Triforis (Iniforis) cornuta Hervier, 1898

Albano, Paolo G., Franco, Davide Di, Azzarone, Michele, J., Piet A., Bakker & Sabelli, Bruno, 2023, Review of the types of Indo-Pacific Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Zoosystema 45 (2), pp. 13-106 : 30-34

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Felipe (2023-01-25 19:07:50, last updated 2024-11-26 00:25:56)

scientific name

Triforis (Iniforis) cornuta Hervier, 1898


Triforis (Iniforis) cornuta Hervier, 1898 View in CoL ( Fig. 14 View FIG )

Triforis (Iniforis) cornuta Hervier, 1898: 249 View in CoL , illustrated by Hervier (1899: pl. 15, figs 1, 1a).

TYPE LOCALITY. — Lifou, New Caledonia.

TYPE MATERIAL. — Syntypes. New Caledonia • MNHN-IM-2000-1500; 2 syntypes, from type locality.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. — T. sinistrorsa , elongata , exiliter conica, apice acuminata, vix solidula, alba, pellucidè nitidissima, luteo plus minùsve interruptè cingulata . Anfractus circa quindecim, angusti, lente accrescentes, sutura subprofunda vix distincti, liris duabus inaequalibus, pellucidè granosis ornati (lira prima majore); inter liras angustè concavi et longitudinaliter striis incrementi minutis impressi. Ultimus anfractus convexus, basi depressus, liris 4-6 ornatus (ultimis 2-4 minoribus, undulatis); in dorsali parte circa 3/4 decursus partem, prope suturam canali tubifero, retrovadente, longiusculo munitus, indè compressus, tubulatus, tenuis, sub penultimo devius, tricarinatus, striis incrementi plicatus , ad aperturam per diametrum prominulus evadens. Canalis basalis elongatus, oblique subrecurvus, unicarinatus, omninò clausus. Apertura ovata, tubularis, peristomate continuo. Long. 6-7 mill.; diam. max. 2 mill.

Hab. Insula Lifou. Vidi 15 specimina à R. P. Goubin, S. M., collecta.

TRANSLATION OF THE LATIN TEXT. — Sinistral shell, slightly conical, acute apex, barely solid, white, transparent and very bright, yellow in the interspaces between tubercles. About fifteen whorls, narrow, slowly growing, suture slightly deep and strongly distinct, two unequal spiral cords, adorned by transparent granules (the first cord is bigger); interspaces are narrow, concave, longitudinally carved with very small growing lines.Convex last whorl, with a depressed base and adorned by four to six spiral cords (last 2-4 are smaller, undulated); on the dorsal side, at about ¾ of the whorl, it is characterised by a slightly long siphon directed backward near the suture, from here the whorl is compressed, tubular, below the penultimate whorl it is incoherent, with three spiral cords and growing lines, becoming slightly and diametrically protruding near the aperture. Elongated siphon, slightly curved obliquely, with one keel, completely closed. Ovate aperture, tubular, the peristome is continuous. Length 6-7 mm; maximum diameter 2 mm.

Locality: Lifou Island. I saw 15 specimens collected by R. P. Goubin.

DIAGNOSIS. — Shell conical with flat sides. Illustrated syntype 5.0 mm high. Teleoconch of 11 whorls. Three spiral cords present with the first more prominent, the second appearing on the ninth whorl. First and third cords with tubercles at the intersection with prosocline axial ribs. Second cord initially as a fine thread, but later developing flat tubercles. Peristome without additional cords. Posterior sinus well developed and protruding into a long canal. Base with three additional cords of which the first granulated and the second and third smooth. Paucispiral protoconch of c. 2.5 whorls with two strong keels and axial riblets. Teleoconch whorls white with yellow interspaces between the tubercles on the third cord on the last four whorls. Protoconch white.

HERVIER J. 1898. - Diagnoses d'especes nouvelles de Triforis, provenant de l'archipel de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (suite). Journal de Conchyliologie 45 (3): 249 - 266.

HERVIER J. 1899. - Descriptions d'especes nouvelles de Mollusques, provenant de l'Archipel de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (suite). Journal de Conchyliologie 46: 270 - 313.

Gallery Image

FIG. 14. — Triforis (Iniforis) cornuta Hervier, 1898, Lifou, New Caledonia: A, J, original figures in Hervier (1898); B-I, K, L, syntype, MNHN-IM-2000-1500; front (B, C), side (D, E), back (F), apex (G, H), microsculpture (I), peristome (K, L); M, N, original labels. Scale bars: B-F, 1 mm; G, H, 0.1 mm; I, 0.2 mm; K, L, 0.4 mm.











