Scathophaga litorea ( Fallén, 1819 )

Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G., 2021, A review of the genus Scathophaga Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Scathophagidae) of Russia, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (2), pp. 201-246 : 224-225

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.2.16

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Scathophaga litorea ( Fallén, 1819 )


Scathophaga litorea ( Fallén, 1819) View in CoL

Figs 6, 8 View Figs 6–9 , 13 View Figs 10–13 , 29, 88–90 View Figs 88–96 , 138 View Figs 138–141 .

litorea Fallén, 1819: 4 View in CoL ( Scatomyza View in CoL ). Type-locality: “ad litus maris balthici” ( Sweden).

nigripes Holmgren, 1869: 34 ( Scatomyza View in CoL ). Type-locality: “Beeren Eiland... Spetsbergia ad Nordfjorden” (Bear Island and Spitsbergen, Norway).

islandica Becker, 1894: 175 View in CoL ( Scatophaga View in CoL ). Type-locality: “ Island ”[= Iceland].

stuxbergii Holmgren, 1880: 24 ( Scatomyza View in CoL ). Type-locality: not given [? Russia: Novaya Zemlya].

rufiventris Villeneuve, 1917: 308 ( Scatophaga ). Type-locality: “Gatteville, ... Barfleur, côté normande” ( France).

REMARK. The species was recorded in Russia from north of European part (coast of Baltic, Barents, White and Pechora Seas [ Gorodkov, 1970: 451, 1986: 32; Engelmark, 1999: 158, 159], Kamchatka [ Hendel, 1930: 2, as S.islandica ], Pacific coast from Chukotka south to Kuril Islands [ Ozerov, Krivosheina, 2014: 218].

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Arkhangelsk Oblast: Kolguev I., Bugrino (68.783ºN 49.306ºE), 21.VIII.1970, Gorodkov (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Novaya Zemlya, Krestovaya Bay (74.128ºN 55.534ºE), 31.VIII.1921, Nazarov (1 ♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Novaya Zemlya, Pukhovaya Bay (72.645ºN 52.773ºE), 14.IX.1921, Nazarov (1 ♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Solovetskie Islands, Bol’shoy Solovetsky I. (65.090ºN 35.639ºE), 17.VIII.1963 (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Chukotka: 5 km N of Egvekinot (66.395ºN 179.132ºW), 26.VII.1963, Gorodkov (12 ♂♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Meynypil’gyno env. (62.555ºN 177.063ºE), 29.VII.2015, P.S. Tomkovich (1 ♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Provideniya Bay (64.412ºN 173.307ºW), 14.IX.1911, Starokad (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Kamchatka Krai: Commander Islands, Mednyy I. (ca 54.790ºN 167.578ºE), 1.VII.1958, Violovich (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Commander Islands, Nikol’skoe (55.196ºN 165.998ºE), 9.IX.1959, Gorodkov (4 ♂♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Korf (60.376ºN 166.023ºE), 9.IX.1973, Negrobov (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Petropavlovsk- Kamchatskiy (53.013ºN 158.657ºE), 30–31.VIII.1969, Gorodkov (14 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; the mouth of the River Kygchik (ca. 53.411ºN 156.742ºE), 18.VIII.1911, Soldatov (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Ust’- Kamchatsk (56.229ºN 162.469ºE), 10.VIII.1930, E. Gur’yanova (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Karelia: Kartesh (66.33ºN 33.64ºE), 18 and 22.VII.1975, Gorodkov (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Keret’ I. (66.313ºN 33.719ºE), 8.IX.1984, Gorodkov (3 ♂♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Poyakonda (66.589ºN 32.828ºE), 30. VI. and 7.VII.2010, A.L. Ozerov (28 ♂♂, 16 ♀♀, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Primorsky env. (66.549ºN 33.133ºE, 66.536ºN 33.087ºE, 66.552ºN 33.100ºE), 1–9.VII.2010, A.L. Ozerov (18 ♂♂, 9 ♀♀, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Ryazhkov I. (67.017ºN 32.556ºE), 12. VI.1992, E. V. Shutova (2 ♂♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Voron’ya Guba (66.937º9N 32.472ºE), 21.VIII.1982, Erlykova (1 ♂, ZISP) ; Khabarovsk Krai: Ochotsk env. (59.366ºN 143.229ºE), 25.VIII.1987, Gorodkov (13 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Magadan Oblast: Evensk (61.916ºN 159.234ºE), 8.IX.1987, Gorodkov (17 ♂♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Gizhiga (61.948ºN 160.377ºE), 5 and 6.IX.1987, Gorodkov (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Koni Peninsula , cordon “Mys Ploskiy” (59.15ºN 151.63ºE), 30. VI. and 4–7.VII.2017, Sorokina (3 ♂♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Koni Peninsula, Cape Plosky (59.161ºN 151.643ºE), 16.VII.2015 and 3.VII.2016, N. Tridrikh (8 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Murmansk Oblast: Aleksandrovsk [= Polyarnyy] (69.198ºN 33.456ºE), 12. VI.1921, Zhelokhovtsev (1 ♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; same place, 17.IX.1928, Cheburova (39 ♂♂, 21 ♀♀, ZMUM) ; Dal’nie Zelentsy (69.117ºN 36.062ºE), 6 and 9.VIII.1981, Gorodkov (4 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Kashkarantsy (66.340ºN 36.031ºE), 15.VIII.1995, Gorodkov (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Murmansk (68.918ºN 33.059ºE), 9–13.VIII.2010, N. Vikhrev (4 ♂♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Olenitsa (66.471ºN 35.348ºE), 15.VIII.1995, Gorodkov (1 ♂, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Por’ya Bay (66.764ºN 33.669ºE), 12. VI.1992, E. V. Shutova (3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; River Kola (68.886ºN 33.0236ºE), 19.VII.2011, A. Ozerov, D. Gavryushin (8 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Sosnovka (66.507ºN 40.583ºE), 23.VIII.1981, Gorodkov (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Teriberka (69.164ºN 35.140ºE), 3.VII.2008, V. Semenov (3 ♂♂, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Voroniy I. (66.994ºN 33.666ºE), 24. VI.1992, E. V. Shutova (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM) GoogleMaps ; Kol’sky Bay (68.951ºN 33.033ºE), 3 and 18.VII.1924, Kapustin (5 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Sakhalin Oblast: Kunashir I., Golovnino (43.737ºN 145.517ºE), 27–28.IX.1968, Gorodkov (29 ♂♂, 21 ♀♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps ; Paramushir I., Severo-Kuril’sk (50.679ºN 156.132ºE), 9.IX.1968, Gorodkov (3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, ZISP) GoogleMaps . See also Ozerov & Krivosheina [2014: 218] .

