Pyrnus magnet, PLATNICK, 2002

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2002, A Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spiders Of The Families Ammoxenidae, Cithaeronidae, Gallieniellidae, And Trochanteriidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2002 (271), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2002)271<0001:AROTAG>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Pyrnus magnet

sp. nov.

Pyrnus magnet , new species Figures 453–456 View Figs ; Map 36 View Map 36

TYPE: Female holotype taken 41 km S of Mount Magnet, 28 ° 04 ̍ S, 117 ° 49 ̍ E, Western Australia (Aug. 8, 1982; B. Main), deposited in WAM (99/349) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of P. planus but have a shorter and distally incised retrolateral tibial apophysis (fig. 454); females resemble those of P. planus and P. pins but have a smaller epigynal atrium (fig. 455) and more rounded spermathecae (fig. 456).

MALE: Carapace length 3 (most of abdomen missing). Carapace light brown, portions of abdomen with specimen light gray, legs light brown. Leg spination (leg IV missing): femora I–III d1­1­0; tibiae: I v1p­1p­0; II v4­2­0; III v1p­1p­0; metatarsi: I v1p­0­0; II, III v2­0­0. Retrolateral tibial apophysis relatively short, wide, distally incised (fig. 454); embolus shorter than in P. planus , distal portion carried in groove of translucent portion of ventral prong of median apophysis (fig. 453).

FEMALE: Total length 8. Coloration as in male but abdominal dorsum with two distinct paramedian, longitudinal light stripes, venter white. Leg spination: femora I–IV d1­1­0; tibiae: I, II v4­2­0; metatarsi: I, II v2­0­0; III, IV v1p­0­0. Epigynal atrium relatively small, rounded (fig. 455), two spermathecal coils on each side, connected posteriorly by transverse duct (fig. 456).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Queensland: Mazeppa National Park , SW corner near road, 22 ° 16 ̍ S, 147 ° 16 ̍ E, May 11, 2000 (G. Milledge, H. Smith, AMS KS57818 ), 1♀. South Australia: 4 km NW Emu, 28 ° 38 ̍ S, 132 ° 10 ̍ E, Oct. 5, 1976, under mallee bark, top of sand dune (D. Lee, SAM N1999 View Materials /22), 1♀ ; just off road to Oodnadatta, Granite Downs , 26 ° 56 ̍ S, 133 ° 30 ̍ E, Dec. 1984 (B. Guerin, SAM N1999 View Materials /20, 21), 2♀ ; E side, Serpentine Lakes, 28 ° 30 ̍ S, 129 ° 01 ̍ E, Apr. 18, 1994, burnt from Triodia (D. Hirst, SAM N1999 View Materials /23), 1♀. Western Australia: Bidgemia Station, Gasgoyne Junction , 25 ° 13 ̍ S, 115 ° 31 ̍ E, Oct. 4, 1994 – Jan. 13, 1995, pitfall (N. McKenzie, J. Rolfe, WAM 99 About WAM /348), 13 ; Polelle Station , 26 ° 55 ̍ S, 118 ° 33 ̍ E, Aug. 5, 1982 (A. Main, WAM 99 About WAM /351), 1♀ ; 71 km NE Warburton, Giles River , 26 ° 08 ̍ S, 126 ° 35 ̍ E, Jan. 12, 1990 (M. Harvey, T. Houston, WAM 99 About WAM /350), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Widespread across central Australia (map 36).


Western Australian Museum


South African Museum













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