Macrozoque Santiago-Jiménez, 2016

Santiago-Jiménez, Quiyari J., 2016, Macrozoque hoplandrioides (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), a new genus and species of false Lomechusini from México, Zootaxa 4079 (2) : -

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Macrozoque Santiago-Jiménez

gen. nov.

Macrozoque Santiago-Jiménez View in CoL gen. nov.

( Figs. 1–18 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURES 2 – 17 View FIGURE 18 )

Description. Body length 9.3–9.5 mm. Body shape fusiform. Head, pronotum and elytra with coarse punctures ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Head. Head transverse ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) (length 0.89 mm, width 1.01 mm); without evident microsculpture; surface on disc smooth, with simple coarse scattered punctures; without impression, protuberances, or carinae. Eyes prominent, occupying almost two thirds of head length. Neck present ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ). Infraorbital carina absent. Coeloconic sensilla absent.

Mouthparts. Labrum ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) with twelve or more setae on each side; most of setae in anterior half; with more than 30 sensory pores on each side; sensilla on apical margin of epipharynx include anterior or α-sensilla, medial or β-sensilla, posterior or γ-sensilla, and lateral or ε-sensilla, one on each side (see Ashe 1984; Santiago-Jiménez 2010); apico-medial margin of epipharynx modified into setose or spinose process, one on each side; basal region of epipharynx with five pores in a transverse poorly defined row; medial region of epipharynx with more than 50 pores in an irregular array; mesal region of epipharynx with one "multiporose" sensory structure on each side of midline; with few pores on mesolateral region. Mandibles asymmetrical ( Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ); right mandible ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) with medial tooth in dorsal position; left mandible ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) without tooth; both mandibles without incisor tooth; without serration between apex and medial tooth on right mandible; with large “velvety patch” area, as wide or wider than half of mandible base, composed of small denticles; prostheca with short hairs along entire length; prosthecal hairs bifurcated in medial area. Maxilla ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) with a row of large setae contiguous with the apical spine in apical third of lacinia; with numerous setae in middle third of lacinia; setae present in basal third of lacinia; with pseudopores on cardo. Labium ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) with short ligula divided to near base; with small setae on apex of ligula; without medial spines. Prementum with two medial setae, insertions widely separated; medial pseudopore field present; lateral pseudopore field composed of one setose pore, three asetose pores, and around 12 minute pores, without setae on aboral margin of hypoglossa. Mentum without microsculpture and with numerous pores (more than ten pores on each side).

Thorax. Pronotum ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) subquadrate (length 1.10 mm, width 1.08 mm); coarsely punctate, punctation does not quite extend to lateral margin; distinctly narrowed behind middle, broadest in anterior half; hypomera not inflexed, visible in lateral view; superior line of hypomera well-defined, in dorsal view completely visible and looking very slightly elevated; anterior angles rounded, posterior angles with distinct, more or less sharp corner; basal fourth of midline with a weak impression, in front of the scutellum. Pronotum with microsetae moderately distributed over the disc, directed posteriorly; with 12 macrosetae, four on each lateral margin, one on each side of midline on apical margin, and one on each side of midline on basal margin; without carina; without microsculpture. Elytron ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) longer than wide (length 1.40 mm, width 1.05 mm); surface densely and roughly punctured, interstices quite small, approximately one fourth of the puncture diameter; without microsculpture; with bifurcate carina parallel to external margin; elytral disc with an impression parallel to external margin, next to the internal margin of carina; postero-lateral margin of elytra not sinuate. Elytra with microsetae sparsely distributed, directed posteriorly, with macrosetae distinctly present. Hind wings well developed, with flabellum. Mesocoxal acetabula completely margined posteriorly. Mesocoxal cavities widely separated (0.40 mm) by meso- and metaventral processes ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ); mesoventral process short (0.33 mm) with apex truncated ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ); metaventral process long (1.0 mm), marginate, with apex rounded ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ); isthmus ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 2 – 17 ) distinctly present (0.16 mm). Legs long, metatarsi with first tarsomere longer than second and third combined; last tarsomere with empodial pad; tarsal claws long and slender, with small basal tooth, and with a single empodial bristle not spatulate.

Abdomen. Abdomen fusiform, glossy, sterna with sparse microsetae to almost glabrous, terga almost glabrous; transverse basal impressions on terga III–VI with sides rounded, directed posteriorly. Abdominal segments III–VI with paratergite and parasternite on each side. Tergite VII with gland opening on anterior margin, and with ctenidia on apical margin. Male with tergite IX divided medially to accommodate tergite X.

Remarks. The new genus is the largest Lomechusini found in Mexico, close to 1 cm in length. Among all the New World Lomechusini Macrozoque is most similar to Macrogerodonia godmani ( Sharp, 1883) (described from Panama) with which it shares several characters: 1) a similar body size; 2) a weak impression on the pronotum in front of the scutellum is present, 3) punctation on head, pronotum and elytra is coarse, 4) punctation on pronotum does not extend to the lateral margin, 5) superior line of pronotal hypomeron completely visible from dorsal view and looking very slightly elevated, 6) the first metatarsomere is longer than second and third combined, and 7) abdominal tergite VIII is crenulate. However, the only known species of Macrozoque differs from Macrogerodonia godmani in black body color, while M. godmani is brown. Macrogerodonia was proposed by Bernhauer (1941) as a subgenus of Zyras to include one species from Peru with pronotal hypomera deflexed, not visible in lateral view. In Macrozoque the pronotal hypomera are completely visible in lateral view. Therefore, Macrozoque can be separated from all the other lomechusines genera based on the following combination of characters: pronotal hypomeron completely visible in lateral view; superior line of pronotal hypomeron completely visible in dorsal view and looking very slightly elevated; pronotum in front of scutellum with weak impression; punctation on head, pronotum and elytra coarse (coarser on pronotum and elytra); punctation on pronotum does not quite extend to the lateral margin; metatarsomere 1 is longer than metatarsomeres 2 and 3 combined; abdominal tergite VIII crenulate; compressor plate of aedeagus is long, almost as long as the median lobe of the aedeagus in dorsal view. Moreover, males of Macrozoque have an external gland on sternite VII, similar to that found in some genera related to Falagonia ( Santiago-Jiménez 2010) . The external gland of Macrozoque is most similar to that of Asheidium Santiago-Jiménez (2010) .

Type species. Macrozoque hoplandrioides Santiago-Jiménez sp. nov.

Etymology. The genus name is formed as a combination of " Macro -" from Greek " makros " (meaning large), and "Zoque", the name of the indigenous ethnic population inhabiting the Chimalapas forest in Mexico.

Gender. Neuter.

Habitat. Unknown. Material was collected with flight intercept trap.

Distribution. The single described species Macrozoque hoplandrioides , is known only from the Chimalapas region in Oaxaca, Mexico ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 ).















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