Fagisyrphus cinctus ( Fallén, 1817 )

Kim, Chan-Ouk, Hwang, Seul-Ma-Ro & Han, Hak-Seon Lee and Ho-Yeon, 2022, Ten species of the tribe Syrphini (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) newly recorded in Korea, Journal of Species Research 11 (3), pp. 208-237 : 223-226

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.12651/JSR.2022.11.3.208

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scientific name

Fagisyrphus cinctus ( Fallén, 1817 )


7. Fagisyrphus cinctus ( Fallén, 1817)

ệêḏƌỵỄOi (ljḑ) ( Figs. 3A- F View Fig , 6A- C View Fig )

Scaeva cincta Fallén, 1817: 45 View in CoL (type locality - Sweden, Scaniae , Skane; lectotype ♂, MNHNP).

Syrphus placidus Meigen, 1822: 322 View in CoL (type locality - Germany; lectotype ♂, MNHNP).

Melangyna cincta View in CoL : Vockeroth, 1969: 85 (in Syrphini View in CoL generic revision); Nielsen, 1971: 65 (biology in Norway); Peck, 1988: 28 (in Palaearctic catalog); Rotheray and Gilbert, 1989: 59 (suppression of monotypic genus Fagisyrphus View in CoL ); Gilbert, 2005: 328 (biology); Huo and Ren, 2007: 324 (in Chinese Melangyna View in CoL key); Huang and Cheng, 2012: 232 (redescription); Ȏhara et al., 2014: 475 (in Japanese catalog); Huo in Yang et al., 2020: 166 (in Chinese catalog).

Meligramma cincta : Rojo et al., 2003: 109 (in world review of aphidophagous syrphids); Groot and Govedič, 2008: 74 (in Slovene checklist); Saribiyik, 2014: 576 (in Turkish checklist); Speight, 2014: 135 (in European checklist with biological data); Speight and Sarthou, 2017: 38 (in European identification key); Ricarte and Marcos-García, 2017: 416 (in Spanish and Andorran checklist).

Fagisyrphus cinctus : Dušek and Láska, 1967: 369 (type species of Fagisyrphus View in CoL ); Torp, 1984: 72 (in larval key for Danish species); Ssymank et al., 1999: 195 (in German checklist); Mengual et al., 2008: 3 (in Syrphinae molecular phylogenetic analysis); Láska et al., 2013: 200 (in European Syrphinae key); Haarto and Kerppola, 2014: 238 (in Finnish checklist); Mengual, 2015: 405 (in Syrphinae molecular phylogenetic analysis); Mengual et al., 2018: 160 (in Syrphinae molecular phylogenetic analysis); Krpač, 2021: 87 (in Sharr Mountains checklist with biological data).

Fagisyrphus cincta View in CoL : Rotheray and Gilbert, 1989: 59 (treat- ed as Melangyna cincta View in CoL ); Barkalov and Mutin, 2018: 496 (in Russian checklist).

Diagnosis. Genus Fagisyrphus is a monotypic taxon including F. cinctus . This species can be distinguished from other members of the tribe Syrphini by the following combination of characteristics [modified from Dušek and Láska (1967), and Vockeroth (1969)]: 1) face relatively narrow ( Fig. 3D View Fig ); 2) gena distinctly narrow, almost invisible in lateral view ( Fig. 3C, F View Fig ); 3) hind margin of wing with stripe of numerous tiny black dots (should be observed under microscope) ( Fig. 3 View Fig F-a); 4) abdomen more or less parallel-sided ( Fig. 3A, E View Fig ); 5) tergite 2 antero-medially with large inverted triangular black area widely connected to black transverse postero-marginal band ( Fig. 3A, E View Fig ); and 6) bands on tergites 3 and 4 uninterrupted and straight ( Fig. 3A, E View Fig ).

