Scaria lineata Bolívar, 1887

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins, Granda, Juan Manuel Cardona, García, Alexander García & Tumbrinck, Josef, 2019, Systematics and biogeography of the genus Scaria Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Batrachideinae), Zootaxa 4675 (1), pp. 1-65 : 30-32

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Plazi (2019-09-30 08:04:24, last updated 2024-11-26 22:15:57)

scientific name

Scaria lineata Bolívar, 1887


Scaria lineata Bolívar, 1887 View in CoL

Figs. 15–16 View FIGURE 15 View FIGURE 16

Type speciments. Lectotype (here designated): ♂ PERU, Alto Amazonas; Staunding (Cat. Tipos N ° 16) ( MNCN) Lectotype here designated. Paralectotype (here designated): ♀ PERU, Alto Amazonas; Staunding (Cat. Tipos N °17) ( MNCN)

Redescription. Male. Postocular stripe, pronotal disc, upper margin of the lateral lobes of the pronotum, dorsal surface of the thoracic and four first abdominal tergites and tegmina black; vertex, face, lower margin of the lateral lobes of the pronotum, pleuras, sternites, most of the abdominal tergites and legs yellowish white ( Figs 15 View FIGURE 15 A–B). Head. Moderately elongated, globose eyes, fastigium of vertex rounded and a bit prolongated in side view, frontal costa short, reaching near the middle of the face; scutellum narrow, moderately prolongated in the region of the lateral carina in side view; dorsal carina poorly prolonged in the middle of the eyes. Pronotum flat, extending beyond the tip of the abdomen and overcoming noticeably the length of the hind femora; anterior spine of the pronotum developed and curving gradually to the front, covering the vertex partially; median carina continuous, poorly elevated from anterior spine to pronotal tip, this carinae pigmented by a median yellow whitish line; lateral lobes of the pronotum a little wider than long; lateral shoulder carina rounded and moderately prolonged, hind margin of the lateral lobe sub-pointed. Tegmina spotless, ovoid and short compared to other species of the genus, extending to the base of the first abdominal tergite (in the remaining species, it usually covers the base of the second tergite at least). Legs slender, moderately long (short compared to other species of the genus); fore femora sulcate above for dorsal edge, without dorso-apical spine; mid femora with a well-developed carinae; and with an internal dorso-apical spine; hind femora with a pre-genicular spine developed and sharp. Abdomen. Subgenital plate short with the dorsal edge straight, epiproct ovoid wider than longer; cerci cylindrical and tapering towards the tip; penultimate abdominal sternite with a small medial projection.

Female. Similar to the male in color and structure, but differing from the male in the ambisexual characters ( Figs.16A, B View FIGURE 16 ): subgenital plate longer than wide, with a median invagination, ovipositor elongated and with thin valves; cerci cylindrical, with similar width in all their length.

Measurements: CFP: 10-8; VE: 0,7-0,5; HE: 0,9-0,7; VW: 0,8-0.5; PL: 12-11; PLB: 2,5-2.1; FF: 2,9-2,5; FL: 3,1-2,3; MFL: 2,5-2,0; MTL: 2,8-2,4; HL: 6,5-5,5; HW: 1,4-1,1.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality.

Comments. Besides the lectotype and the paralectotype, no more specimens are known, so their variation cannot be documented; besides the status of the type specimens was reviewed by Paris (1994). Historically, this species has been mistaken with S. ferruginea (see differences in the key to species) (Westerdujin & Cadena-Castañeda, 2014; Huamán et al, 2014).

Bolivar, I. (1887) Essai sur les Acridiens de la tribu des Tettigidae. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 31, 175 - 313.

Cadena-Castaneda, O. J. & Monzon-Sierra, J. (2014) Studies in Guatemalan Caelifera: New grasshoppers and monkey grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acridoidea & Eumastacoidea) and an updated checklist. Zootaxa, 3857 (3), 379 - 411. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3857.3.3

Huaman, L., Westerduijn, R. & Cadena-Castaneda, O. J. (2014) Common Orthoptera from Tingo Maria, Huanuco-Peru. Field Museum Guides, 1 - 6. Available from: https: // fieldguides. fieldmuseum. org / sites / default / files / rapid-color-guides-pdfs / 605 % 20 Tingo % 20 Maria % 20 Orthops % 20 b 1. pdf (accessed 2 September 2019)

Paris, M. (1994) Catalogo de tipos de ortopteroides (Insecta) de Ignacio Bolivar, I: Blattaria, Mantodea, Phasmoptera y Orthoptera (Stenopelmatoidea, Rhaphidophoroidea, Tettigonioidea, Grylloidea, Tetrigoidea). Eos, Revista espanola de Entomologia, 69, 143 - 264.

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FIGURE 15. Scaria lineata Bolívar, 1887 (male). A. Habitus in lateral view and. B. dorsal view respectively. (Photos: Mercedes París, MNCN).

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FIGURE 16. Scaria lineata Bolívar, 1887 (female). A. Habitus in lateral view and. B. dorsal view respectively. (Photos: Mercedes París, MNCN).


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