Wissadula wissadifolia (Griseb.) Krapov. (1983: 257)

Bovini, Massimo G. & Baumgratz, José Fernando A., 2016, Taxonomic revision of Wissadula (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) in Brazil, Phytotaxa 243 (3), pp. 201-234 : 232

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.243.3.1

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scientific name

Wissadula wissadifolia (Griseb.) Krapov. (1983: 257)


19. Wissadula wissadifolia (Griseb.) Krapov. (1983: 257) View in CoL . Abutilon wissadifolium Griseb. (1879: 47) , p. p. Type:— ARGENTINA. Salta, Rio Juramento , 22 February 1873, fl., P. Lorentz & G. Hieronymus 293 (lectotype: GOET, designated by Krapovickas 1983; isolectotypes: CORD, UC, US!, RB, photo!).

Wissadula grisebachii R. E. Fr. (1908: 74) View in CoL . Type:— ARGENTINA. Salta, Rio Juramento, without date, P. Lorentz & G. Hieronymus 293 (lectotype: GOET, designated here).

Subshrubs to shrubs 1.6–2.1 m tall, erect. Branches pubescent, trichomes hyaline, simple, and long, minutely glandular, rarely fasciculate.Stipules 0.9–1 cm long, filiform, free, caducous, sericeous, trichomes simple long and glandular at both surfaces. Leaves with petiole 5–12 cm long, sericeous, trichomes simple, very long, and glandular, rarely fasciculate; lamina 3.5–12 × 2.5–11 cm, membranaceous, slightly green discolor, cordiform, sometimes slightly lobate to the apex, base cordate-imbricate, apex acute to acuminate, margin crenate to serreate; adaxial surface pubescent, trichomes hyaline, simple, glandular-fasciculate and multiradiate; abaxial surface velutinous, trichomes whitish, multiradiate. Synflorescence frondose-bracteate, pyramidal, lax; coflorescence double-raceme, 15–20 cm long; accessory axis reduced, 2(–3) flowers; anthopodium 0.7–0.8 mm long, pubescent, trichomes glandular long, simple, fasciculate and fasciculate-stipitate. Flowers with pedicel 5–6 mm long, indumentum and trichomes similar to anthopodium; calyx 5–6 mm long, sepals free to the middle below to medium portion, accrescent in fruit, adaxial surface glandular, long, simple, fasciculate and fasciculate-stipitate; corolla ca. 1.3 cm diam, yellow, without dark center; staminal column with few trichomes hyaline, simple, and fasciculate-stipitate, free portion of filaments ca. 2 mm long, few trichomes hyaline, simple; ovary 4–5 celled, 3 ovules per cell; style ca. 5 mm long. Schizocarp 0.8–0.9 cm diam, 4 (–5) mericarps, 7–8 × 3–4 mm, spines <1 mm long, constriction inconspicuous, pubescent, trichomes simple and glandular, few fasciculate; seeds 3, ca. 2 mm long, hilum slightly villous, trichomes simple ( Figs. 4a View FIGURE 4 , 8j–l View FIGURE 8 ).

Representative Specimens Examined— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul: Bodoquena , 18 November 2002, fl., G. Hatschbach 74323 ( CTES, MBM) ; próximo a fábrica de cimento, 08 November 2007, fl, M. G. Bovini et al. 2675 ( RB) .

Additional Specimens Examined— ARGENTINA. Jujuy: Ledesman, 17 March 1973, fl., A. L. Cabrera et al. 23269 ( CTES). Salta: Guemes , 22 March 1977, fl., A. Krapovickas & A. Schinini 30433 ( CTES) ; La Viña , 27 March 1977, fl., A. Krapovickas & A. Schinini 30608 ( CTES) . BOLÍVIA. Chuquisaca: Azero , 12 April 1977, fl., A. Krapovickas & A. Schinini 31226 ( CTES) ; El Salvador-CIMBOC, 10 April 1993, fl., C. S. Toledo et al. 11618 ( CTES, SPF). Cochabamba: a 54 km de Totora , 24 February 2004, fl., A. Cocucci et al. 3339 ( CORD, CTES) . Santa Cruz: Andrés Ibañes , 13 December 1994, fl., fr., M. Nee 45932 ( CTES) ; Cordillera , 24 February 1958, fl., A. Krapovickas 9483 ( CTES, LIL) .

Etymology— Grisebach (1879) most likely used the epithet wissadifolia as a reference to the similarity between the leaves or fruits and those of the species of Wissadula when it was described in the genus Abutilon .

Distribution— The species is found in Bolivia, Argentina, and Brazil. It is recorded for the first time in Brazil where it is restricted to the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. In Bolivia and Argentina, it occurs in a region known as chaco.

Note— Wissadula wissadifolia is characterized by leaf blades with a lobate-imbricate or cordate base, crenate to serrate margin, adaxial surface with simple, glandular, fasciculate and multiradiate trichomes, and branches, petioles and inflorescences with simple and very long trichomes. It is very similar to W. setifera , but the latter has smaller leaf blades and a different type of indumentum.


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Universidade de São Paulo


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Fundación Miguel Lillo














Wissadula wissadifolia (Griseb.) Krapov. (1983: 257)

Bovini, Massimo G. & Baumgratz, José Fernando A. 2016

Wissadula grisebachii

R. E. Fr. 1908: 74
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF