Ferrisia kondoi Kaydan & Gullan, 2012
Kaydan, M. B. & Gullan, P. J., 2012, 3543, Zootaxa 3543, pp. 1-65 : 29-32
publication ID |
AD4DF500-9034-4B1F-9FB1-A0B0D441A034 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AD4DF500-9034-4B1F-9FB1-A0B0D441A034 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/C92ABA3B-0052-4913-B288-7DF17A982621 |
taxon LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:act:C92ABA3B-0052-4913-B288-7DF17A982621 |
treatment provided by |
Felipe |
scientific name |
Ferrisia kondoi Kaydan & Gullan |
status |
sp. nov. |
Ferrisia kondoi Kaydan & Gullan sp. n.
( Figs 2D, E, 11)
Type material. Holotype: adult ♀, ex leaf of Ficus sp. (Moraceae) , COLOMBIA, Valle del Cauca, Cali, 27.xii.2005, T. Kondo, UCDC type # 1790 ( BME). Paratypes: 3 adult ♀ (3 slides), same data as holotype (2 slides BME including DNA voucher FBK028, 1 slide USNM); 6 adult ♀, 2 third-instar ♀ (8 slides), ex Mangifera indica , COLOMBIA, Cali, Valle del Cauca, 5.i.2002, T. Kondo ( BME); 1 adult ♀, ex leaf of Palmae [= Arecaceae ], COLOMBIA, Valle del Cauca, Cali, 20.i.2008, T. Kondo ( BME); 1 third-instar ♀ (very damaged, DNA voucher FBK030), ex Codiaeum variegatum , COLOMBIA, Valle, Palmira, 15.vii.2003, T. Kondo ( BME); 11 adult ♀ including one pharate in third-instar cuticle (11 slides), ex leaves of Pithecellobium dulce , COLOMBIA, Valle del Cauca, Palmira, Cali International Airport, 03°33’N, 76°23’W, 1017 m, 2.x.2008, T. Kondo (2 slides ANIC, 3 BME, 1 CSCA, 1 IMLA, 1 USNM, 3 UNCB); 1 adult ♀ (DNA voucher FBK027), ex Psidium guineense (Brazilian guava), PERU, Iquitos, 20. vi. 2002, S. Kawai ( BME).
Other material examined: 5 adult ♀, ex Codiaeum variegatum , BRAZIL, #95, 19.ix.1997, Ana Lucia B. G. Peronti, 9801139 ( USNM) ; 2 adult ♀ (2 slides), ex branch of Inga sp. , COLOMBIA, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá , x.1977, I. Zenner ( USNM) ; 4 adult ♀ (2 slides), ex mango, Espina L.T., 28.ii.1972, T. Aldana, 72-9827 ( USNM) ; 3 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex coffee, COLOMBIA, Las Palmas ( Ant. ), 5.viii.1955, A. Saldarriaga ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Coffea arabica , COLOMBIA, Leticia , 27.ix.1971, H. Martin, 71-20444 #116 ( USNM) ; 4 adult ♀ (3 slides), ex Psidium sp. , COLOMBIA, Cundinamarca, Mesitas del Colegio , 5.x.1977, L. Nunez, 77-047 ( USNM) ; 5 adult ♀ (3 slides), ex Annona chirimoia [sic], COLOMBIA, Villa Garzón ( Put. ), 30.vi.1971, F. Mosquero & H. Martin, 71- 13465 ( USNM) ; 3 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex cacao, COSTA RICA, Limon, Bristol , 20.i.1957, F. Lara, 57-0401, 57-0402 ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, 1 third-instar ♀, 2 second-instar nymphs (1 slide), ex café, COSTA RICA, Turrialba , 15.viii.1952, C. H. Batchelder #49 ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Syzygium malaccense fruit, GUYANA, 22.x.1981, E. P. Bulram ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Codiaeum sp. leaf, HONDURAS, intercepted Miami #1814, 28.vii.1970, coll. F. D. Matthews ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Croton sp. (lvs., petioles, stems), MEXICO, Yucatan, Merida , 6.vii.1960, S.W. Brown and W.A. Nelson-Rees ( BME) ; 2 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex Zingiber sp. , cut flower, MEXICO, 7.ix.1984, R. Elliott, intercepted Dallas / Ft Worth 003330 ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Fraxinus sp. (leaves), MEXICO, Nuevo León, Monterrey , 13.vi.1960, S.W. Brown and W. A. Nelson-Rees, M.III-2 ( BME) ; 1 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex Gardenia sp. , MEXICO, intercepted at Brownsville , USA, 3.ii.1940, C. L. Parnell, Brownsville 37953 ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex Echeveria sp. , MEXICO, intercepted at Laredo , USA, 7.iv.1944, E. P. Reagen, Laredo 33539 ( USNM) .
