Helonias umbellata (Baker) Tanaka (1998a: 108)

Tanaka, Noriyuki, 2019, Taxonomy, evolution and phylogeography of the genus Helonias (Melanthiaceae) revisited, Phytotaxa 390 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.390.1.1

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scientific name

Helonias umbellata (Baker) Tanaka (1998a: 108)


9. Helonias umbellata (Baker) Tanaka (1998a: 108) View in CoL ( Figs. 3D, E View FIGURE 3 , 21 View FIGURE 21 , 22 View FIGURE 22 ).

Heloniopsis umbellata Baker (1874: 278 View in CoL , ‘ Heleniopsis ’; 1879: 460). ≡ Sugerokia umbellata (Baker) Koidzumi (1930: 95) View in CoL . ≡ Hexonix umbellata (Baker) Wang & Tang (1949: 114) View in CoL . Type:― TAIWAN (Formosa). R. Swinhoe s.n. (Holotype: K-001045008*!).

= Heloniopsis acutifolia Hayata (1920: 144 View in CoL . f. 53). ≡ Sugerokia acutifolia (Hayata) Koidzumi (1930: 95) View in CoL . Japanese name: Taiwanshôjôbakama ( Koidzumi 1930). ≡ Hexonix acutifolia (Hayata) Wang & Tang (1949: 113 View in CoL , ‘ acutiflora ’). Type:― TAIWAN. [Ilan Hsien] Bonbonzan, 10 May 1917, B. Hayata & S. Sasaki (Holotype: TI!).

= Heloniopsis arisanensis Hayata ex Honda (1938: 1679) View in CoL . ≡ Sugerokia arisanensis (Hayata ex Honda) Koidzumi (1939: 53) View in CoL . ≡ Hexonix arisanensis (Hayata ex Honda) Wang & Tang (1949: 114) View in CoL , ‘(Hayata)’. Typ e:― TAIWAN. [Chiayi Hsien] Arisan [Alishan], 2500 m, Junio 1914, U. Faurie 942 (Holotype: TI!. Isotype: BM-1118049!; P-01762777*!).

= Heloniopsis taiwaniana Ying (1980: 222 View in CoL , f. 108 on p.67). Type:― TAIWAN. Taipei Hsien, Urai , Mt. Tatungshan , 20 April 1976, S.S. Ying 3615 (Holotype: NTUF-F00008243*!).

Heloniopsis orientalis (Thunb.) Tanaka var. yakusimensis View in CoL auct. non (Masam.) Ohwi: Masamune (1957: 103), p.p.

Ypsilandra thibetica View in CoL auct. non Franch.: Hsu et al. (2011: 99–104).

Chinese name:―(Taiwan) humahua.

Japanese name:―Hime-shôjôbakama ( Hayata 1917), Arisan-shôjôbakama ( Honda 1938), Shima-shôjôbakama ( Kawakami 1910).

Description:―Rhizome subcylindrical, to 1.7 cm long, 1 cm in diam. Roots filiform, ca. 1 mm in diam. Leaves persistent for 1–2 year, narrowly spatulate or oblanceolate, 7–16 cm long, 1–2.2 cm wide, tapering to linear petiole to ca. 6 mm wide, margin entire (not undulate), apex short acuminate or obtuse, apiculus (0.5–) 1–2 mm long, somewhat thick in texture, green, glossy, midvein raised abaxially. Flowering stem erect, fistulose, ca. 2–17 cm long at anthesis, elongating to ca. 29 cm long in fruit; peduncle 2–20(–28) cm long incl. in fruit, 1.5–5.5 mm in diam. in middle; scale-like leaves on peduncle 4–10 (excl. basal ones), narrowly elliptic or oblong, acuminate, to 23 mm long, submembranous; inflorescence umbellate or sub-umbellate, rarely racemose, rachis usually to 1.1 cm long (excl. raceme); pedicels ribbed, (3–)6–14(–18) mm long, whitish, sometimes tinged pink, ebracteate, 1 or a few proximal pedicels sometimes bracteate. Flowers 1–21, funnelform, often secund, strongly fragrant, protogynous. Tepals 6, oblong-oblanceolate or spatulate, 8–12 mm long, 2–3.7 mm wide, apex obtuse to acute, 3- or 5-veined, white or pale pink, not imbricate with adjoining tepals proximally, adaxially canaliculate toward base; proximal margins usually slightly revolute; proximal submarginal portions raised (ridged), sometimes minutely connate basally to adjoining tepals (connate portion to 0.3 mm in height); nectary at base concave adaxially; base of tepal affixed to receptacle (apex of pedicel) for ca. 1 mm in length. Stamens 6, equaling or slightly longer than tepals, obliquely divergent; filament arising from (adaxial) rim of nectary of opposing tepal, filiform, proximally scarcely dilated, (4–) 6–14 mm long, white or pale (purplish) pink, not adnate to opposing tepals; anthers basifixed adaxially, slightly extrorse, white or pale (bluish) purple, narrowly ovoid, usually 1.3–3.1 mm long, base sagittate, apex obtuse, (sub)bilocular with vestigial apical confluence between thecae; pollen white or creamy. Pistil 1, exceeding stamens and tepals; ovary sessile or short stipitate, whitish, pale green or purplish pink, globose-ellipsoid or obovoid, obtusely trigonous, slightly trisulcate, 1.5–2.8 mm long, 1.8–3 mm across, apex emarginate-concave; ovules numerous, multiseriate on central axile placentae; style terete, often slightly broadened above, 5–19 mm long, white or purplish pink; stigma thick discoid, often slightly trigonous, 1.3–2.4 mm across, 0.5 mm thick, white or pale purple. Capsules broadly obpyramidal (obcordate or obdeltoid in lateral aspect), apex depressed in center, tripartite, 4–7 mm long, 6.5–10 mm across; lobes mitriform or ovoid-pyriform, divergently protruding. Seeds numerous, linear-fusiform, testa whitish, 3.4–5 mm long, 0.2–0.4 mm wide; body of seed narrowly fusiform, 1.2–1.8 mm long, 0.2–0.3 mm wide, brown.