Description of Korean material. Male. Lengths and ratios: body length 8.1-10.0 mm; wing length 6.6-8.4 mm; head ratio 0.71-0.77; face ratio 0.33-0.35; eye ratio 0.56-0.61; gena-eye ratio 0.001 -0.013; antenna-head ratio 0.31-0.34; postpedicel-pedicel ratio 2.10- 2.90; arista-antenna ratio 1.08-1.35; wing ratio 3.28- 3.52; wing-thorax ratio 2.38-2.61; vein M ratio 2.80- 3.82; vein R 4+5 ratio 3.56-4.26. Head holoptic with eye contiguity about as long as vertical triangle ( Fig. 3A View Fig ); compound eye dark brown with slight reddish to purplish tinge, bare ( Fig. 3D View Fig ); vertex black postero-marginally with slight brownish-yellow pruinosity, anteriorly with black hairs, posteriorly with brownish-yellow hairs (occasionally almost entirely with brownish-yellow hairs, but anteriorly mixed with a few black hairs) ( Fig. 1A View Fig ); frons yellow to brownish yellow with yellowish pruinosity, with black hairs except for antero-marginal bare area ( Fig. 1A View Fig ); lunule yellow to brownish yellow, bare ( Fig. 1D View Fig ); antenna largely yellow to pale brown except for brownish black arista (occasionally postpedicel with variably slight darkened dorsal area) ( Fig. 3C, D View Fig ); face almost entirely yellow ground color except for pair of small brownish-black lateral spots on lower facial margin, with yellowish-grey pruinosity (sometimes facial pruinosity with more brownish tinge), with yellowish hairs (occasionally sparsely mixed with some black hairs) ( Fig. 3C, D View Fig ); gena distinctly narrow, almost invisible in lateral view, largely brownish black except for partially yellowish posterior margin, with yellowish-grey pruinosity, with brownish-yellow to pale yellow hairs ( Fig. 3C View Fig ). Thorax largely blackish with yellowish-grey pruinosity, with wavy brownish yellow to pale yellow hairs ( Fig. 3A View Fig ); scutum with subshiny yellowish grey pruinosity; lateral margins of scutum matte yellow ( Fig. 3A, C View Fig ); scutellum largely brownish yellow except for brownish-black baso-ventral corners, with wavy brownish yellow hairs (sometimes posteriorly mixed with a few black hairs); pleura blackish, mostly with yellowish grey pruinosity ( Fig. 3C View Fig ); anterior anepisternum, anterior 2/5 of posterior anepisternum, dorsomedial anepimeron, posterior anepimeron, meron, anatergite, mediotergite and metasternum bare; katepisternum with separated upper and lower wavy yellowish hair patches; halter with stem yellow to pale brown, knob yellow. Legs with coxae brown to brownish black with pale brown hairs ( Fig. 3C View Fig ); trochanters basally brown to brownish black, apically yellow to brown, with pale brown hairs; fore and mid femora largely yellow with brownish base, largely with pale brown to brownish-yellow hairs but apically mixed with some black hairs (fore femur usually covered only with pale brown to brownish yellow hairs); hind femur about basal 1/2- 3/5 brownish black to dark brown except for narrowly brownish yellow basal margin with brownish yellow hairs, about apical 2/5-1/2 brownish yellow with shorter black hairs; fore and mid tibiae yellow with short pale brown hairs; hind tibia largely brownish yellow to pale brown but irregularly slightly darkened, largely with short black hairs but apico-ventrally with short pale brown hairs; fore and mid tarsi yellow with short pale brown to brownish-yellow hairs; hind tarsus dorsally brownish yellow to dark brown with short black hairs, ventrally brownish yellow with short pale brown hairs. Wing largely hyaline with slight pale brownish tinge ( Fig. 3A View Fig ), with stripe of numerous tiny black dots on the hind margin (should be observed under microscope) ( Fig. 3 View Fig F-a); veins pale brown to brownish black; pterostigma pale brown; cell sc before pterostigma yellowish; wing membrane largely covered with microtrichiae except for basal bare areas; upper and lower calypters pale yellow to