Brookea dasyantha Bentham (1876b: 84

Neo, Louise, Huurne, Suzanne Ter & Adema, Frits, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the genus Brookea (Plantaginaceae), Phytotaxa 403 (3), pp. 171-186 : 178-179

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.403.3.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Brookea dasyantha Bentham (1876b: 84


4. Brookea dasyantha Bentham (1876b: 84 View in CoL , pl. 1197).

Type: — BORNEO. Sarawak, Nov. 1865, Beccari PB 1145 (lectotype K [ K000979570 ] here designated; isolectotypes FI [ FI013071 ], A [00078012]) .

Shrub or treelet, 1–6 m high, dbh 4.5–10 cm. Bark light greyish brown. Twigs terete or angular, 3–12 mm diameter, villous or tomentose, with unbranched, stellate and dendroid hairs, hairs brownish or silvery when dry (see notes), longer hairs c. 5 mm long, unbranched. Leaves sessile to almost auriculate, (narrowly) elliptic or (narrowly) ovate, 12.5–33 by 4.9–17 cm, index 1.9–2.9, base decurrent, margin denticulate, apex acuminate, above ± villous, later scabrous (see notes), below densely villous, midrib and nerves flat or slightly sunken above, nerves 13–15 per side, 6– 15 mm apart. Inflorescences 4–22 cm long, peduncle 0.7–1.4 cm long, woolly, hairs branched or unbranched. Pedicels 3–10 mm long, woolly. Bracteoles linear, c. 13 by 1 mm, both sides sericeous, early caducous. Calyx tubular, 16–22 mm long, tube 10–20 mm long, teeth of upper lip c. 4 by 4 mm, teeth of lower lip c. 2 by 2 mm; outside villous or woolly, hairs mostly unbranched (see notes), inside thinly, appressed hairy, hairs c. 7 mm long; in fruit ellipsoid or pear-shaped, 21–27 mm long. Corolla white or cream, rarely yellow, with 2 yellow lines on lower lip, tube 23–25 mm long, lobes of upper lip ± orbicular, c. 12 by 11 mm, lateral lobes of lower lip ± orbicular, c. 11 by 10 mm, median lobe elliptic, c. 11 by 8 mm; outside glabrous or with some hairs at the lobes, inside glabrous or with some hairs at the implantation of the stamens. Stamens light yellow or white, filaments of longer ones 6–10 mm long, of shorter ones 4–8 mm long; anthers 1.5–1.8 by 0.8 mm, glabrous. Ovary white or yellow, ellipsoid, 5 mm long, glabrous; style 13–20 mm long. Fruits ovoid, 13–16 x 7–9 mm, glabrous. Seeds lenticular, c. 0.4 mm diameter.

Distribution: —Borneo: Sarawak, Kalimantan ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Habitat: —Secondary forest, secondary vegetation along roads or at edge of agricultural land, open Gleichenia - vegetation. Elevation: up to 300 m. Soil: red clay, sand, sandstone or mudstone.

Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting: may be continuous (recorded in March, May, June, September to December on the specimens seen).

Notes: —The leaves of this species are more clearly denticulate than those of B. tomentosa . The indumentum is shorter on thin twigs than on thicker twigs. On the labels of several specimens, the colour of the hairs on the twigs, pedicels and calyces are described as being red, scarlet or purplish, while in herbarium material, the hairs on specimens are whitish or light rusty-coloured (brown). The hairs on the upper surfaces of the leaves break off easily, and most leaf upper surfaces are ‘scabrous’ owing to the basal remnants of the hairs.

Additional specimens examined: — BORNEO. INDONESIA. Archip. Ind. Borneo, n.d., Teysmann 10885 ( BO, L). Central Kalimantan: Melawi, PT Sari Bumi Kusuma ( SBK) Katingan-Seruyan logging concession area, along the road near camp km 35, 5 Mar. 2011, Susanti et al. RS 111 ( BO) ; Murung Raya, km 10 south from base camp on south road, PT Tunggal Pamenang, on Mu [a]ra Joloi road, 0°2’N, 114°03’E, 24 Feb. 1994, Wilkie & Armstrong 94130 ( L) GoogleMaps .

