Janus formosus (Zhelochovtsev, 1935)

Basov, S. A., 2024, Review of the genus Janus Stephens, 1829 (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Cephidae) of the Russian fauna, Far Eastern Entomologist 500, pp. 1-12 : 3-5

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https://doi.org/ 10.25221/fee.500.1

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scientific name

Janus formosus (Zhelochovtsev, 1935)


Janus formosus (Zhelochovtsev, 1935)

Figs 1A–K View Fig

Cephus formosus Zhelochovtsev, 1935 , March: 150; Taeger et al., 2010: 49.

Janus orientalis Gussakovskij, 1935 , October: 83; Zhelochovtsev, 1968: 49 (as synonym of J. formosus ); Taeger et al., 2010: 49.

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype of Cephus formosus Zhelochovtsev, 1935 : “Ussuri, Olga distr, Shkotovo, 6. V.1927, A. Zhelochovtsev”; “ Cephus formosus nov. sp. ♀ Typus A. Zhelochovtsev det. 1930”; golden circle. [ ZMMU]. Holotype of Janus orientalis Gussakovskij, 1935 : “der. Khungara, 280 v. vniz po Amuru ot Khabarovska, 15. VI.[1]911, Soldatov”; “ Janus orientalis typus V. Gussakovskij”; “ Holotype Janus orientalis Gussakovskij 1935 vide A. Taeger 2014, red label” “DEI-GISHym 30271”; golden circle [ ZISP].

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. Russia: Primorsky Territory: Vladivostok, Sedanka , 1–14. VI 1979 , 4♂, 9♀ (A. Zinovjev) [ ZISP]; same locality, 3. VI 1978 , 1♀ (A. Lelej) [ IBSS]; 20 km SE of Ussuriysk , GTS, 30. V 1990 ), 1♀ (S. Belokobylskij [ ZISP]; 30 SE of Ussuriisk, Kamenushka , 7. VI 1979 , 1♀ (A. Zinovjev) [ ZISP]; Station Gvozdevo , 10 km E of Posjet, 30. V 1979 , 1♀ (A. Zinovjev) [ ZISP]; Chyornye Mountains, Luna Mt., Kraskino , 6. VI 1962 , 1♀ (O. Kovalyov) [ ZISP]; Barabash-Levada , 18. VI 1980 , 1♀ (S. Konovalov) [ ZISP]; Lyalichi, Ilistaya River , 3. VI 1990 , 1♀ (S. Belokobylskij) [ ZISP]. Khabarovsk Territory : 24 km S of Khabarovsk, 29. V 1983 , 2♂ (A. Zinovjev) [ ZISP]; Khehtsyr , 4. VI 1983 , 5♂, 1♀ (D. Kasparyan) [ ZISP]; Khehtsyr , 18-st km, 8. VI 1983 , 1♂ (D. Kasparyan) [ ZISP]; Slavianka, Khehtsyr , 17-th km, 3.VII 1983, 2♂ (D. Kasparyan) [ ZISP]; Khehtsyr, Vysokogornyi , 9–10.VII 1983, 2♀ (D. Kasparyan) [ ZISP]; 20 km NE of Troitskoe , 23. VI 1983 , 1♀ (D. Kasparyan) [ ZISP]. Sakhalin Province, Kuriles, SW Kunashir I., Krivonozhka Spring , 20–22. VI 2013 , 1♂, 3♀ (Yu. and L. Sundukov) [ ZISP].

REDESCRIPTION. Female (holotype).

Measurements. Total body length: 9.2 mm; fore wing: 7.5 mm.

Colour. Body black; mandibular yellow with orange tips of tooth and black stripe basally; angles of posterior margin of pronotum pale yellow, tegulae yellow. Fore and middle legs with dark brown coxae, femora orange, brown first and yellow second trochanters, tibia and tarsus yellow. Hind legs with coxae yellow with black spot at base, brown first and yellow second trochanters, orange femurs, basal one-third of tibiae yellow, its remaining part and tarsus dark brown. Wings transparent, veins and pterostigma light brown. Setae of body yellowish-white.

Sculpture. Head weakly and sparsely punctuated, shiny between punctures. Vertex finely punctured; cheeks behind eyes slightly wrinkled. Thorax and abdomen weakly and evenly punctured, anterior half of pronotum smooth and shiny.

Head. Malar space as long as diameter of median ocellus; distance between antennal toruli about as long as distance between torulus and inner margin of eye; interantennal carina low and blunt; raised between antennae and smoothly passing into clypeus. Maxillary palp as in Fig. 1E View Fig ; palpomere 2 and 3 combined, near as long as palpomere 4, palpomere 3 as long as palpomere 6. Labial palp as in Fig. 1F View Fig ; ratio of palpomeres 1: 2: 3: 4 as 2.5: 1.8: 1.0: 2.8. Vertex not convex, not limited by lateral sutures, strongly longitudinally elongated. OOL: POL = 0.9, OCL: POL = 2.5. Length of antenna 2.5 × maximum head width; antenna with 23 antennomeres.

Legs. Hind tibia with two pre-apical spurs. Claw with basal lobe, its inner tooth as long as outer tooth.

Abdomen. Saw sheath longer than basal plate, laterally narrow and slightly curved downwards. Lance and lancet with teeth. Lancet with 15 teeth; these teeth not high and forked at top.

DESCRIPTION. Male (previously unknown). Total body length: 7.3–7.6 mm; fore wing: 6.9–7.1 mm. Similar to female, but abdominal sternites and 2–3 apical tergites yellowish orange. Hind femora and tibiae yellow, only tarsus brownish. Angles of posterior margin of pronotum with distinct yellow border. Genitalia as in Fig. 1J, K View Fig . Valviceps converge dorsally at acute angle, its apical part notched.

VARIATION. Antenna with 22–25 antennomeres; females and males occasionally have black spot on outer side of femora; claws on hind legs sometimes orange; apex of flagellum sometimes brownish. In males, not only sternites and apical tergites of abdomen sometimes rufous, but also remaining tergites becoming rufous in middle, their downward bent parts remaining black; mesopleuron sometimes with yellowish spot; occasionally first trochanter completely black.

COMPARATIVE DIAGNOSIS. The species is similar to Janus cynosbati , but have hind femora orange (red in J. cynosbati ), and hind coxae and trochanters yellow (black in J. cynosbati ).

DISTRIBUTION. Russia: Far East (* Sakhalin Province, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories) .

HOST PLANT. Unknown.

NOTE. The holotype of Janus orientalis has been studied. This species was synonymized by A.N. Zhelochovtsev (1968) and it is in fact identical to Janus formosus .

The finds of Janus formosus in Siberia (Novosibirsk Province and Altai Republic) (Stroganova, 1982) are questionable and cannot be considered reliable (Kostyunin, 2015); the material determined by Stroganova were not found in ISEA collection. This is probably happened due to misidentification of some species from the genus Cephus Latreille, 1803 , because the members of the genera Cephus and Janus are very similar in shape and colour. I think it seems preferable to exclude West Siberia from the range of this species in Russia before receiving of reliable documented confirmation.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Janus formosus (Zhelochovtsev, 1935)

Basov, S. A. 2024

Cephus formosus

Taeger, A. & Blank, S. M. & Liston, A. D. 2010: 49

Janus orientalis

Taeger, A. & Blank, S. M. & Liston, A. D. 2010: 49
Zhelochovtsev, A. N. 1968: 49
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