Sida piauhyensis

Baracho, George Sidney & Agra, Maria De Fátima, 2016, A new record of Sida glutinosa (Malvaceae), a rare species of the Caatinga in northeastern Brazil, with lectotypifications and taxonomic notes on the allied Sida glabra, Phytotaxa 282 (1), pp. 37-45 : 42

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.282.1.4

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Sida piauhyensis


Typification of Sida piauhyensis View in CoL

The treatment by Krapovickas (2006: 20) of Sida piauhyensis Ulbr. as a synonym of S. glutinosa (as separate from S. glabra ) would seem correct, by geographical affinities and similarities in trichomes, inflorescence, sepals, flowers and mericarps. This species was placed as a synonym of the endemic Paraguayan S. rupicola Hassl. by Fryxell (1985: 71, 1988: 391), which in turn was listed as a synonym of S. glabra s.l. (and S. glutinosa ). Krapovickas (2006: 29, 2008) and Fryxell (2014 †: 813), on the other hand, maintain S. rupicola as a distinct species with S. piauhyensis as a synonym, but without any explanation. Thus, for the above reasons, we follow Krapovickas (2006).

In the protologue, Ulbrich (in Ule 1909: 226) mentioned only one collection of S. piauhyensis (“ im Walde der Serra da Lagoa, Januar 1907 blühend und spärlich fruchtend”), with this specimen deposited in the Berlin Herbarium (B) also cited as holotype (“ Ule n. 7461 ”). However, this holotype was destroyed in World War II, though there is a photo negative at the Field Museum Herbarium (F 9389, digital image in berDisplay.php?irn=235618&QueryPage=%2Fbotany%2Fsearch_berlin.php). On the other hand, there is an isotype of the specimen “ Ule n. 7461 ” in the collection of Ule’s Herbarium Brasiliensis at the Herbarium Hamburguense (HBG), which was not cited by the author in the protologue of S. piauhyensis . It is evident that this specimen is an isotype of “ Ule n. 7461 ”, and should be used for the purpose of typification of S. piauhyensis , in place of the Berlin holotype. For this reason, the isotype deposited at the Herbarium Hamburguense (HBG 523 019) is designated here as the lectotype of Sida piauhyensis Ulbr. , according to ICN Art. 9.12 (McNeill et al. 2012).

In addition, an updated key to the species of Sida sect. Nelavagae occurring both in Pernambuco and Paraíba States, is provided below:













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