South Kalimantan: Barito Kuala, Pen [g]kulu Ampat , n.d., Haviland s.n. ( SAR, SING). West Kalimantan : Kapuas Hulu , foot of Gunung Kenepai , 1893–1894, Hallier 1523 ( BO, L), Nanga Era , Putussibau , 100 m, 24 Apr. 1983, Afriastini 859 ( BO) ; Ketapang, SBK concession, km 102, 1°22’S, 123[112?]°21’ E, Oct. 1992, Eva AA 39 ( BO) ; Landak, n.d., Teysmann 11610 ( BO) ; Sintang, n.d., Teysmann 8037 ( BO), 1905, Teysmann 8437 ( BO) ; Base Camp PT Halisa, 0°31’N, 111°12’E, 430 m, 13 Oct. 2000, Albertus & Sidiyasa 2206 ( L), Bukit Baka National Park, 100 m from logging road, between km 39 and km 40, environs bordering national park and SBK, 0°37’S, 112°15’E, 310 m, 5 Nov. 1993, Church et al. 575 ( BO, L, SING), 50 m from SBK logging road, km 40, 0°37’S, 112°15’E, 285 m, 11 Oct. 1993, Church et al. 3 ( BO, L, SING), foot of Gunung Klam , 1893-1894, Hallier 2502 ( BO, L), Serawai , 1 km NE of Nanga Jelundung , 0°29’435”S, 112°32’31”E, 120 m, 26 Oct. 1995, Church et al. 2702 ( L), 2 km east of Nanga Jelundung towards Nanga Rantu Malam, bank above Sungai Serawai, 0°29’435”S, 112°32’31”E, 28 Oct. 1995, Church et al. 2760 ( L). MALAYSIA. Sarawak: Feb.–Jun. 1914, Native collector 2511 ( P) GoogleMaps ; Bau, road, Krokong-Panduan (Pedau- un), 7–8 km southwest of Bau , 1°21’N, 110°6’E, 75 m, 13 Dec. 1989, Frodin & Ismawi 2053 ( L), G. Raya , 180 m, 29 Apr. 1983, Yii S 45922 ( L, SAR), Kampong Opar, 28 Dec. 1994, Jawa et al. S 70189 ( L) GoogleMaps ; Belaga, Sungai Murum , 620 m, 15 May. 1994, Lai et al. S 68576 ( L, SAR) ; Kuching, 1911, Sahib 16319 ( SING), about 8 miles from Kuching on road to Bau , 15 May. 1962, Burtt & Woods B 1825 ( SAR), Padawan road, 5 May. 1962, Ilias S 16015 ( BO, L, SAR, SING) ; Lubok Antu, Batang Ai National Park, Lubang Baya , Trail to Bibiyong Mit , Ranger station , 200 m, 2 Aug. 2002, Rantai et al. S 88069 ( L, SAR), near school at Nanga Tibu, Ulu Sungai Engkari, 23 Mar. 1974, Chai S 34118 ( L, SAR) ; Lundu, Bukit Sungai Tebelaian, Sampadi boundary, 29 Oct. 1996, Jemree et al. S 74929 ( SAR) ; Pantu, Bukit Garu , 1°14’N, 111°5’E, 300 m, 19 Mar. 1982, Argent & Sinclair 82109 ( L) GoogleMaps ; Serian, Gunung Hujan, 10 km Tebakang / Tebedu road, 90 m, 25 Jun. 1983, Yii & Othman S 46262 ( L, SAR), Kampung Pinang, Sabal, 250 m, 14 Aug. 1997, Rantai et al. S 76233 ( SAR), Saribas, Sibau Mt, 11 Jul. 1911, Sarawak Museum 422 ( SAR), Sungai Engkabang, 54th mile Kuching / Simanggang road, 10 Feb. 1969, Anderson S 26897 ( SAR), Tebakang-Mongkos road, 26 Apr. 1989, Mohtar et al. S 56193 ( L, SAR) ; Siburan, Kampung Abang, Jalan Pedawan , 30 Sep. 1987, Yii S 61360 ( L, SAR), Kampong Sadir , c. 50 miles from Kuching , 3 Dec. 1973, Mamit S 33413 ( L, SAR), Kampung Semeru , Padawan , 50 m, 14 Sep. 1980, Othman S 42053 ( L, SAR) ; Simunjan, Gunung Angkong, Ulu Simunjan , path to Kampung Nyalitat , 24 Sep. 1975, Martin & Othman S 36965 ( L, SAR), Gunung Berikok , 2 Oct. 2002, Hasbi & Hazlinah S 87682 ( SAR) ; Spaoh, Batang Layar, Betong , 28 Jun. 1980, Lee S 41978 ( L, SAR) ; Sri Aman, 60th mile, Serian-Sri Aman road, 17 Jan. 1989, Mohtar et al. S 56115 ( L, SAR), Abok, Kelingkang Range, 17 Apr. 1990, Rena et al. S 58902 ( L, SAR), Batu Lintang, Simanggang, 4 Dec. 1985, Ilias & Munting S 48638 ( L, SAR), foot of Bukit Lesong, Lingga District , 24 Mar. 1996, Mohizah et al. S 72859 ( SAR), Entalun, Skerang [Skrang], 3 Mar. 1986, Ilias & Jegong S 51836 ( L), Kampung Pungor Tapang, 95th mile Kuching/Sri Aman road, 4 Sep. 1980, Ilias S 42693 ( L, SAR), Purai, c. 35 miles from Simanggang, 14 Dec. 1979, Mamit S 41609 ( L, SAR) .


Royal Botanic Gardens


Natural History Museum


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Herbarium Bogoriense


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


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Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève













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