Additional specimens examined (see also Tanaka 1998a):― TAIWAN. Hsinchu Hsien: Chienshih Hsiang , ca. 2000 m, 20 February 2002, fl. Y.-Y. Huang 947 et al. (MAK-386385) . Ilan Hsien: Mt. Taiping , 4 March 1967, fl., M.T. Kao 6796 (TI); ibid., 1750m, 22 May 1949, fr., H. Keng 1217 (TAI-029039, PH-66762) . Miaoli Hsien: Nanchuang Hsiang, Fengmeihsi , ca. 1500–1700 m, 7 January 1994, fl., T.Y. Liu et al. 358 (HAST-40520*, BM-001118048) . Nantou Hsien: Ching-shui-kou, 18 February 1959, Huang, Kou & Kao 938 (TAI-029016*); Hsinyi Hsiang , ca. 1500 m, 12 February 2003, fl., C.- I. Peng 19224 (HAST-93318*) . Taipei Hsien: Shichiseizan ( Mt. Chihsing ), 3000 ft, 25 January 1932, fl., N. Fukuyama 3015 (TNS-59639); Shihting Hsiang, ca. 200–500 m, 17 February 2008, fl., P.-F. Lu 15304 (HAST-123134*); in monte Taitun, ad 600 m, 7 mai 1903, U. Faurie 537 (MAK-137680, P-01762775); Yangminshan to Chihsing, 600–1100 m, 26 February 1961, fl., T. Shimizu 11117 (A, TI); Daitonzan ( Mt. Tatun ), 20 April 1932, fr., S. Sasaki (TNS-321209) . Taichung Hsien: Leeshan , 20 April 1962, fr., C.S. Feung & M.T. Kao 4554 (TI); 710 logging tract, 1900–2000 m, 1 April 1993, fl., J.C. Wang et al. 8094 (HAST-27016) . Taitung Hsien: Taito (Taitung), Sinsuiei ( Chinshuiying ), 10 February 1925, fl., S. Sasaki (TNS 321217) . Taoyuan Hsien: Fuhsing Hsiang , ca. 1840 m, 11 Apr. 2002, fr., W.-C. Leong 2881 et al. (MAK-386590) . Pingtung Hsien: Kosyun (Oluanpi), Garanbi ( Garambi ), 29 March 1932, S. Sasaki 40061 (TAI-250118*) .

Distribution:― Taiwan ( Fig. 29-U View FIGURE29 ).

Habitat:―Shady and semishady moist rocks and slopes at elevations usually 200–2500 m.

Conservation status:―The species is comparatively widespread, and may be assessed as LC according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (2001).

Flowering:―Usually late January–March (to June at high elevations).


Remarks:― Hsu et al. (2011) reported Ypsilandra thibetica as being in Taiwan, but the plant on which the report is based appears to be a form of Helonias umbellata (see also the remarks under H. thibetica ). Having a raceme, their plant may look like H. thibetica , but other characters such as anthers (e.g. Fig. 2E, H View FIGURE 2 in their paper, appearing subbilocular) and stigmas (e.g. Fig. 2E, G View FIGURE 2 in their paper, appearing slightly lobed or trigonal and slightly larger) agree with H. umbellata . Further, the karyotype in their paper ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ) does not agree with H. thibetica but rather with H. umbellata (N. Tanaka unpublished data). In Helonias , racemes are considered to be more primitive than umbels (Part III-2-2), so forms with racemes of H. umbellata may represent relict ancestors. It is also possible that racemose inflorescences were acquired secondarily from umbels. Further studies are needed to resolve this question. Helonias umbellata has tepals sometimes minutely connate to adjoining ones basally ( Fig. 22D View FIGURE 22 ; Tanaka 1997b), suggesting a close relationship between H. umbellata and ser. Heloniopsis . Helonias umbellata occurs from hillsides to high peaks on Taiwan, and the habitats are not necessarily close to streams, indicating that the plant can tolerate diverse environmental conditions. Helonias kawanoi and H. leucantha , in contrast, are mostly confined to moist places along or near streams at low elevations on small, subtropical islands.


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University














Helonias umbellata (Baker) Tanaka (1998a: 108)

Tanaka, Noriyuki 2019

Ypsilandra thibetica

Hsu, T. - W. & Kono, Y. & Chiang, T. - Y. & Peng, C. - I. 2011: 99

Heloniopsis taiwaniana

Ying, S. S. 1980: 222

Heloniopsis orientalis (Thunb.) Tanaka var. yakusimensis

Masamune, G. 1957: 103

Heloniopsis arisanensis Hayata ex

Wang F. T. & Tang, T. 1949: )
Koidzumi, G. 1939: )
Honda, M. 1938: )

Heloniopsis acutifolia

Wang F. T. & Tang, T. 1949: 113
Koidzumi, G. 1930: )
Hayata, B. 1920: 144

Heloniopsis umbellata

Wang F. T. & Tang, T. 1949: )
Koidzumi, G. 1930: )
Baker, J. D. 1874: 278
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