Other material of doubtful identity (slides poor or females not totally typical of F. kondoi ): 4 adult ♀ (4 slides), ex Codiaeum variegatum , BRAZIL, Jaboticabal , 25.x.1989, H.W. Browning (E97-1336 ( FSCA) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Gardenia sp. , MEXICO, intercepted at Brownsville , USA, 13.xii.1941, Williamson coll., Brownsville 49704 ( USNM) ; 2 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex Croton , MEXICO, Veracruz, Córdoba , 12.v.1952, R. MacGregor, RMG-P-200 ( BME) ; 1 adult ♀, ex guava, MEXICO, Puerto Mexico, Ferris No. 233 ( BME) ; 5 adult ♀ (1 slide), ex Mangifera indica , MEXICO, Tolome, Carretera Tolome to Hatilo km 1, Municipio paso de Ovejas, 5.vi.1999, #25, G. H. Villanueva ( USNM) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Musa paradisiaca , MEXICO [incomplete data] ( FSCA) ; 1 adult ♀, ex Codiaeum sp. , VENEZUELA, Barquisimeto , 2.v.1991, F. Bennett, 1005 ( FSCA) .
ADULT FEMALE. Diagnosis. Ferrisia kondoi can be diagnosed by the following combination of features: presence of clusters of small oral-collar tubular ducts on ventral margins of last 2–3 abdominal segments; ventral oral-collar tubular ducts generally with a minute discoidal pore touching rim of duct opening; dorsal enlarged tubular ducts totalling 91–128 throughout dorsum, with 1 or 2 oval discoidal pores usually adjacent to rim of each duct opening; number of multilocular disc-pores on venter of abdominal segments as follows: segment VI (8–22), VII (22–38), and VIII + IX (20–37); anal lobe cerarii each with 2 conical setae; both pairs of ostioles present and pairs well developed; no translucent pores on hind coxa.
Ferrisia kondoi is most similar to F. williamsi and F. cristinae , but can be distinguished by lacking translucent pores on the hind coxa (present on coxa in other two species), having ≥60 trilocular pores on each anal lobe (≤50 pores on each lobe of other two species), and having small oral-collar tubular ducts usually in tight segmental clusters on ventral margins of posterior abdominal segments with 0–7 on each side of segment VI, 6–25 on each side of VII, 8–21 on each side of VIII (these ducts either not forming tight clusters or in small clusters with each side of each segment usually with ≤6 ducts in other two species). F. kondoi can be distinguished from F. virgata by usually having clusters of small oral-collar tubular ducts on the ventral margins of the last 3 abdominal segments (present only on VII and VIII in F. virgata ), and by having 1 or 2 discoidal pores adjacent to the duct opening for both enlarged ducts and ventral oral-collar tubular ducts (discoidal pores never adjacent to duct openings in F. virgata ). F. kondoi can be separated from F. milleri and F. ecuadorensis by the absence of small clusters of oral-collar tubular ducts on the head, thorax and anterior abdominal segments, and the absence of translucent pores on the coxa. F. kondoi can be distinguished readily from F.uzinuri by having clusters of small oral-collar tubular ducts on the ventral margins of the posterior abdominal segments (absent in F. uzinuri ), and by having ventral oral-collar tubular ducts of more than one size and generally longer dorsal setae (15–70 µm in F. kondoi , and 12–38 µm long in F. uzinuri ).
This species is common in Central and South America on a diversity of edible and ornamental plants, and often is intercepted by quarantine authorities at ports in the USA. We have restricted the type specimens and description to several recent collections from Colombia and one from Peru because DNA data are available for most of these collections.