brownish yellow with long brownish-yellow marginal hairs. Abdominal tergites unmargined, more or less parallel-sided, yellow to brownish-yellow ground color with black markings, with wavy brownish-yellow and black hairs (wave getting weaker towards apex) ( Fig. 3A View Fig ); tergite 1 largely subshiny black except for brownish-yellow antero-lateral margins; tergite 2 antero-medially with large inverted triangular black area widely connected to black transverse postero-marginal band; tergite 3 with black transverse postero-marginal band of about 1/3-2/5 length of tergite; tergite 4 with black transverse subposterior band of about 2/5 length of tergite; tergite 5 brownish yellow to pale brown, medially with variable sized triangular black spot of less than 2/5 of tergite width (occasionally spot too small to be observed); sternite 1 largely pale yellow except for medio-anterior and lateral brownish-black margins (occasionally black area large, covering anterior to lateral margins), with slightly wavy yellow to brownish-yellow hairs ( Fig. 3B View Fig ); sternites 2-4 pale yellow to pale brown, each with pair of narrow semicircular black spots on lateral margins, largely with brownish-yellow hairs but posteriorly variably mixed with shorter black hairs, sternites 5-7 brownish yellow to dark brown with black hairs (sometimes mixed with a few brownish-yellow hairs); sternite 8 brownish yellow to dark brown with large rounded blackish spot of covering most of sternite, almost entirely with black hairs but marginally with some brownish-yellow hairs. Male genitalia ( Fig. 6A- C View Fig ) with epandrium about 1.5 × as long as height in lateral view ( Fig. 6B View Fig ); surstylus slightly longer than width in caudal view (middle width about 2/5 of length when oriented to show broadest area) ( Fig. 6A View Fig ), baso-lateral part swelling outwardly ( Fig. 6 View Fig A-a, B-a), basally with long brownish-yellow hairs, apically with short hairs ( Fig. 6B View Fig ); hypandrium with almost straight lingula ( Fig. 6B View Fig ); lateral protuberance of hypandrium as long as lingula with widely rounded apex; dorsal side of distiphallus flat and widened ( Fig. 6A, C View Fig ); basal 3/4 of distiphallus parallel-sided in lateral view ( Fig. 6C View Fig ) with extended baso-dorsal process (6C-b), apical 1/4 significantly widened ( Fig. 6 View Fig C-c); basiphallus with 2 pairs of distinctly small ventral processes ( Fig. 6C View Fig ); baso-ventral processes shorter than apico-ventral processes. Female. Similar to male except for the following characteristics. Lengths and ratios: body length 6.6-9.4 mm; wing length 5.7-7.9 mm; head ratio 0.71- 0.75; face ratio 0.28-0.34; eye ratio 0.54-0.61; gena-eye ratio 0.001 -0.017; antenna-head ratio 0.38-0.42; postpedicel-pedicel ratio 2.07-2.46; arista-antenna ratio 1.11-1.20; wing ratio 3.15-3.47; wing-thorax ratio 2.45-2.74; vein M ratio 2.90-3.36; vein R 4+5 ratio 3.41- 3.72. Head dichoptic with vertex about 0.16 × as wide as head in dorsal view ( Fig. 3E View Fig ); frons largely black except for anterior U-shaped brownish-yellow to yellow area ( Fig. 3E View Fig ); lateral margins of frons heavily with yellowish pruinosity, each of about 1/2 of shortest width of frons, except for median and posterior 3/5 areas; frons anteriorly with brownish-yellow hairs, posteriorly with black hairs. Wing membrane with larger basal bare areas than that of male. Abdominal tergites: antero-medial black area on tergite 2 distinctly narrowly connected to black transverse postero-marginal band (sometimes separated) ( Fig. 3A View Fig vs. E); black bands on tergites 3 and 4 slightly larger than that of male ( Fig. 3A View Fig vs. E); triangular black spot on tergite 5 larger than that of male (about 1/2 of tergite width) ( Fig. 3A View Fig vs. E); sternite 5 with pair of narrow semicircular black spots on lateral margins (sometimes spots too faint to be observed).

