Cabralis pallidus Bakkes, 2017

Bakkes, Deon K., Sole, Catherine L. & Mansell, Mervyn W., 2017, Revision of Afrotropical Silky Lacewings (Neuroptera: Psychopsidae), Zootaxa 4362 (2), pp. 151-212 : 164-168

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Plazi (2017-12-05 05:15:12, last updated 2017-12-05 05:15:15)

scientific name

Cabralis pallidus Bakkes

n. sp.

Cabralis pallidus Bakkes n. sp.

( Figs. 16 –25)

Cabralis gloriosus Navás, 1912a:110 (547), pro parte.

Type depository: SANC. Holotype: male.

Type locality: Ingwe Motel , Soutpansberg Mts., Limpopo, South Africa. (22°58’S 29°57’E). “Cns1” Oswald, 1993:8 (7341) [as unnamed species of Cabralis] GoogleMaps

Etymology. From latin pallidus , adjective (pale, ashen, wan). For lighter patterned wings that impart an almost pure white appearance.

Material examined: 52 specimens from South Africa ( SANC, TMSA). See table 1.

Type material: Holotype: Database no.: NEUR 52672; ♂ ( SANC). Label data: ‘ SOUTH AFRICA, TVL., / Wylliespoort, Ingwe / Motel, 22.58S / 29.57E. 30–(/) 31.i.1984 / M.W. Mansell’ (White rectangle). ‘ Cabralis gloriosus / Navás, 1912 ♂ / det. M.W. Mansell / 1984’ (White rectangle) [det. label now outdated]. ‘ Cabralis gloriosus / Navas, 1912 / Det JD Oswald 1991’ (Small white rectangle) [det. label now outdated]. ‘ Holotype / Cabralis / pallidus Bakkes / D.K. Bakkes 2015’ (Large red rectangle). ‘SANC-Pretoria / Database No. / NEUR 52672’ (Small blue rectangle). Abdomen cleared by Bakkes in 2014, placed in a glycerine-filled microvial pinned below specimen ( SANC).

Paratypes: Database no.: NEUR00006; 4♂ 3♀ (SANC), 1♂ 2♀ (SAMC). Label data: ‘SOUTH AFRICA, TVL., / Entabeni Forest res. / Soutpansberg, 23.00S / 30.16E. 18–19.i.1982 / M.W. Mansell’ (White rectangle). ‘Beaten from / vegetation’ (Small white rectangle). ‘ Cabralis gloriosus / Navás, 1912 / det. M.W. Mansell / 1982’ (White rectangle) [det. Label now outdated]. ‘Paratype / Cabralis / pallidus Bakkes / D.K. Bakkes 2015’ (Large blue rectangle). ‘SANC-Pretoria / Database No. / NEUR00006’ (Small blue rectangle).

Database no.: NEUR00297; 19♂ 9♀ (SANC), 2♂ 1♀ (MRAC). Label data: ‘SOUTH AFRICA, TVL., / Wylliespoort, Ingwe / Motel, 22.58S / 29.57E. 30–(/) 31.i.1984 / M.W. Mansell’ (White rectangle). ‘ Cabralis gloriosus / Navás, 1912 ♂ / det. M.W. Mansell / 1984’ (White rectangle) [det. Label now outdated]. ‘ Cabralis gloriosus / Navas, 1912 / Det JDOswald 1991’ (Small white rectangle) [det. Label now outdated]. ‘Paratype / Cabralis / pallidus Bakkes / D.K. Bakkes 2015’ (Large blue rectangle). ‘SANC-Pretoria / Database No. / NEUR00297’ (Small blue rectangle).

Database no.: NEUR0008; 4♂ 1♀ (SANC), 1♂ 1♀ (BMNH), 1♂ 1♀ (ZMB). Label data: ‘SOUTH AFRICA, TVL., / Wylliespoort, Ingwe / Motel, 22.58S / 29.57E. 20–(/) 22.i.1982 / M.W. Mansell’ (White rectangle). ‘Beaten from / vegetation’ (White rectangle). ‘ Cabralis gloriosus / Navás, 1912 ♂ / det. M.W. Mansell / 1982’ (White rectangle) [det. Label now outdated]. ‘Paratype / Cabralis / pallidus Bakkes / D.K. Bakkes 2015’ (Large blue rectangle). ‘SANC-Pretoria / Database No. / NEUR00008’ (Small blue rectangle).

