Leviapseudes Sieg, 1983

Gouillieux, Benoit, Labrune, Céline & Esquete, Patricia, 2023, Leviapseudes tethys (Tanaidacea: Apseudidae), a new species from a submarine canyon of the French Mediterranean Sea, with remarks and a diagnosis for the genus, European Journal of Taxonomy 879, pp. 24-37 : 27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2023.879.2157

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scientific name

Leviapseudes Sieg, 1983


Genus Leviapseudes Sieg, 1983 View in CoL View at ENA

Diagnosis (amended after Larsen 2012)


Rostrum present. Cephalothorax with spiniform processes on branchial chambers. Pereonites with lateral processes. Pereonite 6 longer than wide. Pleonites narrower than pereonite 6. Cheliped carpus as long as or longer than fixed finger. Pereopod 1 merus longer than carpus. Pereopod 4 dactylus/unguis sometimes reduced to a claw.


As female, but pereonite 6 with clearly identifiable genital cone. Antennule after terminal molt with numerous aesthetascs. Pereopod 4 dactylus/unguis, if reduced to a claw, less evident than in female. Pleonites always with lateral epimera, and epimera larger than in female.


The most recent diagnosis of Leviapseudes , provided by Larsen (2012), included a bi-articulated pleopod exopod, when present, as a distinguishing character. However, a number of species within the genus present a pleopod endopod with one article, namely: L. aberrans ( Lang, 1968) , L. angelikae , L. demerarae Bacescu, 1984 and L. longissimus Bacescu, 1982 . Therefore, we amend the diagnosis deleting this character. The presence of a rostrum (absent in Fageapseudes Bacescu & Gutu, 1971 ), as well as the presence of spiniform processes on the branchial chambers and presence of lateral processes on the pereonites (verified for all species of Leviapseudes ) have been added.

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