Gonatopus rubripes ( Olmi, 1984 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 475-476

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatopus rubripes ( Olmi, 1984 )


53. Gonatopus rubripes ( Olmi, 1984)

( Figs 200D View FIGURE 200 , 201D View FIGURE 201 )

Tetrodontochelys rubripes Olmi 1984: 1454 .

Gonatopus rubripes (Olmi) : Olmi 1998c: 66; 2006: 48; 2009b: 460.

Description. ♀. Apterous; body length 2.2–3.6 mm. Completely reddish, except petiole black and metasoma brown- ish. Head excavated, shiny, granulate; frontal line complete; occipital carina incomplete, only shortly present on sides of lateral ocelli; POL = 5; OL = 5; OOL = 22. Palpal formula 4/2. Pronotum dull, unsculptured or slightly alutaceous, not crossed by transverse impression or very slightly impressed. Mesoscutum without lateral pointed apophyses. Metanotum with sides rounded. Metapectal-propodeal disc dull, granulate; propodeal declivity transversely striate. Mesopleuron and metapleuron not transversely striate. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete. Protarsomere 1 approximately as long as 4. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 201D View FIGURE 201 ) with one small subapical tooth and 4–5 peg-like setae. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 201D View FIGURE 201 ) with inner proximal serrate region and one row of approximately 16 lamellae; apex with approximately 10 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

♂. Fully winged; body length 1.5–2.1 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna brown; mesosoma black; metasoma brown; legs brown, except tarsi and articulations testaceous. Antenna filiform, with antennomere 3 less than 3 × as long as broad (4:1.5); antennomeres in following proportions: 3.5:3.5:4:3.5:3.5:3.5:3.5:3.5:3:5. Head swollen, shiny, granulate; frontal line absent; occipital carina absent; POL = 6; OL = 3; OOL = 2; temple distinct; vertex with smooth ovoidal shiny area situated between eyes and lateral ocelli (area surrounded anteriorly by strong prominent process). Palpal formula 4/2. Mesoscutum dull, granulate. Notauli incomplete, reaching approximately 0.5 × length of mesoscutum. Mesoscutellum and metanotum shiny, punctate, unsculptured among punctures. Metapectal-propodeal disc and propodeal declivity shiny, unsculptured, slightly granulate near metanotum. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; 2R1 cell open; distal part of 2r-rs&Rs vein longer than proximal part (9:6). Dorsal process of paramere ( Fig. 200D View FIGURE 200 ) short, transverse and with apex rounded. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Material examined. Type: ♀ holotype: SOUTH AFRICA: KwaZulu-Natal, Mtunzini District , Lr. Umhlatuzi R., 6.VI.1926, R.E. Turner leg. ( NHMUK) . Other material: MOZAMBIQUE: Maputo Prov., along Macia-Praia do Bilene road, 23.6 km S of Macia, M. Olmi reared, C. 4.X.1996, B. 6.X.1996, Sf. 3.XI.1996, 1♂ ( AMNH) ; same locality label, C. 4.X.1996, B. 7.X.1996, Sf. 3.XI.1996, 1♂ ( AMNH) ; same locality label, C. 4.X.1996, B. 6.X.1996, Sf. 4.XI.1996, 1♂ ( AMNH) ; same locality label, C. 4.X.1996, B. 5.X.1996, Sf. 4.XI.1996, 1♂ ( AMNH) ; same lo- cality label, C. 4.X.1996, B. 8.X.1996, Sf. 5.XI.1996, 1♂ ( AMNH) ; same locality label, C. 4.X.1996, B. 8.X.1996, Sf. 4.XI.1996, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; same locality label, sweeping, 4.X.1996, 5♀♀ ( AMNH) .

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Mozambique, South Africa.


Natural History Museum, London


American Museum of Natural History














Gonatopus rubripes ( Olmi, 1984 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Gonatopus rubripes

Olmi, M. 1998: 66

Tetrodontochelys rubripes

Olmi, M. 1984: 1454
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