, 2024, Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 942, pp. 1-76 : 34-36

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.942.2581

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scientific name

Neolindus niger Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła

sp. nov.

Neolindus niger Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov.

Figs 2B View Fig , 11 View Fig ; Supp. file 2


The unusual head chaetotaxy of this species including 2 pairs of PCS, the morphology of abdominal apical sclerites, and the aedeagus make this species similar to N. punctogularis . Neolindus niger Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov. differs from it by the shiny black colouration of the head and pronotum (brown in N. punctogularis ) and the presence of setae and paired long midlongitudinal invagination anteriorly to the emargination of abdominal sternite VIII (absent in N. punctogularis ) ( Herman 1991: fig. 205; Fig. 11E View Fig ).


The name is a Latin adjective ‘ niger ’ which means ‘shiny black’ and refers to the colouration of specimens.

Type material

Holotype COSTA RICA • ♂; “ Neolindus niger Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 HOLOTYPE [red label] \\ Punta. Prov. Rincon de Osa , 50m [m a.s.l.]; 8°41.141’N, 83°31.117’W; 23–26 Jun 2001; S. & J. Peck Leg.; 01- 13; ex FIT; CR1P01 005 \\ SM0551715 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT. GoogleMaps


COSTA RICA • 1 ♂; “ Neolindus niger Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 PARATYPE [yellow label] \\ Puntarenas, Corcovado National Park , Sirena Stn. Corcovado Trail, 150m [m a.s.l.]; 8°29’7’’N, 83°34’39’’W; 28 Jun–1 Jul 2000; Z. H. Falin Leg.; CR1ABF00 059; ex flight intercept trap \\ SM0203548 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT.



MEASUREMENTS. BL (11.76), H (0.95, 1.24), A (2.91), a1 (0.56, 0.13), a2 (0.17, 0.09), a3 (0.3, 0.12), a4 (0.25, 0.08), a5 (0.27, 0.09), a6 (0.28, 0.11), a7 (0.27, 0.07), a8 (0.25, 0.71), a9 (0.19, 0.08), a10 (0.18, 0.1), a11 (0.19, 0.08), NKW (0.60), GL (0.4), P (1.36, 1.65), E (2.01, 1.67), PC (0.73, 0.26), PF (1.28, 0.49), PT (0.9, 0.23), MSC (0.63, 0.39), MSF (1.27, 0.37), MST (1.12, 0.14), MTC (0.53, 0.26), MTF (1.28, 0.29), MTT (1.64, 0.14).

COLOURATION. Head and pronotum dark brown; coxa and femur dark brown, tibia and tarsomeres light brown; abdomen dark brown.

HEAD. Head capsule wider than long; anterior margin straight; posterior margin straight with emargination in front of neck; posterior angles straight; setation with 2 pairs of PCS, PMS setae in single row. Epicranium with dense micropunctuation, setation with 1 pair of FS, 1 pair of OS and 2 pairs of PFS. Gena with irregular surface, with depression from mandibular base to middle of eye, with 1 OT; socket of mandibular seta umbilicate, sockets of POS concave. Postgena with row of 3 setae in line from eye to gular suture and 1 seta parallel to PTOS on each side; gular sutures reaching posterior margin of head joining neck pits; anterior part of gula with irregular row of 6–8 setae. Neck with foramen magnum occupying ½ of occiput.Antenna thin and elongate, longer than head and pronotum combined ( Fig. 11A View Fig ); antennomeres longer than wide; tomentose pubescence starting from antennomere 4; antennomere 1 as long as antennomeres 2 and 3 combined, antennomere 3 longer than 2. Labrum bilobed, with V-shaped emargination and 2 dark thick setae in median line of lobes ( Fig. 11A View Fig ; Supp. file 2).

THORAX. Pronotum slightly wider than long. Basisternum of prosternum with row of 8 setae on anterior margin. Metasternal intercoxal process with 1 pair of rounded processes. Elytron longer than wide, surface of elytra with moderately dense umbilicate punctures in 8–10 longitudinal rows ( Fig. 11A View Fig ; Supp. file 2).

LEGS. Protibia with 5 well-developed combs of setae; mesotibial apical ctenidium on both sides, inner longer than outer; mesotarsomere 1 equal to mesotarsomere 2, mesotarsomere 3 shorter than 1 and as long as 4, mesotarsomere 5 longer than 1; inner ctenidium of metatibia longer than outer; metatarsomere 1 longer than 2, metatarsomere 2 longer than 3, metatarsomere 4 equals 3, metatarsomere 5 equals 2.

ABDOMEN. Male: tergites III–VI with high density of micropunctuation, tergites VII and VIII with low density of micropunctuation. Tergite VII with posterior margin straight ( Fig. 11B View Fig ). Sternite VII with posterior margin moderately emarginate, bordered by obtuse distinct processes ( Fig. 11C View Fig ). Tergite VIII with posterior margin trilobed, central lobe triangular, apically acute; lateral lobes slightly acute ( Fig. 11D View Fig ). Sternite VIII posterior margin with broad emargination; with pair of midlongitudinal invaginations on sides of flat elevation in middle ( Fig. 11E View Fig ). Tergite IX with posterior margin deeply emarginated to ¾ of segment length ( Fig. 11A View Fig ; as in Herman 1991: fig. 137); aedeagus, median lobe medially widened, apex with deep emargination bordered by rounded processes; pLS thin, with net-like microsculpture, forming elongate flat processes; APS spoon-shaped, with rounded apical edge; pPMS sickle-like, wider than long in lateral view; apical arm closer to parameral side, bent towards it, apical arm closer to antiparameral side, straight ( Fig. 11F–I View Fig ). Female: unknown.


This species is known from the type locality in Costa Rica (Puntarenas, Rincon de Osa) and Corcovado National Park (Puntarenas). It was collected in a cloud forest at a low altitude using flight interception trap.













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