Description of slide-mounted specimens (based on type material only; Fig. 11). Body 2.54–5.4 mm long (holotype 4.0 mm), 1.14–2.84 mm wide (holotype 2.05 mm). Eye marginal, 65–80 µm wide. Antenna 8 segmented, 630–740 µm long; apical segment 115–130 µm long, 32–40 µm wide. Clypeolabral shield 175–210 µm long, 180–210 µm wide. Labium 200–220 µm long, 140–160 µm wide. Anterior spiracles 72–105 µm long, 40–63 µm wide across atrium; posterior spiracles 95–125 µm long, 65–93 µm wide across atrium. Circulus quadrate, 180–260 µm wide, divided by an intersegmental line. Legs well developed; hind trochanter + femur 510–680 µm long, hind tibia + tarsus 520–680 µm long, hind claw 42–45 µm long. Ratio of lengths of hind tibia + tarsus to hind trochanter + femur 0.98–1.05, ratio of lengths of hind tibia to tarsus 2.73–3.58, ratio of length of hind trochanter + femur to greatest width of femur 4.74–5.52. Tarsal digitules subequal, each 62–65 µm long. Claw digitules subequal, each 42–45 µm long. Translucent pores absent on coxa, totalling 25–67 on femur and tibia combined. Ostioles: both pairs present; each anterior ostiole poorly developed, with 40–43 trilocular pores and 6–10 setae; each posterior ostiole with 42–51 trilocular pores and 9–15 setae. Anal ring 135–160 µm wide, with 6 anal ring setae, each seta 260–305 µm long.
Dorsum. Anal lobe cerarii each with 2 conical setae, 42–45 µm long, with ≥60 trilocular pores and 4 or 5 bluntly-tipped auxiliary setae. Dorsal body setae slender, each 15–70 µm long. Trilocular pores each 4–5 µm in diameter. Enlarged tubular ducts totalling 91–128 on dorsum, each duct 32–38 µm long, 6–8 µm wide at midlength, rim of duct opening sclerotised, 10–13 µm wide, surrounded by a sclerotised circular area 25–40 µm wide, enclosing 1 or 2 oval discoidal pores (each generally adjacent to duct opening) and with 2–6 (generally 2 or 3) setae, each 20–38 µm long, usually adjacent to duct rim within sclerotised area (especially on abdomen) or on edge of circular sclerotised area (especially on head); ducts distributed marginally in clusters of 2–6 on head and thorax, on margins of all abdominal segments in groups of 3–5, but with 8–9 ducts on each side of abdominal segment VII, and also 5–8 medially to submarginally on head and thorax, 3–5 medially on abdominal segments.
Venter. Body setae slender, each 15–210 µm long, longest setae medially on head; apical seta of anal lobe 275–340 µm long. Multilocular disc pores present on posterior abdominal segments only: 8–22 pores on segment VI, 22–38 on segment VII, 20–37 on segments VIII + IX; each pore 7–10 µm in diameter. Trilocular pores each 3–4 µm in diameter. Minute discodial pores each 2.0–2.5 µm in diameter, almost always associated with oral-collar tubular ducts, with 1 or 2 pores touching rim of most oral-collar tubular ducts. Oral-collar tubular ducts on most of venter (excluding margins of posterior abdomen) each 10–15 µm long, 2.5–3.5 µm wide, totalling 87–113, distributed as follows: 20–26 on head and thorax, and abdominal segments: 6–10 total on segments I–III; 4–8 on each of IV & V; 10–18 on VI; 12–21 on VII; 0–2 (mostly none) on VIII. Small oral-collar tubular ducts each 6.0–7.5 µm long, 3–4 µm wide, distributed on margins of abdominal segments as follows: 0–7 on each side of segment VI; 6–25 on each side of VII; 8–21 on each side of VIII.
Etymology. This species is named in honour of Dr Takumasa Kondo, who collected most of the type material and provided photographs ( Fig. 2D, E) and generous assistance with this project. Kondo et al. (2008) listed a large number of specimens of this species from Colombia, and Kondo (2010) provided a photograph and brief description of the adult female from mango in Colombia, referring to it as Ferrisia sp.
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
Australian National Insect Collection |
Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.