Material examined. KOREA: Chungcheongbuk-do: Yeongdong-gun, Yonghwa-myeon, Jodong-ri , Mt. Gakho- san, N36°04 ʹ 08.6 ʺ E127°50 ʹ 07.1 ʺ, 25.VII.2018, S.-S. Euo, C.-O. Kim, J.-H. Choi, 1 GoogleMaps $; Geumsan-gun, Nami-myeon, Bohyeonsa Temple , N36°03.494 ʹ E127°27.225 ʹ, 14.V-1. VI.2005, P. Tripotin, 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Gangwon-do: Hoengseong-gun, Anheung-myeon , Mt. Chiaksan , from Gangrim 4-ri to Cheonjibong (1,086 m), N37°23 ʹ 51 ʺ E128°05 ʹ 23 ʺ, 17.VII.2018, 1♂ GoogleMaps , 1$; Hongcheon-gun, Nae-myeon, Gwangwon-ri , Woldoon-gol , N37°50 ʹ 52 ʺ E128°25 ʹ 24 ʺ, 26.VII.2018, S.-S. Euo, C.-O. Kim, J.-H. Choi, 2♂ GoogleMaps ; Samcheok-si, Geunsan-dong, Mt. Geunsan , N37°24 ʹ 48 ʺ E129°08 ʹ 29 ʺ, 13.V.2020, S.-S. Euo, C.-O. Kim, J.-H. Choi, 1 GoogleMaps $; Wonju-si, Heungeop-myeon, Maeji-ri , Yonsei Univ. Mirae Campus , N37°17 ʹ 10 ʺ E127°54 ʹ 01 ʺ, 27.IV.2005, D.-S. Choi et al., 1♂ GoogleMaps ; ditto, 26.V.2005, S.- W. Suk, S.- M.-R. Hwang, 1♂ GoogleMaps ; ditto, 30.IV.2006, D.-J. Cha, 1♂ GoogleMaps ; ditto, 3.V.2009, Y.-B. Lee, 1$( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; ditto, 5.V.2015, S.-H. Jeong, 1♂ GoogleMaps ; ditto, 17.V.2017, C.-O. Kim, 1 GoogleMaps $; Yeongwol-gun, Yeongwol-eup, Heungwol-ri , Mt. Taehwasan , N37°07 ʹ 03.3 ʺ E128°29 ʹ 07.4 ʺ, 2.VII.2020, S.- S. Euo, C.-O. Kim, J.-H. Choi, 1 GoogleMaps $; Gyeonggi-do: Gwacheon-si, Makgye-dong, Mt. Cheonggyesan , N37°24 ʹ 51 ʺ E127°02 ʹ 29 ʺ, 13.V.2021, S.-S. Euo, C.-O. Kim, 1 GoogleMaps $; Gwangju-si, Docheok-myeon, Sangnim-ri , Mt. Taehwasan , N37°18 ʹ 44 ʺ E127°18 ʹ 36 ʺ, 14.IX.2012, H.-Y. Han et al., 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Gyeongsangbuk-do: Gunwi-gun, Bugye-my- eon, Mt. Palgongsan, from Hanti Reststop to Pagyebong , N36°0 ʹ 60 ʺ E128°39 ʹ 25 ʺ, 27.VI.2014, Y.-B. Lee, S.-S. Euo, S.-H. Jeong, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Widespread in Europe including European part of Russia, Russian Far East, China, Korea, Japan.