Diagnosis. This species may be distinguished by (1) pronotal pattern of anteriorly-directed white trident shape with distinct widening of middle stripe ( Fig. 17), (2) male mediuncus thick curved with smooth margin in lateral view (Fig. 19). Distinguished from C. gloriosus and C. zambeziensis n. sp. by general lighter colour of head and body, and weaker, lighter appearance of forewing ( Fig. 16) (lighter colouration incorrectly attributed to age by Tjeder (1960)).

Description. ♂ Length body 10–13mm, forewing 17–20mm, hind wing 15–18mm.

♀ Length body 12–14mm, forewing 19–21.5mm, hind wing 17–19.5mm.

Head with light yellow hue ( Fig. 17). Thorax with pronotum light brownish, anteriorly-directed white tridentlike pattern, comprising middle stripe, two shorter stripes laterally, middle stripe distinctly widened midway ( Fig. 17). Wings. Forewing marked with varying number of spots, small and weakly apparent, light brownish and paleyellow ( Fig. 16).

Abdomen light brown ( Fig. 16). Male terminalia. Mediuncus strongly decurved, thick hook shape in lateral view (Fig. 19), apex flattened, bearing setae, dorsal face also bearing setae. Female terminalia. Sternite VII posterior margin deeply depressed, emarginate medially, forming narrow, slender, oblique copulatory fovea in ventral view (Fig. 24); invagination posteriorly directed, hooked shape in lateral view (Fig. 25).

Larvae ( Fig. 26). Only dorsal aspect described in brief, as no specimen was available for study.

Head somewhat flattened, quadrate in dorsal view ( Fig. 26), significantly less rounded or oval than in S. rufus, widest midway, slightly narrowing anteriorly towards jaw, distinct occipital corners posteriorly ( Fig. 26); abrupt constriction beyond occipital corners, forming tubular section anterior to cervix, short, broad ( Fig. 26); anterior margin with conspicuous labrum-like projection between mandible bases, square to trapezoid in shape ( Fig. 26); surface area covered in small papillae, imparting rugose texture to cuticle ( Fig. 26); antenna slender, length approximately equal to jaws, base just above jaw ( Fig. 26); mandible caliper-like, distinctly curved throughout length, base to tip slightly longer than head, with paired maxillae, slender ( Fig. 26); mandibles untoothed.

Body extended laterally midway, widest at metathorax, narrowing to tip of abdomen ( Fig. 26); prothorax narrow, longer than rest of thorax, somewhat trapezoid in shape, widest posteriorly (Fig. 114); dorsal surface with dolichasterine setae, more slender than on rest of body ( Fig. 26); body surface posterior to prothorax covered in cup-shaped dolichasters, numerous, small, broad ( Fig. 26); abdomen made up of nine segments, tenth as anal papilla, reduced ( Fig. 26). Legs generally short, stout with tarsi unjointed ( Fig. 26); tarsi terminating in short, paired claws, between which slender empodium with cup-like suction disc, enlarged ( Fig. 26).

Distribution. South-east Africa: Soutpansberg Mts, Limpopo, South Africa ( Fig. 4). Moist and dense forest habitats, often associated with afromontane forests.

PLATE III: FIGURES 18–21 . Cabralis pallidus n. sp., paratype, male, Ingwe Motel , South Africa, Database no. : NEUR00297. 18. Apex of abdomen, lateral. 19. Genitalia, lateral. 0. Apex of abdomen, dorsal. 21. Genitalia, dorsal. Abbreviations: 6–9 = tergites 6–9, VI–IX = sternites 6–9, 9gcx = 9th gonocoxite, cc = cercal callus, ect = ectoprocts, gs = gonarcus, med = mediuncus, spp = superprocessus.

PLATE IV: FIGURES 22–25 . Cabralis pallidus n. sp., paratype, female, Entabeni Forest Reserve , South Africa, Database no. : NEUR00006. 22. Apex of abdomen, lateral. 23. Spermatheca, lateral. 24. Apex of abdomen, ventral. 25. 9th gonocoxite, terminalia, ventrolateral. Abbreviations: 6 – 9 = tergites 6 – 9, VI – IX = sternites 6 – 9, 9gcx = 9th gonocoxite, bur = bursa, cc = cercal callus, cf = copulatory fovea, ect = ectoprocts, spe = spermatheca, st = stylus.

Oswald, J. D. (1993) Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of extant silky lacewings (Insecta: Neuroptera: Psychopsidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, 40, 1 - 65.

Tjeder, B. (1960) Neuroptera-Planipennia. The Lace-wings of Southern Africa. 3. Family Psychopsidae. In: B. Hanstrom, P. Brinck, and G. Rudebec (Eds), South African Animal Life. Swedish Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm, pp. 164 - 209.


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