DESCRIPTION. Male. Female. Body-length 4.3– 6.8 mm.

Head. Frontal vitta reddish-yellow completely or reddish-yellow in lower half and blackish around ocellar triangle, with delicate whitish reflection; fronto-orbital plate black, greyish dusted. Face, parafacial and gena reddish-yellow, with whitish or golden reflection.

Postcranium black. 3 orbital and 5–6 frontal setae present. Antenna black. Postpedicel approximately 2 times as long as wide. Arista bare. Palpus yellow.

Thorax black, greyish dusted. Scutum with double brownish line down the middle, and an obscure one on each side. Acrostichals in two rows, dorsocentrals 2+3, intra-alars 1+2, supra-alars 1+2, postpronotals 2. Anepimeron covered with hairs. Scutellum black, greyish dusted, with a pair of strong basal scutellar and a pair of strong apical scutellar setae.

Legs greyish dusted. Coxae and trochanters black; femora from yellow to black, as a rule black; tibiae and tarsi brownish, sometimes fore and hind tibiae blackish. Fore femur covered with more or less long whitish and blackish hairs, but without conspicuous setae. Fore tibia with 2 dorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 1 posterior, 1 preapical dorsal, and 1 posterior apical setae. Mid femur usually with 2–5 anterodorsal setae in apical half in male and a row of anterodorsal setae in female, also with 1 preapical posterior and 1 preapical posterodorsal setae in both sexes. Mid tibia with 3 posterodorsal, 2 anterodorsal, 1–2 ventral, 1–2 posterior setae and a ring of apicals; ventral and posterior setae strong in female and hair-like in male. Hind femur without conspicuous setae in male and with a row of anterodorsal setae in female. Hind tibia with 3 anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal, 2–3 anteroventral, 1 preapical dorsal, 1 preapical anterodorsal, 1 apical anterior, 1 apical anteroventral and 1 apical ventral setae.

Wing tinged with brownish; crossveins r-m and d-m not darkened ( Fig. 8 View Figs 6–9 ).

Abdomen black, greyish dusted, covered with not long hairs, female tergiters 2–6 each with a row of marginal setae. Male end of abdomen as in Fig. 138 View Figs 138–141 . Male sternite 4 about 2 times as long as wide ( Fig. 29). Male sternite 5, epandrium, cercal plate and surstyli as in Figs. 88–90 View Figs 88–96 .

DISTRIBUTION. Russia: sea coast of north European part (Baltic, Barents, White and Pechora Seas), Pacific coast from Chukotka south to Kuril Islands. — Europe (widespread on north Atlantic coast),? Greenland; a littoral species.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Scathophaga litorea ( Fallén, 1819 )

Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G. 2021


Becker T. 1894: 175

litorea Fallén, 1819: 4

Fallen C. F. 1819: 4
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