Paragalope dejeani (Oberthur, 1893) Huang & Horie & Fan & Wang & Espeland, 2023

Huang, Si-Yao, Horie, Kiyoshi, Fan, Xiao-Ling, Wang, Min & Espeland, Marianne, 2023, A review of the genus Agalope Walker (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Chalcosiinae) with taxonomic notes and descriptions of three new genera and three new species, Zootaxa 5284 (2), pp. 291-321 : 303

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5284.2.4

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scientific name

Paragalope dejeani


The dejeani View in CoL species-group

Diagnosis. The dejeani species-group is distinguished from pica and glacialis species-groups by the combination of the following characters: 1) Two transverse bands present on forewing and the posterior part of the medial band is clearly bent inwards, while these bands are replaced by a single large and broad medial blackish band in glacialis species-group and the medial band is situated more or less outwards and in a line with the anterior part. 2) Blackish marking absent at the distal end of the discal cell on hindwing, similar to the pica species-group, while in the glacialis species-group a prominent blackish dot is present. 3) In male genitalia, the posterior tegumenal projection is smaller and narrower without lateral extension, similar to that of the glacialis species-group, while it is larger and broader with lateral extension in pica species-group. 4) In female genitalia, the posterior end of ductus bursae forms a sclerotized antrum and fuses with the ostial plate, while in the pica and glacialis species-groups the posterior end of ductus bursae is membranous, thickened and well separated from the lamella postvaginalis.

Remarks. 1) Since P. bieti comb. n. and P. basiflava comb. n. are currently members of the P. pica species-group, appliance of the name “ bieti species-group” (e.g. Yen et al. 2005) to P. dejeani / lucia species pair is no longer justified, hence we termed this species-group as dejeani species-group. 2) The female along with the genitalia of P. dejeani are illustrated for the first time and compared with those of P. lucia comb. n. Externally the female of P. dejeani differs from that of P. lucia by the more whitish ground color on both wings and the joint posterior ends of the antemedial and medial bands, while in the latter both wings are more yellowish and the antemedial and medial bands clearly separated posteriorly. In female genitalia, P. dejeani can be distinguished from P. lucia by the smaller antrum, somewhat narrower ostial plate and the signa covered by less prominent and more obtuse granulation (the signa are covered by sharper and more prominent spinules in P. lucia ).















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