Saccharodite plurima, Zelazny & Webb, 2011

Zelazny, B. & Webb, M. D., 2011, 3071, Zootaxa 3071, pp. 1-307 : 147-148

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scientific name

Saccharodite plurima


Key to the species of the Saccharodite plurima species group (males)

The key does not include Saccharodite rubra (Muir) , only known from a female from Ambon Island, Indonesia, see p. 156.

1. Part or all of scutellum dark red or orange-red (e.g. Fig. 302e).................................................. 2

- Scutellum stramineous, but rest of mesonotum often red or with red marks (e.g. Fig. 93)............................. 3

2. Apical part of aedeagus with fine teeth ( Fig. 302p)...................................... Sa. cruenta sp. nov., p. 151

- Apical part of aedeagus without fine teeth ( Fig. 299o)...................................... Sa. casca Fennah , p. 149

3. Mesonotum, except scutellum, orange-red (e.g. Fig. 92) or with a large, usually rhomboid, red mark (e.g. Fig. 98)......... 4

- Mesonotum stramineous, light brown, or light orange-brown, and may have a narrow orange or red stripe across base of scutellum................................................................................................ 23

4. At or near base of apical part of male aedeagus (most caudal part of aedeagus) one or 2 pointed processes which can be short (e.g. Figs. 297m or 305m)............................................................................... 5

- No pointed process(es) at or near base of apical part of male aedeagus (e.g. Fig. 301m), but in one species one broad and flat, slightly pointed process in this position ( Fig. 308m)......................................................... 16

5. Two pointed processes at or near base of apical part of male aedeagus (e.g. Fig. 297m) which can be short (e.g. Fig. 315m). 6

- Only one pointed processes at or near base of apical part of male aedeagus (e.g. Fig. 296m) which can be short ( Fig. 309n) 10

6. Basal processes on apical part of male aedeagus short (e.g. Fig. 315n)........................................... 7

- Basal processes on apical part of male aedeagus large ( Fig. 297m)............................. Sa. bos sp. nov., p. 149

7. Right process near base of apical part of male aedeagus forked ( Fig. 300q).................. Sa. cervetta sp. nov., p. 150

- Right process on base of apical part of male aedeagus not forked............................................... 8

8. Tip of male aedeagus (directed forward) with 3 pointed processes ( Fig. 315m)................ Sa. virgula sp. nov., p. 159

- Male aedeagus ending in 2 or 3 lobes, one of them might bear a small terminal pointed process (e.g. Fig. 306m)......... 9

9. Male aedeagus ending in 3 broad lobes, the middle one with a small terminal pointed process ( Fig. 306m).............................................................................................. Sa. lucifera sp. nov., p. 154

- Male aedeagus ending in 2 lobes, the left one bearing numerous small teeth................. Sa. spinosa Zelazny , p. 158

10. Apical part of male aedeagus ending in a prominent, hook-like process directed ventrad ( Figs. 296m, n).................................................................................................. Sa. aquila sp. nov., p. 148

- Apical part of male aedeagus not ending in a pointed process, or terminal pointed processes not hook-like and not directed ventrad................................................................................................ 11

11. Apical part of male aedeagus short, about as long as wide, armed with three short, slender and pointed processes ( Fig. 313n)............................................................................... Sa. tricuspis sp. nov., p. 158

- Apical part of male aedeagus much longer than wide........................................................ 12

12. Clypeus, except for apex, orange-red................................................ Sa. rostrata sp. nov., p. 156

- Clypeus stramineous but may have a red band or a red tip..................................................... 13

13. Base of distal dorsal process of male pygofer wide, separated from base of proximal dorsal process by a small gap only ( Fig. 305j)............................................................................. Sa. lata sp. nov., p. 153

- Bases of dorsal process of male pygofer well separated....................................................... 14

14. Mesonotum almost all orange-red (Fig. 92)................................................................ 15

- Mesonotum with a bright red rhomboid mark (Fig. 93).................................. Sa. imperiali Zelazny , p. 152

15. Clypeus with a red tip, pronotum stramineous (Fig. 92)................................ Sa. cornicula Zelazny , p. 150

- Clypeus all stramineous, centre of pronotum orange-red............................... Sa. rhinoceros Zelazny , p. 155

16. Male aedeagus hatchet-like, that is stem on ventral side, just before apical portion, with two prominent, contiguous, flat processes, their anterior margins abruptly cut off ( Figs. 312m, n)........................... Sa. securifera sp. nov., p. 157

- Stem of male aedeagus without such prominent, ventral processes.............................................. 17

17. Male aedeagus with a flat, broad, slightly pointed process arising from the dorsal side at the junction of stem and apical part ( Fig. 308m)..................................................................... Sa. plurima sp. nov., p. 155 - Male aedeagus without a flat, broad process in this position................................................... 18

18. Apical part of male aedeagus ending in two pointed processes, in addition with a prominent, pointed process arising vertically from the dorsal side (e.g. Figs. 303m, n)................................................................... 19

- Apical part of male aedeagus not constructed in this way..................................................... 20

19. Frons and legs stramineous; ventral terminal process of male aedeagus (directed forward) curved upwards at the tip ( Figs. 303m, n)....................................................................... Sa. eburnea sp. nov., p. 152

- Frons and legs with red marks; ventral terminal process of male aedeagus straight............. Sa. terebra Zelazny , p. 158

20. Apical part of male aedeagus small, directed caudad ( Fig. 307m)............................. Sa. picta sp. nov., p. 154

- Apical part of male aedeagus large, directed cephalad (e.g. Fig. 298m).......................................... 21

21. Apical part of male aedeagus on left side or in the middle with a small pointed, vertical process ( Figs. 314m, s)........................................................................................... Sa. viperina sp. nov., p. 159

- Apical part of male aedeagus without such a small vertical process............................................. 22

22. Apical part of male aedeagus short; left, rounded lobe nearly reaching tip, which is directed forward; a slightly elevated, short ridge crossing the dorsal side ( Figs. 301o, q)............................................. Sa. costa sp. nov., p. 150

- Apical part of male aedeagus long; left, rounded lobe ending clearly before the tip; no ridge crossing the dorsal side....................................................................................... Sa. virgata Zelazny , p. 159

23. Forewings lightly and uniformly infuscated................................................................ 24

- Forewing infuscation interrupted or absent (e.g. Fig. 94)...................................................... 25

24. Apical part of male aedeagus with 2 horn-like pointed processes arising from its base (that is the most caudal part of the aedeagus)......................................................................... Sa. bicornis Zelazny , p. 148

- Apical part of male aedeagus without such horn-like pointed processes ( Fig. 298m)............. Sa. carens sp. nov., p. 149

25. Middle of pronotum orange-red............................................ Sa. kagoshimana (Matsumura) , p. 152

- Middle of pronotum stramineous........................................................................ 26

26. A red stripe across base of scutellum ( Fig. 311e)......................................... Sa. saucia sp. nov., p. 157

- No such red stripe across scutellum base........................................... Sa. obtusa Yang & Wu , p. 154

























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