Biology. To date, the following six aphid and one aleyro- did species are recognized as its prey: Aphidae : Drepanosiphum platanoidis ( Schrank, 1801) , Eriosoma gillettei ( Maxson and Hottes, 1926) , Mindarus abietinus Koch, 1857 , Myzus persicae ( Sulzer, 1776) , Phyllaphis fagi ( Linnaeus, 1761) , and Tuberculatus annulatus ( Hartig, 1841) . Aleyrodidae : Aleyrodes proletella ( Linnaeus, 1758) ( Rojo et al., 2003) . There is also a record as unidentified aphid species on Tilia plant in UK ( Rotheray and Gilbert, 1989). This species is known to prefer Fagus L. and Quercus L. forests and visit flowers of the following 11 plant species: Acer pseudoplatanus L., Crataegus spp. , Ligustrum spp. , Malus sylvestris Mill. , Prunus spinosa L., Rubus idaeus L., Salix spp. , Sambucus nigra , Sorbus aucuparia L., Urtica dioica L., and Viburnum opulus L. ( Speight, 2014).

Remarks. The monotypic genus Fagisyrphus Dušek and Láska, 1967 , was established based on the type species, Scaeva cincta Fallén, 1817 . Since then, this species has been treated as such, in Melangyna Verrall, 1901 (e.g., Rotheray and Gilbert, 1989), or in Meligramma Frey, 1946 (e.g., Speight and Sarthou, 2017). According to re- cent molecular studies ( Mengual et al., 2008; Mengual, 2015), F. cinctus appears to be the sister group of the genus Meligramma . On the other hand, Melangyna species show a rather distant genetic relationship to Fagisyrphus . Furthermore, our unpublished DNA barcode analysis of all known Fagisyrphus and Meligramma species, as well as Melangyna and other related genera, also shows similar results (in preparation; not included in the present study). Therefore, we believe that the genus Fagisyrphus should be regarded as the sister group of Meligramma .

Currently, this species shows an interesting disjunct distribution between Europe and East Asia. We are not sure if this simply is a result of insufficient sampling or due to their natural distributional pattern. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the European and Asian popu- lations represent different species. The examined Korean specimens agree fairly well with the original description ( Fallén, 1817) and redescriptions ( Dušek and Láska, 1967; Huang and Cheng, 2012), but they show some morphological and genetic differences. The examined Korean specimens have narrower abdominal black markings than holotype in MNHNP. In addition, our unpublished DNA barcode distances between Korean and European samples are 0.0152 -0.0183 (in preparation). Nevertheless, we do not know whether such differences represent intra- or interspecific distinction. An additional study based on sampling of more widely distributed localities is needed to determine their species status. The Korean name of this species refers to its narrow face.


National Institute of Biological Resources














Fagisyrphus cinctus ( Fallén, 1817 )

Kim, Chan-Ouk, Hwang, Seul-Ma-Ro & Han, Hak-Seon Lee and Ho-Yeon 2022

Meligramma cincta

Speight, M. C. D. & J. P. Sarthou 2017: 38
Ricarte, A. & M. A. Marcos-Garcia 2017: 416
Saribiyik, S. 2014: 576
Speight, M. C. D. 2014: 135
Groot, M. de & M. Govedic 2008: 74
Rojo, S. & F. S. Gilbert & M. A. Marcos-Garcia & J. M. Nieto & M. P. Mier 2003: 109

Fagisyrphus cincta

Barkalov, A. V. & V. A. Mutin 2018: 496
Rotheray, G. & F. Gilbert 1989: 59

Melangyna cincta

Ohara, K. & H. Ohishi & K. Ichige 2014: 475
Huang, C. & X. Cheng 2012: 232
Huo, K. K. & Ren, G. D. 2007: 324
Gilbert, F. S. 2005: 328
Rotheray, G. & F. Gilbert 1989: 59
Peck, L. V. 1988: 28
Nielsen, T. R. 1971: 65
Vockeroth, J. R. 1969: 85

Fagisyrphus cinctus

Krpac, V. 2021: 87
Mengual, X. & G. Stahls & P. Laska & L. Mazanek & S. Rojo 2018: 160
Mengual, X. 2015: 405
Haarto, A. & S. Kerppola 2014: 238
Laska, P. & L. Mazanek & V. Bicik 2013: 200
Mengual, X. & G. Stahls & S. Rojo 2008: 3
Ssymank, A. & D. Doczkal & W. Barkemeyer & C. Claussen & P. W. Lohr & D. Scholz 1999: 195
Torp, E. 1984: 72
Dusek, J. & P. Laska 1967: 369

Syrphus placidus

Meigen, J. W. 1822: 322

Scaeva cincta Fallén, 1817: 45

Fallen, C. F. 1817: 45
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