Gonatopus danielssoni Olmi, 1998

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 456-457

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatopus danielssoni Olmi, 1998


36. Gonatopus danielssoni Olmi, 1998

( Figs 191B View FIGURE 191 , 192C, D View FIGURE 192 )

Gonatopus danielssoni Olmi 1998e: 95 ; 2006: 46.

Description. ♀. Apterous; body length 3.0– 3.4 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; clypeus testaceous, except darkened central area; antenna brown, except ventral side of scape whitish (in specimen from South Africa, Kogelberg Nature Reserve, antenna brown, except ventral side of scape and distal half of flagellomere 8 whitish); propleuron black; pronotum black, except lateral regions and posterior margin of disc testaceous-reddish; mesoscutum testaceous-reddish, except anterior third brown; rest of mesosoma black, except posterior extremity of propodeal declivity testaceous-reddish; metasoma black, except apex brown; legs brown. Antenna clavate; antennomeres in following proportions: 8:5:11:5:5:5:4:5:4.5:7. Head excavated, shiny, granulate; frontal line complete; occipital carina absent; POL = 1; OL = 1; OOL = 8. Palpal formula 6/3. Pronotum finely punctate, unsculptured among punctures or very slightly granulate, crossed by strong transverse impression. Mesoscutum without lateral pointed apophyses ( Fig. 192C View FIGURE 192 ). Mesoscutellum strongly sloping anteriorly. Metanotum excavated behind mesoscutellum ( Fig. 192D View FIGURE 192 ); sides of metanotum rounded. Metapectal-propodeal disc shiny and unsculptured; metapleuron and propodeal declivity transversely striate; mesopleuron granulate and not transversely striate. Meso-metapleural suture distinct and complete. Protarsomeres in following proportions: 10:3:6:14:25. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 191B View FIGURE 191 ) with one large subdistal tooth and one row of 7–8 lamellae in addition to one bristle. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 191B View FIGURE 191 ) with two rows of 14–29 lamellae; apex very broad and with at least 25–50 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

♂. Unknown.

Material examined. Type: ♀ holotype: SOUTH AFRICA: Western Cape, De Hoop Nature Reserve, 34°27’S 20°25’E, loc. 12, 10–13.X.1994, R. Danielsson leg. ( ZIL). Other material: SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape, Avontuur Farm, 16 km NW Nieuwoudtville, 31°16.249’S 19°02.900’E, 764 m, 27.VIII–27.X.2009, YPT, Bokkeveld Sandstone Fynbos, S. van Noort leg., 1♀ ( SAMC); Western Cape, Kogelberg Nature Reserve, C. 17.I.2003, B. 29.I.2003, M. Olmi leg., reared from a nymph of an unidentified brachypterous species of Tropiduchidae feeding on Berzelia lanuginosa (Bruniaceae) in fynbos, M. Olmi reared, 1♀ ( MOLC).

Hosts. In South Africa: unidentified species of Tropiduchidae .

Distribution. South Africa.


Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute


Iziko Museums of Cape Town














Gonatopus danielssoni Olmi, 1998

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Gonatopus danielssoni

Olmi, M. 1998: 95
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